Immunohistochemistry for VHL on mouse tissue with M.O.M kit (Catalog No. PK-2200)

Before starting:

§  First day

·  Prepare 1000 mL TBS

o  100 mL TBS 10x

o  900 mL H2O

·  Preheat the waterbath and the citrate solution to 95° C

·  Prepare the humidified chamber with TBS

·  Thaw TNB

§  Second day

·  Prepare 2L TBS

o  200 mL TBS

o  1800 mL H2O

-  Let slides dry overnight on slide warmer at 60°C. Remember to pick also a negative control per each slide that will not be incubated with the primary antibody.

-  Do not start until the Citrate solution reaches 95°C!!!

-  Deparaffinize as usual:

o  3 times in xylene for 5 minutes

o  3 times in EtOH for 1 minute

-  Wash in TBS for 5 minutes



§  12.5 ml Citrate Buffer pH 6.0 (Invitrogen 00-5000)

§  237.5 ml ddH2O

§  Microwave buffer to about 90 – 95° C (2.5 min)

§  Place it into preheated waterbath 95° C and wait until temperature is reached.

§  Put slides in buffer for 10 mins at 95° C

§  Let solution and slides cool to RT for about 30 mins

-  Quench in 3% H2O2/MeOH, 10 min (25 ml 30% H2O2, 225 ml MeOH)

-  Rinse in dH2O for 5 mins

-  Rinse 1x in TBS (1 or 2 minutes)

-  Dry the area around the sample. Circle with PAP PEN (Invitrogen 00-8877) and place in a TBS humidified chamber.

-  Incubate sections for 1 hour in working solution of M.O.M.™ Mouse Ig Blocking Reagent prepared as described in the kit.

-  Wash sections 2 x 2 minutes in TBS.

-  Incubate tissue sections for 5 minutes in working solution of M.O.M.™ diluent prepared as described in the kit.

-  Tip excess of M.O.M.™ diluent off sections. Dilute primary antibody in M.O.M.™ diluent (Primary antibody: BD 556347 mouse anti-VHL dilution 1:50. The negative control slides get only M.O.M.™ diluent). Incubate overnight in cold room. Remember to choose a negative control per each slide that will not get the antibody.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The next day ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Let the slides at room temperature for 30 mins.

-  Wash sections for 2 x 2 minutes in 1X TBS.

-  Apply working solution of M.O.M.™ Biotinylated Anti-Mouse IgG Reagent prepared as described in the kit. Incubate sections for 30 minutes at RT.

-  Wash sections for 2 x 2 minutes in TBS.

-  Apply VECTASTAIN® ABC Reagent prepared as described in the kit. Incubate sections for 5 minutes.

-  Wash sections for 2 x 5 minutes in TBS.

-  For HRP detection, use DAB (Vector Peroxidase Substrate kit SK-4100)

Vector DAB

To 5 ml dH2O:

·  add 2 drops buffer; mix well

·  add 4 drops DAB; mix well

·  add 2 drops H2O2mix well

-  Incubate until color develops (monitor, but approx 5 mins)

-  Wash 5 min in dH2O.

-  Counterstain with Hematoxylin (Invitrogen 00-8001) for 3 min.

-  Wash 5 min in cold tap water

-  Incubate in 1X PBS 1 min

-  Wash in dH2O

-  Dehydrate (1min in EtOH for 3 times, 2 mins in Xylene for 3 times) and coverslip as usual

Updated by TLW on 05/03/10