HLC is a club dedicated to the development of lacrosse skills and the complete athlete. Our goal is to instill a love and respect for the game, enhance each individual player's lacrosse skill and encourage multi-sport athletic participation. We use a developmentally appropriate, systematic approach to teaching the game of lacrosse. Our use of stations, small sided games and skill specific drills is done to build a player's lacrosse skills, game IQ and athletic prowess.
As a parent of HLC I agree to:
Honor the Game
I will “Honor the Game.” I will show respect for all participants of the game including parents, coaches, players, opponents, opposing fans, and officials. I understand that my player is expected to behave in a respectful, courteous manner at all times and that I am responsible for my player at all times.
I understand and accept the importance of practice and game attendance. I will make every reasonable effort to have my player attend all scheduled practices, games and team events and to notify the head coach in advance if my player cannot attend a practice or game. Illness, family emergencies and family vacations are considered excused absences. I understand that player absence impacts each team member as well as team performance. I will abide by the following attendance policy:
Excused absence:
1. Seasonal sport or school conflict
2. Death or family emergency
3. Out of town because of unforeseen circumstances
Excused absences are communicated to the coaching staff prior to the absence. If one of those reasons occurs and is not communicated, coach determines if it is unexcused.
Consequences for unexcused absence:
1. First offense - warning and probation
2. Second offense - suspended for 1 half of a game
3. Third offense - suspended for full game
4. Fourth offense - removed from team with no refund
I agree to encourage my player participate fully in practices, games and homework assignments. I will encourage my player to put forth their best effort at all times so that they may learn the skills necessary to be successful in the sport of lacrosse.
My signature verifies that I have read, understand and agree to abide by the HLC Code of Conduct. I have also read and discussed with my child participant the player's Code of Conduct and will do my best to positively encourage my child to abide by its contents.
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______Parent Name Printed: ______