Print Invoices


This document provides instructions for printing or reprintinggeneral billing invoices. If E-mail or Fax is selected from the Inv Delivery list on the General Data screen in the Customers program, invoices are sent to customers by e-mail or fax.When bills are output, interest calculations are processed for applicable invoices.


After general billing invoices have been entered and posted and the Apply Credits and Apply Deposits programs have been run, invoices can be printed. TylerFormswill be used to create an image of the bill and either print, e-mail, or faxinvoices to customers.


Before you can successfully complete this process, you must ensure that roles granting the necessary permissions have been assigned to your user account. If the roles have not been established, contact the system administrator to have them updated or added into the Munis system.

Confirm the following:

  • One or more new invoices have been entered and postedin the Invoice Entry and Proof program or recurring invoices generated in the Recurring Invoices program.
  • You have menu access to the Print Invoices program.
  • TylerForms General Bill forms design and installation is complete.
  • If necessary, default invoice message codes have been established in the Invoice Messages program.
  • Invoice printing preferences have been established in the Invoicing section of the General Billing Settings program.

The following invoice print preferences must be completed for successful invoice printing.

Field / Description / Notes
Default Invoice Message Code
(Optional) / This list indicates the code for the text that displays on the lower left corner of the invoices.
The batch of invoices may already have a default message, but this can be changed.
Message codes are created and maintained in the Invoice Messages program.
Invoice Format
(Required) / This list indicates the format to use to print invoices: standard (11-inch or 7-inch forms.
If using TylerForms, allow TylerForms to complete this value.
Print Address on Invoices
(Required) / If you select this check box, the program includes your organization's address (which is from the Accounts Receivable code) on the invoice.
If you clear this check box, the program excludes the address from the invoice.
Payment Terms
(Optional) / This box indicates the payment terms to include on the invoices. For example, 30 days, 90 days, upon receipt of shipment, and so on.
You can type up to 15 characters to print on the invoices describing your organization’s payment terms.
Days from Bill Date to Due Date / This box indicates the number of days invoice (bill) date to the invoice due date.
Interest Date Method / The option selected under Interest Date Method indicates whether to use the standard grace period or to use a specific day of the month to begin accruing interest on bills for which payment is due.
Days Grace from Due Date to Interest Date/Default Interest Day / If you select Grace Period under Interest Date Method, the label for this box is Days Grace from Due Date to Interest Date.
This box indicates the standard number of grace period days between the invoice due date to the date interest begins to accrue.
If you select Specific Day, the label for the box is Default Interest Day.
This box indicates the number for a specific day of the next month to begin accruing interest for the unpaid invoice.
Note: Interest dates are assigned during the Output Post process in the Invoice Entry and Proof program.


Use the following steps to establish and generate various outputs from the Print Invoices program:

  1. Open the Print Invoices program.
    General Revenues > General Billing > Invoice Processing > Print Invoices
  1. Click Define.
  2. Complete the fields on the screen, using the following table as a guide.

Field / Description / Notes
Execute This Report / This list indicates how and when the report is processed:
  • Now—The program immediately processes the report a single time without using Munis Scheduler. Use the ribbon output buttons to view, print, or save the report file.
  • In Background (Now)—The program processes the report a single time using Munis Scheduler, including the event log and e-mail notification features.
  • At a Scheduled Time —The program processes the report using Munis Scheduler, allowing you to establish a specific time for the report to run or a recurring schedule for the report to run. This option utilizes the event log and e-mail notification features.

Run Type / The option indicates whether to print or reprint selected invoices.
You can only select Printonce. After you have initially printed (this includes display to the screen and export), you must select Reprint or you will not find any records during the Define process. You can reprint as many times as you need.
Invoice Year / This list and box indicate the year for which to include invoices in the print or reprint process:
  • Specific Year—Type a specific invoice year in the Invoice Year box.
  • Current—The default year is the current year, as established in the General Ledger (GL) Settings program.
  • Last— The default year is the last closed year in relation to the current year, as established in the GL Settings program.
  • Next— The default year is the next year in relation to the current year, as established in the GL Settings program.

Invoice Range / These boxes indicate the range of invoice numbers for which to include invoices in the print or reprint process.Leave the default values of 0 through 99999999 to include all invoices or change this if you want to print a specific invoice or range of invoices.
AR Code Range / These lists indicate the range of AR codes for which to include invoices in the print or reprint process.
You can select the beginning and ending AR codes from the lists or leave the default values to include records for all available AR codes in the report.
Note: The AR Code list options are available according to your user permissions.
Date Range / This list and the date boxes indicate the type of date range and the range of dates for which to include invoices in the print or reprint process.
The program uses the creation date of the invoice to determine which invoices to print:
  • Specific Date—Selects invoices for the specific range of dates you type in the Date Range boxes.
  • Today—Selects only invoices created today.
  • Yesterday—Selects only invoices created yesterday.
  • This Week—Selects only invoices created this week.

Batch Number Range / These boxes allow you to enter a range of batch numbers for printing.
Customer Number Range / These boxes specify the customer IDrange. Enter a range of customer IDs or leave the default values to include all customers.
Special Condition Restrictions / The Special Condition Restrictions list allows you to include or exclude special conditions that are created in the Special Condition Chooser, which is available when you click Selected.
Sort Option / When the invoices are printed or exported, you can select the order in which you would like them to appear.
Sort invoices by one of the following:
  • ZIP Code™
  • Customer name
  • Customer ID number
  • Invoice number

Include Scan Line on the Invoice / If you select this check box, the program includes an OCR scan line on the invoice print or export file. This is helpful if you intend to use a scanner when accepting payments.
Include Last Payment Date and Amount / If you select this check box, the program includes the last payment date and amount on the invoice, if there has been a previous payment.
Include Account Balance and Past Due / If you select this check box, the program includes an account balance and any past due amounts on invoices. This can only be used if you are also using account numbers.
Create Export File / If you select this check box, the program creates an export file instead of printed invoices. If you are printing to a TylerForms form, this check box must be selected.
File Format / This option determines the type of export file to create: flat file or XML. If you select Flat File, type the file name in the Export File Name box. When you click Export to create the file, the program stores the file in the Munis spool directory; to access the report, use the Saved Reports program.
Export File Name / This box specifies the name of the Flat File export file. When you click Export, the program creates and stores the file in the Munis spool directory; to access the file, use the Saved Reports program.
Print on Plain Paper / This check box is only available if you did not select the Create Export File check box.
If you select this check box, the program prints the invoices on plain paper.
If you do not select this check box, the item is formatted to print on preprinted forms.
Double Space Detail Lines / If you select this check box, the program inserts double spaces between invoice line items.
Print General Ledger Summary / If you select this check box, the program includes a general ledger account summary after the detail lines on the invoice.
This is useful for internal general bills between departments, or to include the general ledger information to enter or import into a third-party accounting system.
If you are sending invoices to an external customer, consider leaving not selecting this check box.
Skip Invoices with Medical/Ins. Information / This check box, if selected, directs the program to exclude those invoices with medical or insurance information from the print or reprint process.
This check box is only available if the program finds invoices based on your selection criteria and ranges that contain medical or insurance information.
If you do not select the check box, the program includes these invoices in the print or reprint process.
Override Invoice Messages / If you select this check box, the program overwrites the default invoice message with a user-defined invoice message. The default invoice message is established during invoice entry.
If you select the check box, you can type or select predefined invoice message in the Invoice Message box or type a new message in the text box below the Invoice message box. This message is included on every invoice you print.
Round Unit Price / This check box indicates the unit prices are rounded to two decimal places on printed invoices. If the box remains unchecked, the full unit price is printed.
Include Invoice Balance Over / This box indicates the minimum amount for which to include invoices in the print or reprint process.
To only include invoices over a dollar threshold, type the minimum amount for which you want to include invoices.
To include all invoices leave the default value of 0.00.
Calculate Interest To / This option is available if you select the Create Export File check box and indicates the date to which interest is calculated.
Payment Terms / This box indicates the invoice payment terms.
You can type a custom term up to 15 characters in the box and the payment term you type is included on each invoice.
Typically, this is “NET 30 Days” or “Due upon receipt.”
Invoice Message / This box is available if you select the Override Invoice Message check box and indicates the code for the user-defined message to include on the invoices.
You can type the code in the box or click the field help button to select a predefined code from a list. Predefined messages are created and maintained in the Invoice Messages program.
The program displays the message associated with the code in the text box below the Invoice Message box.
If you want to create a new invoice message, you can leave this box blank and type a message in the text box below this box.
  1. Click Acceptto save your find criteria.
  2. Click Select.
    The program displays the number invoices selected in the Selected box.
  3. To print invoices, click Print in the Output group on the ribbon.
    The program displays the Output dialog box.
  4. Select the Munis Printer output type.
  5. For printed output, define the printer name.
    Important: It is very important that you identify the correct printer or invoices will not be properly created. The printer name is associated with the TylerForms software and the correctly designated printer creates the invoice form as well as outputs the invoice. This process also emailsor faxes invoices to customers who have selected this option.
  6. Click OK.
    This program prints invoices to the predetermined printer and sends email message or fax invoices to customers who have selected those options for invoice delivery.
    The program displays the number of invoices processed in the Printed box.


Invoices have been produced for the customer and have either been printed or faxed or emailed based on the delivery method preference set on the customer file.

GL Impact

There is no impact on the general ledger.

What’s Next?

Payments can be taken against these invoices. Invoices can be reprinted, as necessary.

Munis®General Billing, Version 11.2Page 1