Spring 2008
INSTRUCTOR: R. Cavin, Room 123D Natural Science (Building D), 718-2382
e-mail at
6 Unit Exams – 6/7 of the semester grade
Final Exam - 1/7 of the semester grade
TEST 1: Prerequisites
TEST 2: Chapter 1
TEST 3: Chapter 2
TEST 4: Chapter 3
TEST 5: Chapters 4 and 6.1
TEST 6: Chapter 5
FINAL: All chapters covered and Sections 6.2, 6.3, 7.2
Six onehour announced tests will be given during the semester, which will account for6/7 of the student's semester grade. If a student misses one announced test for a substantiated, excused reason, a makeup test may be taken. The makeup exam will cover the same material as the test missed, but will not be the same test. Arrangements to take the makeup test must be made the day the student returns to the campus, and must be taken within one week. If the exam is not completed within the specified time frame, a grade of zero will be recorded.
A cumulative final exam must be taken by all students who receive a satisfactory grade in this course. The final exam will account for 1/7 of the student's semester grade.
Homework will be assigned regularly in this course, providing an opportunity for you to practice the unit material prior to taking the exam. This homework will be collected daily and scored for completion and effort. Homework should be labeled with your name, along with the page and problem numbers in the upper right hand corner and work must be shown where appropriate to receive credit. Homework is due at the beginning of the class period following the date it is assigned, but will be accepted ONE DAY LATE with no penalty. If all homework is turned in complete and on timethree points will be added to the semester average. No additional extra credit will be given.
Computer software and video tapes are available in the ACE Lab, the Chipola Library, or in the instructor’s office, which can provide further explanations and practice for some topics covered in this course.
One objective of this course is to help students become proficient in the use of the calculator both as a graphing and a computational tool. Throughout the semester I will give instruction on the use of your personal calculator and the use of the graphing calculator. I will be using a TI 84 for demonstration purposes. Students should bring a calculator to class every day.
Students will be called upon to discuss homework problems in class and to respond to questions that arise during the lectures.
Chipola Board policy: Regular attendance is expected of all students. Each student is accountable to the instructor concerned for all class absences except those resulting from official college activities. Students who are absent from classes for any reason other than official college activities must satisfy the instructor concerned that the absence was due to illness or other clearly unavoidable reasons. Otherwise, the student may suffer grade loss at the discretion of the instructor.
Math Department policy: Any student who accumulates more than 10 absences will automatically fail this course. An appeal may be made by appearing before an appeal committee. This appeal may or may not be approved.
Mrs. Cavin’s Policy: Any student arriving late or leaving early will be counted tardy. Three tardies will be counted as equivalent to one absence.
Acceptance of these Policies: Once you have read these policies and agree to their terms, please sign the completed “Student Information Sheet” and return it to your instructor.
Student Information Sheet – Chipola College
MAC 1311 – Calculus I – Spring 2008
Student name (as on the permanent records):
Name you would like to be called: ______Last 4 digits of SSN#: ______
Home address: ______
Home phone: ______Work phone: ______Cell phone: ______
E-Mail address (if available): ______
What type of Internet Access do you have at home (circle one)? High Speed Dial up None
Put a check beside prior math classes taken at the college level (includes dual enrollment) :
___ MAC 1105 – Algebra for College Students ____ STA 2023 – Statistics
___ MAC 1114 – Trigonometry____ MAC 1140 – Precalculus
Put a check beside prior math classes taken at high school (not including dual enrollment).
___ Algebra I ___ Analytic Geometry
___ Algebra II ___ Precalculus
___ Geometry ___ Calculus I
___ Trigonometry___ Applied Math
How many times (prior to this semester) have you enrolled in this class?
Circle one: 0 1 2 more than 2
Intended major: ______
I have read the attached policies and syllabus and I understand:
1) I will receive 3 bonus points on my semester average if I turn in all homework prior to its chapter test.
2) I must take the final exam to receive credit for the course.
3) If I miss an exam for a substantiated, excused reason (with documentation), I will be allowed to take a make-up exam to be scheduled the first day I return to campus.
4) If I miss more than 10 class periods I will automatically fail, and three tardies will count as equivalent to one absence.
5) I am allowed a maximum of three attempts at any class, and I will be charged the full cost of instruction on the third attempt.
Student signature and date: ______