Date(s): n/a / Topic: Let’s Stop Bullying!
Grade Level: Grade 4 / Time(s): 1 fifty minute period
Curriculum Expectations:
Visual Arts
Creative Work – produce two- and three-dimensional works of art that communicate thoughts, feelings, and ideas for specific purposes and to specific audiences
Language Arts
Producing Media Texts – 3.4 – produce media texts for specific purposes and audiences, using a few simple media forms and appropriate conventions and techniques
Assessment Strategies:
Self-assessment – I will use this as a formative assessment as students have students use a checklist to evaluate their work and determine if they have met all the criteria I have outlined for their posters.
Accommodations and Modifications:
Students that experience difficulty making their writing legible may use stencils for assistance. Students may use only 1 or 2 words for their slogan to reduce the amount of writing necessary in the assignment. Alternately, students may use more text, which would require less drawing.
- several anti-bullying posters with a varying degree of effectiveness
- blank paper, markers, crayons, pencil crayons, pencils / Outline:
Students will analyze anti-bullying posters and determine their effectiveness. Students will apply this knowledge to their own poster creations.
Introduction: 10 mins
I will introduce the lesson by inviting students to the carpet and displaying several anti-bullying posters. I will encourage discussion regarding the posters by guiding students through the process of describing, analyzing, interpreting, and judging.
· Describe – media form, techniques, images, colours, etc.
· Analyze – are there similarities between posters, do the images relate to the message, etc. (see below)
· Interpret – what is the message the artist is trying to convey
· Judge – which poster do you like the best/least?, which poster is most effective?, etc.
I will describe the criteria we will use to judge as we begin to analyze the posters. The posters effectiveness will be judged on the following criteria:
· Legible and easy to read
· Colourful/good use of colour
· Well-organized/ page doesn’t look cluttered
· Attention-grabbing – the artist’s message is clear and easy to interpret
Middle: 30 mins
Students will have the next half-hour to work on their own anti-bullying poster. Students will be given a self-assessment handout that outlines the criteria on which to assess their work.
I will explain the 4 part process that I expect students to follow.
· decide on your slogan,
· do a rough layout of your poster design (pay attention to positive and negative space), refer to criteria checklist,
· Start creating!
· Complete self-assessment
Conclusion: 10 mins
As students complete their posters, I will ask that they be displayed on the blackboard. I will ask the students to join me on the carpet and we will discuss our artwork using the process of describing, analyzing, interpreting and judging (however I will only ask students to tell me their favourite posters and slogans in order to avoid negative feedback from peers).
Follow Up:
We will revisit these posters in a follow-up lesson when we discuss a plan of action to combat bullying at the school. What will our poster campaign slogan be? Where would our posters be the most effective in our efforts to combat bullying (referring to our bullying maps may help with this)? Are there other actions beyond a poster campaign we wish to take to combat bullying?
Criteria for Anti-Bullying Posters
Expectations /1. I have made my poster neat, legible, and easy to read
2. I have made my poster colourful
3. I have made my poster well-organized. (ie/ the poster doesn’t look cluttered, everything is spaced out nicely, I have made good use of my page, etc.)
4. I have made my poster attention-grabbing (ie/ I have used an attention-grabbing slogan, the message of my poster is clear, etc.)