Bristol School of Art & Design
SU Forum Unconfirmed Minutes
Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 4thFebruary 2014 in 2B11 at 12:00
Present:Laura Corke (Chair), Alice Jennings (Deputy Chair), Andreas Dimofanous, Liam Dunne
Emily Leonard, Tegan Bray, Carlos Cortes Bermudez, Tove Andrews, Ellena Bryant, Nicky McGuire, Georgina Hampton-Wale.
In Attendance: Duncan Stokes (Secretary, UWESU)
Apologies: Anna Hogan, Molly Camrara, Ildiko Fogel, Clare Owen.
021/1415Welcome and Introductions
021.01The department Chairwelcomed Student Reps present to the final SU Forum of the year.
022/1415Minutes of the Previous Meeting
022.01The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as accurate by those who had seen them but some members advised that they hadn’t received the previous minutes so secretary agreed to re-send them.
ActionSecretary to re-send minutes of December SU Forum to members
UpdateAll minutes from SU Forums can be viewed on the minutes pages of the Student Rep Website -
023/1415Matters Arising from the Previous Meeting
023.01Item 015/1415.02 was elaborated on. The previous complaint was by 3rd years but 2nd year Visual Culture students are also experiencing similar problems with scheduling and many instances of ‘condensing’ of assignment deadlines in year2. It was suggested that 2nd year deadlines could be spread out over the spring term.
023.02Update provided on action chart number 015/1415.04- The fabrication booking service has now gone online but students advise that they preferred paper as it appears people are ‘block booking’ the fabrication suites speculatively, meaning that there are many instances of space being booked not used. Students felt that this was not happening as much when people had to go to the trouble of filling out paper forms.
ActionChair to raise possibility of return to paper booking of fabrication facilities with department head.
023.03DAA students advised that the additional space has now been made available to them (as advised in 019/1415.09). The students reported that this was a positive development but they felt that the changeover was not handled particularly well.
024/1415Election of the Deputy Chair
024.01Alice Jennings was duly elected as Deputy Chair
025/1415Report from Departmental Committee
025.01Item not provided due to lack of Reps present who attended Departmental Committee.
026/1415Report from SRC and ASQC
026.01The chair provided a brief update from the Student Representative Committee (SRC).
026.02The chair provided a brief update from the Academic Standards and Quality Committee (ASQC).
027/1415University Online Provision
027.01Item not discusseddue to time limitation
028/1415Reflection on the Rep System
028.01Item not discussed due to time limitation
029/1415Student Rep Conference
029.01The secretary informed those present that all Reps are invited to this year’s Student Rep Conference, which will be held on Friday 27th February in the ECC on Frenchay Campus. Secretary advised those interested to visit to sign up.
030/1415Student Rep Notices
030.01 The secretary informed the meeting that nominations for the Student Rep and Student Led Teaching awards are still open and thatnominations can be made on the Student Rep webpage, along with full details of criteria for each category.
030.02The meeting was advised by the secretary that the National Student Survey (NSS, for final year undergraduates) and Student Experience Survey (SES, for all other years) are now open. All students are encouraged to fill in their survey and have their voice heard. In addition to this, there are prize draws for iPad Minis for those who complete their relevant survey.
031/1415Student Matters
031.01Art & Design students report that the library changes have not solved some of the previous critiques. Firstly that the quiet zones in the library are not quiet and are not being effectively policed. Secondly, whilst being encouraged by longer opening hours, students have re-iterated their desire for a 24 hour library at Bower Ashton.
ActionChair to raise library requests with department head
031.02Students in the department praised the promised installation of a cash machine at Bower Ashton.
031.03There was also praise for the decision to remove the orange chairs from the canteen area. However students also questioned the money spent on these failed seating solutions.
031.04aWorking printers (both colour and black and white) have been requested in the illustration 3rd year studio. Further to this students at Spike Island advised that the printers there are not in good condition.
031.04bStudent Reps studying at Spike Island advised that more power tools and equipment have been requested by both staff and students as the drills are currently of poor quality. Students have also requested a replacement for a lost jigsaw. Finally, the possibility of more screws and nails to place in the technician’s workshop was raised as students are also running very low on these items, hindering construction
ActionChair to raise concerns about lack of printing facilities and tools in the department with HoD
031.05Illustration students complained that, if their work is selected for moderation by external examiners, it has to remain on their desk. This situation impacts on their available space to do additional work whilst awaiting moderation. Student Reps on other modules confirmed that their work is put away whilst awaiting moderation.
ActionIllustration Student Reps to raise at SRSF
031.06aStudents across the department report that they are still unhappy with the lack of available (study) space at Bower Ashton due to increasing student numbers and ongoing redevelopment.
031.06bStudent Reps advised that they would like a formal apology for the way that this has been handled and the lack of communication around moving.
031.07aBower Ashton Student Reps report a general feeling that everything is ‘Frenchay- centric’ and that they want to feel different as the Bower Ashton culture is different.
031.07bStudents have concerns that food at drink is more expensive than at Frenchay. Secretary advised that it is not but that he will check exact prices and report back.
ActionSecretary to provide comparison of costs of food/ drink at Bower and Frenchay.
031.07cFurther to this, Student Reps also queried what happens to money spent by students on SU bars/ shops. Secretary advised that Union is not for profit and how once costs are covered money goes into providing services for students.
031.08Art & Design Student Reps noted that the canteen area has undergone a transformation that was designed to improve the student experience at UWE. However they report that students still feel that the food from traders is of very low quality but with a high cost. An idea from an illustration Student Rep isto remove and expand the SU to produce food and drinks that are of a lower cost but still keeping its quality. Students noted that if this was to happen, it could lead to opportunities for students to be employed in the preparing and serving of food.
ActionChair to raise canteen feedback with head of department
031.09 Students questioned whether there are any rooms based at BowerAshton for students that suffer with epilepsy or panic attacks to recover in. A small quiet room that allows student to access as all times would be beneficial.
ActionChair to raise recovery room feedback with head of department
031.10Feedback from the professional practice week was that it was a positive event but that it would have been beneficial for the department to print posters to promote the events to allow student enough time to plan their week. Students would also like the department to explore the possibility of rerunning lectures that were at capacity andthose that hanged with latenotice due to the timetable.
ActionChair to raise professional practice week feedback with head of department
031.11Students in the department queried the costs of graduation and sought clarification as to ticket and gown costs. There was also some speculation as to when certificates were received with Student Reps querying the decision not to give students the certificate on the night of graduation.
ActionChair to seek clarification around graduation costs and format from Head of Department
UpdateComments from VP Education: The cost of Graduation ceremonies is becoming a more prominent issue for students and is often raised through the student feedback system here at UWE. It is a nationwide issue and does differ a lot from institution to intuition in terms of associated costs. The UWE Graduation ceremonies are currently co-ordinated by the Corporate Events team at UWE, although this may be reviewed in future. At a UWE Graduation ceremony, tickets are currently priced at £35 per guest with an initial purchase of just two guest tickets allowed (the graduand ticket is free) and more guest tickets are often available to purchase at a later release date for the same price, depending on the size of the ceremony. The reason why this is the case is because of the seating capacity of Bristol Cathedral. All graduating students have the option to purchase or hire robes for the duration of the ceremony, as well as purchasing photography packages. Both photography and robing are done through an external company called Ede & Ravenscroft.
The reason that students have to pay for tickets and all other associated costs is because UWE does not subsidise the costs. Some other universities do.
The union does not have any input with the ceremonies, All the info about the ceremonies can be found here:
Contrary to some conjecture, there are no plans to move the graduation ceremonies to the ECC, and the ceremonies will remain at Bristol Cathedral for the foreseeable future.
The graduation team conducted a survey of recent graduates to ask their experience of graduating. I took this opportunity not only to fill this in myself as a recent graduate, but to send a compilation of student feedback gathered on this so far. I’m still awaiting consolidated results from this survey, but the graduation team have committed to reviewing costs and identifying ways that the experience could be made cheaper for students.
032/1415Time and date of next meeting
SU Forum:This was the final SU Forum of the year.
Art and Design – SU Forum Unconfirmed Minutes February2015 Page 1