WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, 2018 – 7:00 P.M.
Attendees: Craig A. Moe, Mayor; Michael R. Leszcz, Council President; Carl DeWalt, Councilmember; Keith R. Sydnor, Councilmember; Valerie M.A. Nicholas, Councilmember; Frederick Smalls, Councilmember; Marty Flemion, City Administrator; Lou Ann Crook, Chief of Staff; Kevin Frost, Director of Information Technology; S. Michele Saylor, Director of Budget and Personnel Services; Christian Pulley, Director of Economic and Community Development; Rob Ferree, Director of Public Works; Joanne Barr, Director of Parks and Recreation; Audrey Barnes, Director of Communications; Chief Rich McLaughlin, Police Department; Larry Taub, City Solicitor and Kimberley Rau, Clerk. There was one member of the public present.
Marty Flemion, City Administrator briefed the Mayor and City Council on a subject the Administration has been working one for over a year now – Small Cell Towers, which is a new form of communications. The City initially received an application from Mobilite for the installation of 74’ towers. However, they have since negotiated with the owners of the existing utility poles in the City to use their poles. The FCC heavily regulates this type of equipment. Legislation is being drafted to control the installation of this communication in the City’s rights-of-way, to establish fees to process the applications. Legislation is also being drafted for a franchise agreement to provide an annual payment to the City for the use of the rights-of-way.
Mr. Jerry Letterer has been working with the City of Laurel, Maryland Municipal League and Maryland Association of Counties on this issue. He was present and answered questions. He said the “small” in “small sell towers” refers to the areas served, not the equipment. Shorter distance gives a more robust signal. He said it makes since for the City to get the process in place before handling any application in order to treat everyone fairly. Leadership make the decision on what the rules and regulations are going to be. The industry (small cell tower providers) are currently in Annapolis trying to get legislation passed to not allow municipalities to enact franchise agreements. Thirteen other states have enacted this legislation. Mr. Letterer is working with MML/MACO to fend off these efforts. His company represents only local governments.
Mr. Flemion said he expects to have the legislation to present to the City Council in February.
Mayor Moe presented Resolution No. 1-18, a resolution of the Mayor and City Council to establish a Citizens Advisory Committee for Persons with Disabilities. Mayor Moe said he met with Brent Debnam to discuss reenacting this committee. Brent is willing to serve on this committee. After discussion on the makeup of the committee, the councilmembers agreed to move forward and introduce and hold the first public hearing at the Mayor and City Council Meeting on Monday, January 8, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.
Mayor Moe presented Resolution No. 2-18, a resolution of the Mayor and City Council of Laurel opposing the High-speed Superconducting Magnetic Levitation (SMAGLEV) System between Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, Maryland. Mayor Moe submitted the resolution for action by the City Council. Councilmembers were provided with information on this project. Mayor believes the funding should be used to improve the current infrastructure. 21st Delegation has come out opposed to this project. Discussion during the National League of Cities (NLC) was that we need to focus of fixing the current infrastructure. Councilmembers were in agreement with the reasons outlined in the Mayor’s letter to the Governor as well as the points listed in the resolution. Introduction and first public hearing scheduled for the Mayor and City Council Meeting on Monday, January 8, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember DeWalt said he’s not ready to make a decision on a position on this issue.
There being no further business to come before the Mayor and City Council the meeting was adjourned at 7:54 p.m.
Kimberley A. Rau, MMC
Clerk to the council
Work Session Minutes01/03/2018Page 1