International Events Opportunities

Greater Manchester North Scouts

24th World Scout Jamboree - North America 2019

Applicant Information Pack For

GMN Unit Leader GMN Deputy Unit Leader GMN Assistant Unit Leader

This application pack is designed to provide information about volunteer roles.

Further information about the Jamboree itself can be found online at

All Application to or before 23.59 23rdJune 2017.

Introduction to the 24th World Scout Jamboree

A World Scout Jamboree (WSJ) is a world Scouting event for young people aged between 14 and 18 and is a gathering of Scouts and Guides from all over the world for an exciting programme of global development, peace, cultural understanding, adventure, fun andfriendship.

The Scout Association has a long history of sending large number of Units (36 young people and four leaders, divided into four patrols) as part of a UK Contingent to attend Jamborees. In 2007, The Scout Association hosted the 21st World Scout Jamboree at Hylands Park in Essex. In 2011, the UK Contingent to the 22nd World Scout Jamboree in Sweden was the association’s largest ever overseas expedition. In 2015, the UK Contingent to the 23rd World Scout Jamboree in Japan comprised over 3,500 youth and adult members. Each Contingent has enjoyed a varied and exciting experience. Greater Manchester North Scout County has been represented at severalWSJs, most recently at Sweden in 2011 and Japan in 2015.

The 24th World Scout Jamboree will take place at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia and the dates of the event are 22 July – 2 August 2019. The event is being hosted by the Boy Scouts of America, Scouts Canada and Scouts of Mexico. This is the largest event delivered by Scouting worldwide and 45,000 young people and adult volunteers are expected to attend from over 150 countries.

The UK Contingent to the 24th World Scout Jamboree

The UK Contingent to the 24th World Scout Jamboree will once again enjoy all the excitement and experiences that a World Scout Jamboree offers, and the Contingent Management and Support Team (CMT/CST) is planning to send a contingent the size of 10% of the total attendance at the Jamboree; the exact numbers are yet to be confirmed by the Jamboree Organisers.

Greater Manchester North has an initial allocation of 3 Patrols (1 Adult + 9 Young People = 1 Patrol), with application submitted for 1 additional Patrol.

As for previous Jamborees, Units may be shared across other Counties, Areas or Regions and Units may also have Patrols formed of Girlguiding and British Scouting Overseas participants and Leaders. The three Scout Counties of Greater Manchester have applied to form a Greater Manchester Unit.

The exact format of the Jamboree experience is still to be developed, but each Unit will take part in the Jamboree experience itself, and participate in homestay with a family from one of three host nations. There may also be some form of UK Contingent ledprogramme.

What do we know about the Jamboree so far?

The 24th World Scout Jamboree will take place at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia which is a 10,000 acre site. The dates of the Jamboree are 22 July – 2 August 2019.

For the first time, a World Scout Jamboree will be hosted by three National Scout Organizations and the three distinct cultures will join together to host Scouts from across the works in a celebration of cultural exchange, mutual understanding, peace and friendship.

Further information about the Jamboree can be found at

What to expect during the event


The month of July in West Virginia is usually hot and humid, with daily high temperatures of around 26°C. Some rain, particularly thunder storms are likely during the summer months in West Virginia.

Humidity is likely to be high during the Jamboree, and this will make the ‘real feel’ temperature seem much hotter than the forecasted 26°C.

The Site

Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve is in an area of natural beauty which offers a huge range of adventurous activities. The site is hilly, spread over a large area with access provided by gravel pathways.

Take a look at the physical appearance of the site on Summit Bechtel’s Flickr page here: here.

Below are some highlights of what the Summit Bechtel Reserve has to offer:

  • Longest combined zip lines in the world (5.45 miles/8.7KM)
  • Longest canopy course in the country (9.55 miles/15.3KM)
  • Largestman-madeoutdoorclimbingfacilityinthecountry(218stations)
  • Toppurpose-builtmountainbikingfacilityinthecountry
  • Second-largestoutdoorskateparkinthecountry(4.6acres/1.7hectares)
  • Second-largestBMXfacilityinthecountry(13.7acres/5.3hectares)
  • Third-largest archery range in the country (116stations)
  • Largest natural outdoor arena in West Virginia (80,000capacity)
  • Accesstooneofthetop-ratedrafting,kayaking,andfishingriversinthecountry
  • Accesstosomeofthemostpopularclimbingareasinthecountry.


The UK Contingent Team are currently working on the costs for participants (Young People) and Adults and we envisage this will be in line with previous Jamborees. The costs will be paid in instalments and the instalmentpayment period is likely to run during 2017 and2018.

Supporting and encouraging local and individual fundraising is an integral part of the Unit Leaders, Deputies and Assistants role.

NOTE: Your financial status should not be a barrier to attending the Jamboree. Further information about the costs of the Jamboree (including any grants available) will be issued once available.

Greater Manchester North – Anticipated Unit Structure

The County has an initial allocation of 3 Patrols (1 Adult + 9 Young People = 1 Patrol).

We are currently in the process of applying for 1 additional Patrol, in anticipation of the outcome of this, this process is based on an allocation of 1 Jamboree unit.

The Unit will be made up as follows; 1 Unit Leader (UL)

1Deputy Unit Leader(DUL)

2Assistant Unit Leaders (AUL) 36 Participants (YoungPeople)

The total number of unit members will be 40, consisting of 4 ‘Patrols’ of 10 individuals (1 adult per patrol)

The Application Process

Applications for these roles are open to all adult members of Greater Manchester North Scout County and will be in 3 stages.

Stage 1

To apply you will need to complete the application form at the end of this document, remembering to state the role or roles you are applying for.

This should be sent to on or before 23.59 23rdJune 2017.

A return email will be sent to confirm we have received your application.

Any application forms received after this deadline will not be included in the process

Stage 2

Following a review of all the application forms received, successful candidates will be invited to attend an informal interview between XXXX and XXXXvenue to be confirmed.

Please note that the interview team will be as flexible as possible with these interview dates and times, however we are working to a fixed timetable so we ask for your cooperation and patience.

All unsuccessful applicants will be informed by email.

Stage 3

All successful candidates following the interviews will be invited to attend a ‘selection day’ event at XXXXXXXX on XXXXXXXXX.

Details of this event will be provided with any invitation to attend.

Following the completion of Stage 3, all applicants will be informed of the outcome and our Leadership will be established.

Please note that the Unit Leadership roles will be a formal appointment and therefore all members of the Jamboree Leadership team will then go through the standard appointment process.

NOTE: Unfortunately, if you are unable to attend any of the above selection dates, we regret that we will not be able to progress your application further.

Role of the Unit Leader

The Jamboree Unit Leader role involves managing the training and personal development of both the Unit Leadership Team and the young people (participants) in the Unit. Participants may include 12 year old Scouts/Guides at the time of the selection process, to 17 year old Explorer Scouts/Senior Section Members when the Jamboree takes place. Unit Leaders must be equipped to respond to the changing needs of this wide age range; the ability to support and guide all youth members throughout the journey, and create opportunities for young people to shape their experience. A consultative style of leadership is vital to produce effective team working, and role model positive behaviors to the young people in the Unit.

It is essential that the successful Unit Leader is comfortable mentoring adults, this skill will be useful to ensure that the other members of the Unit Leadership Team fulfil their potential and return from the event well- prepared and enthused to take up leadership/management roles in local Scouting.

The World Scout Jamboree offers a unique experience to each participant who attends and provides them with opportunities to develop their independence and self-confidence. Unit Leaders should actively grow the trust and confidence of participants to empower them to develop skills for life and to assist them in reaching their fullpotential.

Personal specification

The GMN Unit Leadership Team members will need skills and experience in a range of disciplines. However, this does not mean that all members of the team need all the skills and years of experience, so applications are encouraged from anyone with any of the relevant skills and regardless of their length of Scouting involvement.

All applicants must be aged 18 or over on 23rd June 2017, be Members of the Scout Association and must be

actively involved in Scouting activities within the Greater Manchester North County.

During the application process you will be asked to demonstrate that:


-You are able to direct and lead our youngpeople



-You are organised andefficient;


-You are able to build good relationships and work effectively with our Youth Members, other volunteers and the widercommunity.



-You are self-motivated and able to use your own initiative, whilst recognising the limits of your authority;



-You are able to work in a team or independently asrequired;


-You always look for a solution to issues orproblems;


-You are willing to complete the relevant training for your role before attending the 24th World Scout Jamboree;and


World Scout Jamboree, taking into consideration the challenging conditions at the Jamboree.


Role Description for - GMN Unit Leader to 24th World Scout Jamboree

Responsibleto:Assistant CountyCommissioner(International)–Matthew Percival ‘Troll’

Responsiblefor:Deputy UnitLeader

Assistant Unit Leaders (x2) Youth participants

MainContacts:County Commissioner – Ian Silvester

Deputy County Commissioner (Programme) – Cathy Ward

Internal:Unit Leadership teams of otherJamboreeUnitsAssistant County/Regional/Area Commissioners County/Area/Regional Advisers and Scouters District Commissioners (ornominees)

Events Team

UK Contingent Leader

UK Contingent Management &Support Team

External:Parents/Carers of Young PeopleinUnitSponsors and supporters of the JamboreeUnit

Media contacts (in partnership with County Media Team)


To uphold and enact the values of Scouting (care, co-operation, belief, respect and integrity) at all times.

To promote and safeguard the welfare of young people by following the Yellow Card at all times.

To be committed to and have an understanding of diversity and equality.

UK Contingent Vision: To deliver a unique international adventure shaped by Young People, where contingent members will develop personally and have a positive longer term impact on Scouting andbeyond.

Unit Leader - Main Activities:

▪To attend the World Scout Jamboree in North America and be responsible for the safety and operation and wellbeing of theUnit.


▪To engage with the UK Contingent team to support a youth shaped experience and ensure personal development goals for the Unit aremet.

▪To setandmonitorbudgetsandmanagethefinancesoftheUnitwithinguidelinessetbythe

County/Area/Region (with appropriate support).


▪To have completed the Wood Badge or achieved a reasonable amount of development as agreed with the Assistant CountyCommissioner (International).

▪To hold a valid ‘nights away’ permit includingcamping.

▪To ensure that all members of the Unit (Leaders and Participants) develop new skills (both hard and soft) thatwillallowthemtotakebackforthebenefitofthelocalScoutingandtheirwidercommunity.


▪To ensure that the experience is “Youth Shaped” and that participants are involved in decision making at alllevels.



▪To attend UK Contingent event (training days, weekends, etc) and to work closely with UK Contingent TeammembersinordertoensureallrelevantUnitpreparationsandadministrationmeetdeadlines.


integrate into the Unit experience (this relationship can pay dividends if the Unit needs extra help or support during the Jamboree).


young people and their parents/carers, County/Area/Region team, etc).

▪To ensure a programme of activity, training and team building (including weekend camps and other Unit events) is developed for the Unit and leadership team to build a functioning and cohesive team in time for theJamboree.

▪Support and encourage local and individualfundraising.

▪To ensure the production of a visual identity (in accordance with UK Contingent guidelines) and “merchandise” for the Unit (if desired); i.e. t-shirts, badges, etc; in partnership with other Unit Leaders and youngpeople. As agreed with the ACC Media and ACC International.

▪To ensure that a member of the team works with the Contingent Management Team Member (Communications) and the County Media Team to identify Unit stories and make full use of the publicity generated from theJamboree.

▪To ensurethatamemberoftheteamliaisewiththeCountyMediaTeamtocreateappropriate

communication tools (i.e. email lists, forums, blogs, websites, etc).

▪Contribute to the review and feedback process asrequired.

▪Undertake regular reviews with their County/Area/Region team to ensure the expected level of development is achieved by theUnit.




▪Any other duties as may be reasonably requested by the County / Area / Regional Commissioner (or nominee) and the Contingent LeadershipTeam.


Role Description for - GMN Deputy Unit Leader to 24th World Scout Jamboree

Responsibleto:GMN UnitLeader

Responsiblefor:GMN Assistant Unit Leaders(x2)

GMN Youth participants

MainContacts:Assistant CountyCommissioner(International)–Matthew Percival ‘Troll’

County Commissioner – Ian Silvester

Deputy County Commissioner (Programme) – Cathy Ward

Internal:Unit Leadership teams of otherJamboreeUnitsAssistant County/Regional/Area Commissioners County/Area/Regional Advisers and Scouters District Commissioners (ornominees)

Events Team

UK Contingent Leader

UK Contingent Management &Support Team

External:Parents/Carers of Young PeopleinUnitSponsors and supporters of the JamboreeUnit

Media contacts (in partnership with County Media Team)

RoleSummary:ToassisttheUnitLeaderinleadingandmanagingaJamboreeUnitattendingthe24thWorld ScoutJamboree.

To uphold and enact the values of Scouting (care, co-operation, belief, respect and integrity) at all times.

To promote and safeguard the welfare of Young People by following the Yellow Card at all times.

To be committed to and have an understanding of diversity and equality.

UK Contingent Vision: To deliver a unique international adventure shaped by Young People, where contingent members will develop personally and have a positive longer term impact on Scouting andbeyond.

Main Activities:

▪To attend the World Scout Jamboree in North America and support the Unit Leader in being responsible for the safety and operation and wellbeing of theUnit.


deputise for the Unit Leader at any time, whether due to the planned or unplanned unavailability of the Unit Leader.


even spread of workload and best utilisation of skills across the leadership team.

▪To have completed the Wood Badge or achieved a reasonable amount of development as agreed with the Assistant County Commissioner(International)

▪To hold a valid ‘nights away’ permit includingcamping.

▪To ensure that the experience is “Youth Shaped” and that participants are involved in decision making at alllevels.

▪To contribute to the review and feedback process asrequired.

▪To work with local members of the International Service Team to allow them to integrate into the Unit experience.






Role Description for - GMN Assistant Unit Leader to 24th World Scout Jamboree

Responsibleto:GMN UnitLeader

Responsiblefor:GMN Youthparticipants

Others (as agreed with Unit Leader, as appropriate)

MainContacts:Assistant CountyCommissioner(International)–Matthew Percival ‘Troll’

County Commissioner – Ian Silvester

Deputy County Commissioner (Programme) – Cathy Ward

Internal:Unit Leadership teams of otherJamboreeUnitsAssistant County/Regional/Area Commissioners

District Commissioners (or nominees) County/Area/Regional Advisers and Scouters

External:Parents/Carers of Young PeopleinUnitSponsors and supporters of the JamboreeUnit

Media contacts (in partnership with County Media Team)

RoleSummary:To assist the Unit Leader and Deputy Unit Leader in leading and managinga JamboreeUnit attending the 24th World ScoutJamboree.

To uphold and enact the values of Scouting (care, co-operation, belief, respect and integrity) at all times.

To promote and safeguard the welfare of young people by following the Yellow Card at all times.

To be committed to and have an understanding of diversity and equality.

UK Contingent Vision: To deliver a unique international adventure shaped by Young People, where contingentmembers will develop personally and have a positive longer term impact on Scouting andbeyond.