Mr. J. Ryan - Principal
Mrs. S. Pettipas – Vice Principal
Please Note These Dates:
November 11th Remembrance Day (no classes)
November 12th In-Service (No classes for Pictou Academy and McCulloch students)
November 13th Drive One 4UR School fundraiser (see details attached)
November 16th Pictou Academy students receive report cards
November 18, 19 Pictou Academy Parent-Teacher conferences(see page 2)
November 25th Pictou Academy Student Council auction
November 30th McCulloch students receive report cards
December 2, 3 McCulloch’s Parent-Teacher conferences (details page 2)
December 17 Last day of classes prior to Christmas break
January 4 Students return from Christmas break
The Student Council of Pictou Academy is asking for your assistance in their up-coming fundraiser. In conjunction with the Christmas season; we are hosting an auction and bake sale. The auction will be held on Thursday, November 25th, with viewing to begin at 6:30 p. m. and the
bidding tobegin at 7:00.
All parents/guardians are encouraged to donate an item or service to ensure the success of this event. Items could include things such as baked goods, preserves, crafts, woodworking, a load of wood, bales of hay, quilts, knitted items or tole painting. You may also choose to donate
used items that may be valuable to others such as books, skis, skates,exercise equipment etc.
We are hoping to have all donations in the school on or before Wednesday November 24th
(excluding baked goods which can be dropped off on the day of the auction).
All money raised will be used for student activities. Refreshments will be served. Please spread the word to friends and family. Everyone mark this date on your
calendar and come join in the bidding!
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the school at 485-7200. Thank you in advance for your continued support.
Student Homework Website:
A reminder to parents that homework is up-dated regularly on our website.
Please take note of this site so that you will have it to refer to throughout the year: . You could also follow the link available
on the school website at
Report Cards/Parent-Teacher Conferences
Report cards for Pictou Academy students will be sent home on Tuesday, November 16th. Parent-Teacher conferences will be held on Thursday, November 18th from 6-8:00 p. m. and on Friday, November 19th from 1-3:00 p. m. Teachers at Pictou Academy will be involved in an in-service during the morning of Friday, November 19th, so there will be no classes for Pictou Academy’s students on this day.
McCulloch students will receive their report
cards on Tuesday, November 30th with
parent-teacher conferences on Thursday, December 2nd from 6-8:00 p. m. and on
Friday, December 3rd from 1-3:00 p. m. Students at McCulloch School will not have classes
on Friday, December 3rdas the teachers will be involved in an in-service during the morning
Due to the number of visitations, we are asking that parents try to keep a five-minute limit on their discussion with each teacher. If you feel you will need extra time, please call the school to set up an appointment with the teacher(s). We hope you will find the time to stop in and discuss your child’s progress.
Reminder: There will be no classes on Thursday, November 11th – Remembrance Day.
Also, our teachers will be involved in an in-service on Friday, November 12th
so there will be no classes for Pictou Academy and McCulloch students.
Writing Workshops
On November 16th and December 1st, two writers from the Writers Federation, Writers in the Schools
Program, will present writing workshops for the Grades 9, 11 and 12 English Language Arts classes.
Don Aker will conduct the writing workshop on November 16th. He is an accomplished author of seventeen novels of which The First Stone is highly recognized. He is currently writing a sequel to this novel, as well as
completing a thriller set in Annapolis Valley. Don’s focus will be on point of view and metaphor writing.
On December 1st, John Kennedy, a retired anthropologist who taught at Memorial University for 31 years will present his workshop. In addition to teaching, John conducted anthropological fieldwork in Labrador, Mexico and Norway and wrote about the communities where he researched and lived. He will focus his workshop on the differences between writing non-fiction and fiction and the voice in this writing along with some storytelling.
McCulloch’s Dance Schedule – 2010-11:
First Dance October 14th (Thursday)Fourth Dance April 28th (Thursday)
Second Dance December 15th (Wednesday)Fifth Dance June 22nd (Wednesday)
Third Dance February 16 (Wednesday)
- All dances will take place from 7:30 to 10:00 p. m. (except the June dance (7:30 to 10:30 p. m.)
- Admission - $5.00 (The June dance will be a bit more – price to follow at a later date)
- Canteen – Baked chips and water ($1.00 for each)
- Students from other schools MUST be signed in at the office before the day of the dance
McCulloch’s Student Council Executive:
During September ‘s Student Council elections, the following executive was selected:
President – Alisha MacNeil
Vice-President – Aran MacDonald
Secretary – Kristin Haley
Class representatives:
6-Holton Karla Reid, Mac Murray
6-Hill Lindsey Wilson, Connor Skrynsky
7-FanningChloe Marshall, Josh Young
7-HallAmelia English, Riley Clish
8-EnglishEmily MacDonald, Michael Murray
8-SelfridgeMaria Hamilton, Craig Sutherland
McCulloch Fundraising Results:
Thank you to all for your support during our recent fundraiser; all funds raised will be used for student education, whether in the classroom or extracurricular activities.
Awards for top sales were presented as follows:
No. 1Morgan Mercer ($50.00No. 3Alexander Aitken ($20.00
No. 2Shae-Lyn Redmond ($30.00)Top Homeroom: 6-Holton ($50.00)
McCulloch Yearbooks: It will soon be time to reserve your yearbook. A $5.00 deposit is required or you can pay the price in full, which is $15.00.
McCulloch’s Students of the Month:
The following individuals received awards for their excellent academic and behavioral efforts during the first two months of school:
Grade 5 Claire MacDonaldGrade 6 Madison Van Veen
Crawford Henderson Tim Shea
Grade 7 Shelby HemmingsGrade 7 Chloe Marshall
Sawyer Buchanan Wyatt MacPhail
Grade 8 Ashtyn PiresGrade 8 Maria Hamilton
Chance MacDonald Michael Murray
United Nations Day:
Alisha MacNeill and Aran MacDonald represented McCulloch School and Ben Cameron and Chris Henderson represented Pictou Academy by attending a United Nations Day at New Glasgow Junior High. As part of the day’s activities, the group brainstormed ways to increase student participation in their schools and hope to put their ideas into place during the school year.
And, in sports -
Junior Boys Soccer – District Champions!
Thanks to coaches Sean Murray and Luke Young for their support with the program.
Pictou Academy’s Golf Team –
Ben Cameron, Ben Clarke, Josh Stright and Kyle Bourgeois placed fourth in the Region and earned their way to the Provincial Tournament which was held at the Lingan Golf Club on September 27th.
McCulloch/Pictou Academy Cross Country – This year’s cross country teams were small but mighty. The teams attended meets in Trenton and St. Francis Xavier before heading to regionals in Truro. Each member of the team had great results at all of the meets. Members from McCulloch were Drew Fanning, Amelia English, Aran MacDonald and Lauren Quann. Kristin MacKinnon was the lone member from Pictou Academy.
Provincials were held on October 25th in Bridgewater. Qualifying for provincials and attending the meet were Amelia English (qualifying 5th in regionals), Lauren Quann (qualifying 3rd at regionals) and Kristin MacKinnon (qualifying 8th at regionals). Congratulations, girls!
Some items of interest -
Pictou District Honour Choir – If you like to sing and would like to join a choir, the award winning Pictou District Honour Choir is inviting you to see what it’s all about.
-For young people in Grades 1-4, there is an open rehearsal on Saturday, December 4th from 10:00 a. m. to noon, and,
-For students in Grades 5-12, there is an open rehearsal on Tuesday, November 30th from 6:30 to 9:00 p. m.
Both open rehearsals are held in the Lower Hall, St. George’s Anglican Church, Temperance Street, New Glasgow. This is a great opportunity to see what it’s like to sing great music, directed by two of Nova Scotia’s finest choral directors, in the company of other young people – boys and girls just like you - in an environment that is always safe and welcoming. For more information, call Monica at 752-1297 or Janet at 396-3531 or talk to any member of the Pictou District Honour Choir.
Nova Scotia Community Services Message –
Nothing is more important to a child than being a part of a family. Have you been thinking about becoming a Foster Family? Homes are being sought for children of all ages and abilities. Now is your chance to learn more and become part of the fostering experience. If you are ready to open your home and heart to a child or youth in need, please call 1-800-565-1884 for more information.
Pictou Recreation Aquatics is hoping for a good turnout for their Red Cross Babysitters Course for ages 11-15
on November 20th, 9:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m.
Pictou Recreation Aquatics is holding several courses in November and early December. For more details, please call 485-5301 or e-mail
-Assistant Water Safety Instructor Course
-National Lifeguard Certification
-Standard First Aid, CPR “C” and AED.