March 9, 2010
PRESENT: Joan Holland, Tim Bottari, Heather Mahan, John Hammill, Cory Mahan, Pat Bottari, Val Telleria,, Doris Kellogg, Jim Kellogg, John Bottari, Mac Tilley, Richard Katsma, Jim Algerio,, Pedro Quintero
TREASURERS REPORT: Richard’s report: We currently have approximately $13,200 in checking and $2200.00 in savings.
We got all of our cleaning deposit back from the Horse Palace shoot and that money was put toward the rental and lights. We netted approximately $3700.00 for the shoot!
Now that of the bills for the shoot are taken care of a portion of our proceeds will be donated to Hospice, here in Elko.
We had a record breaking 184 shooters! 24 were kids (8 youth and 16 cubs & pee-wees). The kids and the grown-ups (at least the ones that brought their kids) really enjoyed the ‘kid friendly’ atmosphere. There were several compliments in regards to this.
Needs for Next Year: We need to accommodate our growing shooter participation.
Staggered Start: Tentatively we will begin shooting at 7:00 am, we will open the gate at the end of the arena and everyone will start at Target 1. We will shoot two arrows at 25 targets, this will open the shooting area up so it is not as crowded. We may need to re-do score cards to accommodate the two arrows and 25 targets. We will have multiple targets so the center rings are not as crowded and we will need to have a ‘whistle blower’ to move people on the line.
Break down the Men’s BHFS into A & B division: This is the largest division of shooters. If we break it down into two flights it gives more shooters a chance at winning. This format is used during the Bowhunter Classic.
Senior Divisions: We will look into this and if we choose this option then it will need to be advertised on our shoot flyer and webpage. We will look at NFAA rules for age break down.
Breakfast & lunch will need to be set up differently because of the staggered start as people could be purchasing food at all times of the day.
TARGET INVENTORY: John Hammill, Jim Kellogg & Mac Tilley have cleaned up and organized in the target storage shed.
How many: Targets have been broken down into groups in the shed. There are targets for use at club shoots, big shoots and some of the older targets will be put up on the range. We, as club members, will need to maintain restrictions on broadhead use especially during the summer/hunting months. This is OUR range and it is OUR duty to keep people from abusing it!
What type: We wish to purchase more turkeys (eventually have enough for a turkey only turkey shoot), a laying down elk, another antelope, a browsing deer, and other small livestock (fox, bob-kitty, jack-a-lope)
Arrival time: 2 to 3 weeks once they have been ordered. Jim Algerio is going to make his decision on which animals to purchase and he will take care of the task.
How much money to spend: The Club allows $4000.00 each year for target replacement. Our hope is to stay under this number. Jim A. is confident that we could stay under this dollar amount.
RANGE ‘STUFF’: Jim Kellogg and Mac Tilley are now the Co-Range Managers. They will split fees and will be paid March through October. Jim K. will be paid for February, this year, as he has already repaired several targets and performed other range related tasks. The reason for adding an additional person is because the Club will be expecting more work this year to get the range up and running ‘big time’ so we want to ensure the work gets done and in a safe manner.
Mac suggested fixing the road into the range, as it is a horrible muddy bog. Richard said it would be ‘handled’ when the weather gets better.
Mac is going to work on the range bulletin board.
Road going up to the range – The Construction company that is working up there needs to do repairs after they are done making their mess.
LAMOILLE SHOOT: April Meeting will be dedicated 100% to covering this Shoot
Raffle solicitations progress: Tim has received donations from: P&H MinePro, they are donating 2 kids bows, Vogue Laundry $100.00 in cash and $300.00 in merchandise.
Joan will be the ‘GO TO PERSON’ for the raffle and the shoot registration. Archery shops and individuals PLEASE get this stuff to Joan!
Liquor License requirements: Cory has the application, needs to be submitted 60 days before the event, Club will need a list of ‘booze slingers’ that can pass a background check and serve alcohol. Club is going to check into other alcoholic beverages to be served.
A-Frames: Joan will check on how many we have available and who already has them booked.
Forest Service will allow the use of 4-wheelers on the range to move targets and archery ‘stuff’, but NOT for running up and down the road. Cory & Jim A. are going to check on 4-wheeler use in the rest of the camp.
Things needed for shoot: The following people are handling these duties.
CORY: Plastic cups with Archery/Bowhunter Classic logo for keg beverages.
TIM: Brooms for A-frames & mops for bathroom clean-up, buckets, toilet paper & paper towels for bathrooms and portables.
JIM ALGERIO: portable toilets (minimum 6).
HEATHER: disposable cameras for shooters to use.
SHOOT FEES:Should we raise fees?
Meeting attendees voted at the February meeting and during tonights meeting for the following:
Raise membership fees an additional $10.00 (Membership Fees - $50.00 single, $60.00 family)
Keep Club Shoot prices the same $10.00.
OLD BUSINESS: Jim will get the paperwork for range lease to Joan, eventually….
NEW BUSINESS: John Bottari brought up the discussion regarding the scoring on the targets. He suggested getting rid of the 12’s on the targets and have the highest point value be 10. He feels this will tighten up the divisions and make them more competitive.
John Hammill & Jim Algerio feel the 12’s are a shooters reward for practicing. Also, without them there would be a lot of shoot offs which take more time.
Other methods of being ‘competitive’: Bring back the classified shoots and make sure the Field and Hunter rounds are put back on the range. Start handicapping shooters.
‘Flight’ the big shoots to break up the larger divisions. A and B Flights.
Club shoots – have a Senior class. Cory motioned & Joan seconded. Discussion: buckles for each division at Lamoille. Table to next meeting – Cory is going to run the numbers on shooter numbers and classifications for buckles.
Joan will work on reformatting the Classic score cards.
NFAA/NBHA BUSINESS: Tim brought up the age break downs for NFAA/NBHA. They are as follows:
Cubs:11 and younger (10 yards)
Young Adult:15-17
Master Senior:65 years and older