Precious Blood of Jesus Episcopal Church
Stewardship Campaign 2012
Estimate of Giving Form
During this season of thanksgiving, we ask that you thoughtfully and prayerfully consider the reasons you attend services at Precious Blood of Jesus Episcopal Church, and consider the many blessings God has bestowed on you and your loved ones. As a foundation for your prayer, we suggest you consider the question: “What portion of my income is God calling me to give?” We also suggest that those with children make this a family discussion – it is only through our own example of giving that are children are taught the importance of supporting God’s work on earth.
1. My/Our Family's Total Annual Pledge for the Year 2013: (to be paid by 12/31/2013)
2. Our mission priorities for this pledge would be as follows (knowing that this is non-binding):
% To be used by the parish as most needed at the time received.
% To support programs of educational and spiritual formation of all people, such as [provide examples].
% To support programs of social justice and outreach ministries, such as [provide examples].
% To support programs that facilitate the gathering of people of all ages for fellowship, friendship and caring, such as [provide examples].
% To support the liturgical and musical offerings of the congregation, such as [provide examples].
3. I/we prefer to meet this pledge: Weekly Monthly Quarterly In One Payment
4. Name(s): ______
Address: ______Zip Code: ______
Home Phone: ______Work Phone: ______Email: ______
5. Names of parishioners who have made their pledges will be listed in the Sunday Bulletin to recognize and thank them for their pledges. We believe that the example of those making early pledges will help encourage others to pledge.
Please list me/us as ______
I/we do not wish to be recognized publicly for my/our pledge.
- Thank you for your generous pledge to the parish in support of God’s work on earth! Please indicate below whether you would like additional information on any of these topics:
I/we would be interested in learning more about how I might make a “planned gift” (through my estate) to support the work at PBJEC. ______.
I/we would like to be contacted by a member of the clergy to discuss ______.
I/we may have an interest in making a one-time gift to support a special project at PBJEC.
Thank you for your generosity! Please return the white copy of this form to PBJEC as soon as possible,
retaining the yellow copy for your own records.