”Coculescu” and ”M” from 1965 to 2014: all

Query date: 2014-06-09

Papers: 248Cited papers: 105Citations: 782

Years: 45Cites/year: 17.38 Cites/paper: 7.45/3.0/1 (mean/median/mode)

Cites/author: 265.73Cites/author/year: 5.90Papers/author: 30.77

Authors/paper: 4.03/4.0/5 (mean/median/mode)

Hirsch-index: 14

g-index: 23e-index: 16.97

AW-index: 8.91AWCR: 79.42AWCRpA: 23.46

4 paper(s) with 1 author(s)9 paper(s) with 2 author(s)20 paper(s) with 3 author(s)

31 paper(s) with 4 author(s)33 paper(s) with 5 author(s)5 paper(s) with 6 author(s)

2 paper(s) with 7 author(s)1 paper(s) with 8 author(s)

H INDEX ___ ISI SCIENCE CITATION EXPANDED (only the last 20 years)

”Coculescu” and ”M” from 1995 to 2014

Published Items in Each YearCitations in Each Year

The latest 20 years are displayed

Pag 2

HIRSCH INDEX: Articolele incluse in calcul

Cites, Authors, Title, Year, Source, Publisher

1. M Coculescu,"Blood-brain barrier for human growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-I",1999, Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism, 1999, 12(2):113-124, cited: 74,

2 Ingram CD, Ciobanu R, Coculescu IL, Tanasescu R, Coculescu M, Mihai R., "Vasopressin neurotransmission and the control of circadian rhythms in the suprachiasmatic nucleus", 1998, Progress in brain research ,Elsevier,1998, 119:351-364 .cited: 64,

3. Musat M, Korbonits M, Kola B, Borboli N, Hanson MR, Nanzer AM, Grigson J, Jordan S, Morris DG, Gueorguiev M, Coculescu M, Basu S, Grossman AB. ,"Enhanced protein kinase B/Akt signalling in pituitary tumours",2005, Endocrine-related Cancer, 2005; 12(2):423-433. cited 62,

4. Coculescu M, Serbanescu A, Temeli E., "Influence of arginine vasotocin administration on nocturnal sleep of human subjects.", 1979, "Waking and sleeping",1979; 3(3):273-277, cited: 44,

5. Mihai R, Coculescu M, Wakerley JB, Ingram CD., ”The Effects of [Arg(8)]Vasopressin and [Arg(8)]Vasotocin on the Firing Rate of Suprachiasmatic Neurons In-Vitro”.,1994, "Neuroscience", 1994; 62(3):783-792, Elsevier, cited: 43,

6. Attaoua R, El Mkadem SA, Radian S, Fica S, Hanzu F, Albu A, Gheorghiu M, Coculescu M, Grigorescu F., "FTO gene associates to metabolic syndrome in women with polycystic ovary syndrome",2008, "Biochemical and Biophysical Research","Elsevier", 2008; 373(2):230-234,cited: 39,

7., Karavitaki N, Botusan I, Radian S, Coculescu M, Turner HE, Wass JAH.,"The value of an acute octreotide suppression test in predicting long‐term responses to depot somatostatin analogues in patients with active acromegaly",2005, "Clinical Endocrinology", 2005; 62(3):282-288, cited: 33

8. Coculescu M, Niculescu D, Lichiardopol R, Purice M.,"Insulin resistance and insulin secretion in non-diabetic acromegalic patients",2007,"Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes", 2007, 115(5):308-316.cited: 23,

9. Pavel S., Coculescu M.,"Arginine Vasotocin—Like Activity of Cerebrospinal Fluid Induced by Injection of Hypertonic Saline into the Third Cerebral Ventricle of Cats","Endocrinology",1972; 91(3):825-827.cited:23,

10. Radian S, Coculescu M, Morris JF.,"Somatotroph to thyrotroph cell transdifferentiation during experimental hypothyroidism‐a light and electron‐microscopy study",Journal of cellular and molecular medicine, 2003; 7(3):297-306, cited: 18,

11., Haulica I, Hefco E, Rosca V, Branisteanu D, Petrescu C, Stratone A, Coculescu M, Bordea I.,"A renin-like activity in the human hypophysis.","Rev Roum Endocrinol",1977; 15(1):51-54,cited: 17

12. Coculescu M, Pavel S.,"Arginine vasotocin-like activity of cerebrospinal fluid in diabetes insipidus","The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism", 1973; 36(5):1031-1032.cited: 15,

13. C Badiu, M Coculescu, M Møller, "Arginine vasotocin mRNA revealed by in situ hybridization in bovine pineal gland cells",1999,"Cell and tissue research", 1999; 295(2):225-229, Springer ,cited: 15,

14. Biller BMK, Ji HJ, Ahn H, Savoy C, Siepl EC, Popovic V, Coculescu M, Roemmler J, Gavrila C, Cook DM, Strasburger CJ.,"Effects of once-weekly sustained-release growth hormone: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study in adult growth hormone deficiency",2011,"The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism ", 2011; 96(6):1718-1726.cited: 14,


15. Catrina SB, Catrina AI, Sirzen F, Griffiths W, Bergman T, Biberfeld P, Coculescu M, Mutt V.,"A cytotoxic, apoptotic, low-molecular weight factor from pineal gland",1999,"Life sciences" , 1999; 65(10):1047-1057."Elsevier", cited: 13.