The meeting started at 8.03pm.
PRESENT: Messrs Thrower, Scott, Mr and Mrs Ludkin, Mrs Stannard
The Clerk.
Mr Spratt County Councillor
Apologies: Mr Wilby,(District Councillor)Mr Peacock, Mr Eastick, Mr Webster (Footpath Officer)
The minutes of the previous meeting were taken as read and approved. P.Mr Ludkin, S. MrsLudkin
The problem with Barclays Bank has been satisfactorily resolved.
The Clerk asked for confirmation for payment of bills already agreed. AMLink £150, Chapel £75, Mr Jolly for sign maintenance. £65. P. Mr Scott, S. Mrs Stannard.
The dog bin has been erected on the corner of Frith Way and High Green and South Norfolk informed. The Clerk asked for authority to pay the bill in the sum of £121.69 inc VAT. P. Mrs Ludkin, S. Mrs Stannard.
The Clerk reported that the grit bin on the corner of Old Rd. and Hallowing Lane has been damaged by a contractor. He has inspected the damage and reported that it is not significant enough to warrant further action.
The grant for a Parish Council laptop under transparency regulations has been received. The Clerk will purchase a unit in the next financial year.
An email has been received from Age UK Norfolk, thanking the Parish Council for the recent donation.
A local resident has asked South Norfolk to replace the name plate on Old Rd. as it is in poor condition. The Clerk will see what the response is from South Norfolk, with a view to getting other name plates replaced.
There was discussion on the defibrillator project. The Clerk has circulated all the details to Councillors. An informal estimate of £1750 + VAT has been received a formal quote has been requested. There are two possible units, the Councillors requested more details of each before reaching a decision. The Clerk will investigate.
Application received: Ketts Farm Barn Old Rd, removal and replacement of garage/annexe on same site. The Parish Council has no objections
The Clerk reported that Mr Webster has cleared fallen tree from FP15.
Mrs Ludkin expressed concern about the surface water on the road by the entrance to Narrowgate Lane.
Mr Spratt reported that it was likely that Council tax would increase this by about 4.8%. The work on the NDR is progressing well. There are still problems with Adult Social Services but matters are improving
There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.32pm.
The next meeting will be the AGM on Wednesday 10May 2017 at 7.30pm in the Chapel High Green.