Collegiate Middle Level Association at CMU
Calendar of Events for Fall 2003
September 3Introduction to CMLACMU and Teambuilding for Young Adolescents
This meeting will provide you with some background on our organization, and will allow you to meet more future and present middle level educators! You will even leave this meeting with some great new teambuilding ideas to use with young adolescents!!!
September 17Love Languages in the Classroom
Come and learn how to use the concept of Love Languages in your classroom to help build a classroom community that meets the needs of all of your students! This unique program has even been presented to the Michigan Department of Education!
*This session will be an extended meeting time (7-9pm); there will be additional packets available for purchase for your own classroom for a charge of $5. We hope to see you there!
October 1Panel of Middle Level Students
Everything you wanted to know, but were afraid to ask! This candid young adolescent panel from FultonMiddle School will provide you with the answers you want! What makes an effective teacher? Come to ask, and leave with answers!!!
October 15Just for the Health of It!
Michelle Zander, a middle school educator, will dazzle us with powerful ways to integrate physical activity, nutrition, and stress management into any classroom curriculum!
October 22The Power of MiniCourses
An important middle school component, Minicourses, give students opportunities to select and explore high-interest topics not covered during regular courses or elective periods. It’s a time of day when educators can teach their passions and students can discover their talents. Come find out how to do this!
October 29 Meeting of the Atlanta, GA NMSA Conference Attendees
November 5No Meeting – Leaving for NMSA Conference!
November 12NMSA Potluck & Report
Indulge in some delectable delights while hearing about what the NMSA attendees learned this year!
November 19Moving From Being a Student to a Professional Teacher: Panel of
First-Year Middle Level Teachers
What challenges does a first-year middle level teacher face when making the transition from student to professional educator? Our panel of first-year middle level teachers will provide you with the answers you desire!
December 3Holiday Snack-O-Rama
Socialize and munch with members before our exams are done and our Winter Break begins!
*Reminder:All meetings are on Wednesday nights at 7 p.m. in Ronan 300.