US Citizen
Dep of Natural Resource Management
South Dakota State University
1029 North Campus Drive
Box 2170
Brookings, SD 57007
office phone 605-688-4017 (daytime)
fax 605-688-6170
cell 605-651-0766 (nightime)
Ph.D. 2001 University of Nebraska-Lincoln - Agronomy, Range Management
M.S. 1992 University of Wisconsin-Madison - Agronomy
B.S. 1989 University of Wisconsin-Madison - Soil Science
Professor July 2011 to current
Department of Natural Resource Management
Duties - 20% research/scholarly activity, 50% teaching and advising, 10% extension, 15% administration, 5% general service
Range Science Undergraduate Range Program Leader
South Dakota Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) coordinator
Associate ProfessorJuly 2006 to June 2011
South Dakota State University
Department of Animal and Range Sciences
Duties -55% research and 40% teaching and advising, 5% general service
Range Science Undergraduate Program Leader
Assistant ProfessorAugust 2001 to June 2006
South Dakota State University
Department of Animal and Range Sciences
Duties - 55% research and 40% teaching and advising, 5% general service.
Research Technologist IDecember 1992 to July 2001
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
Duties - 100% research.Conducted grazing trials, grass and legume seeding, forage quality, and NIRS research.
Research AssociateMay 1990 to May 1992
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Department of Agronomy
Duties - 100% research, Forage quality analysis, alfalfa variety trials, and grazing trials.
Research Experience:
- Rangeland ecology
- Grazing management
- Grassland fire
- Temperate pasture improvements
- Forage seedling establishment
- Forage breeding
- Forage nutritive value assessment
- NIRS techniques
Teaching Experience:
- Range Science courses
Range 105, 3 cr. Introduction to Range Management (taught twice)
Range 215, 3 cr. Introduction to Integrated Ranch Management (2013-current; every spring)
Range 321, 3 cr. Wildland Ecosystems (2003-2013; every other spring)
Range 374, 4 cr. Natural Resource Habitat Conservation, Management, and Restoration (2016-current; every fall)
RANG 400, 1 cr. Range Judging Teams, Undergraduate Range Management Exam (URME) (2002-2012; every spring)
Range 415, 4 cr. Range Improvements and Grazing Management (2001-2014; every fall)
Range 421/521, 3 cr. Grassland Fire Ecology (2007-current; every other fall)
- Animal Science courses
AS 100, 1 cr. Opportunities in Animal and Range Sciences (taught 3 times)
AS 731, 2 cr. Statistical Procedures (taught once)
- Agriculture and Biological Systems
ABS 475, 3 cr. Integrated Natural Resource Management (2002-current; every spring)
- Natural Resource Management
NRM 109, 2 cr. First Year Seminar (taught 3 times)
Extension and Outreach Activities:
- Project leader for Renewable Resources Extension Act (2016-2021). Responsible for an annual budget of $43,000 and directing rangeland stewardship outreach to private citizens of South Dakota.
- Presenter at annual rancher workshops and pasture tours held in various South Dakota locations.
- Supervised the Range Outreach Coordinator and his activities
- Coordinator for the South Dakota Grassland Coalition. Responsible for 6 newsletters/year, managing their website, attending monthly board meetings in Pierre, and assisting in outreach activities.
- Coordinator for the South Dakota Soil Health Coalition. Helped get this organization started. Financially supported their first coordinator.
- Flandreau Indian School Success Academy. Presented range management opportunities to high school students.
- Ag Day at Washington Pavilion. Hosted a booth for 3rd graders on Ag Friday and families on Ag Day in Sioux Falls, SD at the Washington Pavilion. Taught students the importance of grasslands.
- Rangeland Days. Assisted in the outreach to elementary, middle school and high school students to learn range judging.
- Annual SD Grassland Coalition Bird Tour. Assisted with planning and implementing the annual bird tour. Outreach event to 60-80 people to teach about the compatibility of range management and birds.
- Annual National Land and Range Judging Contest (Oklahoma City). Assisted high school FFA and 4-H teams in practicing for the national range judging contest.
- South Dakota Coordinator of North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program. I revitalized the advisory board and increased SD SARE’s professional development travel scholarships and mini-grants.
- Completed the LEAD21 leadership training course (2-23-2017), Class XII. This is a prestigious leadership training program for land grant institutions.
- President of SD Section of the Society for Range Management (2015-2016)
- Vice-President of SD Section of the Society for Range Management (2014-2015)
- Chair of the AG*IDEA Grassland Management Program Certificate (2014-2016)
- President of SDSU’s Chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta Honors Society (2016-2017)
- Vice-president of SDSU’s Chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta Honors Society (2015-2016)
- Chair of Society for Range Management Program Accreditation Committee (2016-2017)
- Chair of Academic Affairs Committee (2015-2016 academic year)
- Chair of Celebration of Faculty Excellence subcommittee (2016-2017 academic year)
- Undergraduate Rangeland Ecology and Management Program Leader (2011-present).
- Range Club Advisor (2002-present)
- Early Career Undergraduate Teaching Award – Range Science Education Council/Society for Range Management (2009)
- Teacher of the Year, Gamma Sigma Delta (2012)
- Charles E. Bessey Award for the Best Natural Science Article Published in 2011 in Great Plains Research (2012)
- Charles E. Bessey Award for the Best Natural Science Article Published in 2016 in Great Plains Research (2017)
- David W. Willis Faculty Excellence Award (2017)
- Master Online Instructor Certification (2017)
- Appointed to a 3-yr term (2018-2020) as an associate editor for Rangeland Ecology and Management
- Appointed to a 3-yr term (2010-2012) as an associate editor for Rangeland Ecology and Management
- Contributing editor of the beef section for Forage Focus a periodical published by the Midwest Forage Association(2008-2012)
Professional Activities:
- President of the South Dakota Section of the Society for Range Management (2015-2016).
- 1st Vice-president of the South Dakota Section of the Society for Range Management (2014-2016).
- Secretary of the South Dakota Section of SRM (2011-current).
- Serve as a member of the National Association of University Range Program Leads (NAURP) (2003-current)
- Serve on the AG*IDEA Grassland Management Program Certificate team (2008-current), and Chair (2014-2016)
- President of SDSU’s Chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta Honors Society (2016-2018)
- Vice-president of SDSU’s Chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta Honors Society (2015-2016)
- Chair of SRM Program Accreditation Committee (2016-2017)
- Serve on the SRM Program Accreditation Committee (2014-2016)
- Member of North Central committee NC1181 “Sustaining Forage-based Beef Cattle Production in a Bioenergy Environment” a multi-state research and extension group of scientists from the North Central United States. Served as Secretary and Chair. Served as Chair of the rewrite committee.
- Member of the Society for Range Management
- Member of Gamma Sigma Delta Honor Society
- Member of the Prairie Coteau Habitat Partnership, a multi-agency, university, and non-profit entity alliance to promote management practices that conserve and promote diversity.
- Advisor to “Brome Summit”, multi-agency, university, and non-profit working group to use fire to control invasive cool-season grasses on USFWS waterfowl production areas.
- Participant in the Great Plains Fire Learning Network
University Service:
- Chair of Academic Affairs Committee (2015-2016 academic year)
- Served two 3-yr terms on the Faculty Senate (2004-2006) and (2012-2014)
- Currently serve on the College of AgBio Sciences P&T committee (2014-2016)
- Currently serve on the Celebration of Faculty Excellence Committee
- Currently serve on the Oak Lake Field Station Committee
- Currently serve on the NRM Recruitment and Retention Committee
- Currently serve on the NRM Scholarship Committee
- Currently serve as search committee chair for wildlife ecology position
- Served as search chair for several positions.
Publications: 16h-Index, 744 citations; 26.27 RG Score
Journal articles
51. Derner, J.D., A.J. Smart, T.P. Toombs, D. Larsen, R.L. McCulley, J. Goodwin, S. Sims, and L.M. Roche. 2017. Soil health as a transformational change agent for grazinglands management. Rangeland Ecology and Management (in prep).
50. Chang, J., D.E. Clay, S.A. Clay, A.J. Smart, and M.K. Ohrtman. 2017. A rapid method for measuring feces ammonia-nitrogen and carbon dioxide emissions and decomposition rate constants. Agronomy Journal109:1240-1248 doi:10.2134/agronj2016.08.0468
49. Brunsvig, B.R., A.J. Smart, E.A. Bailey, C.L. Wright, E.E. Grings, and D.W. Brake. 2017. Effect of stocking density on performance, diet selection, total-tract digestion and nitrogen balance among heifers grazing cool season annual forages. Journal of Animal Science95:3513-3522 doi:10.2527/jas2017.1563
48. Smart, A.J., P.J. Bauman, S. Boltz, and J. Hemenway. 2017. Demonstration-based education generates behavioral change related to conservation practices. Journal of Extension [On-line], Vol. 55(3): Available at:
47. Parvez, R., N.K. Chowdhury, A.J. Smart, R.G. Stover, and L.L. Janssen. 2017. Conservation attitudes and satisfaction on agro-environmental conditions of South Dakota: A study of landowners’ perceptions. Journal of American Society of Farm and Rural Appraisers(2017) 11-25. Available online at:
46. Chang, J., D.E. Clay, A.J. Smart, S.A. Clay. 2016. Estimating annual root decomposition in grassland systems. Rangeland Ecology and Management 69:288-291.
45. Eljaki, A.A., Y.m. Al Kappany, D.D. Grosz, A.J. Smart, and M.B. Hildreth. 2016. Molecular survey of trichostrongyle nematodes in a Bison bison herd experiencing clinical parasitism, and effects of avermectin treatment. Veterinary Parasitology 227:48-55.
44. Parvez, R., N.K. Chowdhury, L.L. Janssen, A.J. Smart, R.G. Stover, B.D. Madurapperuma, and D. Ripplinger. 2016. Environmental benefits estimation and assessment of conservation practices: A novel approach. Global Journal of Agriculture Education, Extension and Rural Development 4(3):399-409. Available online at:
43. Smart, A.J., L.B. Perkins, T.N. Schramm, M.J. Nelson, P.J. Bauman, S.A. Clay, and D.E. Clay. 2016. The effects of patch-burn grazing on vegetation structural heterogeneity in the northern tallgrass prairie of South Dakota. Great Plains Research26:57-70.
42. Ohrtman, M., S. Clay, and A. Smart. 2015. Surface temperatures and durations associated with spring prescribed fires in eastern South Dakota tallgrass prairies. American Midland Naturalist 173:88-98.
41. Smart, A.J., D.E. Clay, R.G. Stover, M. Rezwanul Parvez, K.D. Reitsma, L.L. Janssen, N.H Troelstrup, Jr., S.R. Burckhard, and E.M. Mousel. 2015. Persistence wins: Long-term agricultural conservation outreach pays off. Journal of Extension [On-line], Vol. 53(2): Available at:
40. Clay, D.E, S.A. Clay, K.D. Reitsma, B.H. Dunn, A.J. Smart, G.G. Carlson, D. Horvath, and J.J. Stone.2014. Does the conversion of grasslands to row crop production in semi-arid areas threaten global food supplies? Global Food Security 3:22-30.
39. Rigge, M., A. Smart, B. Wylie, and K. Vande Kamp. 2014. Detecting the influence of best management practices on vegetation near ephemeral streams with Landsat data. Rangeland Ecology and Management 67:1-8.
38. Casler, M.D., and A.J. Smart. 2013. Plant mortality and natural selection may increase biomass yield in switchgrass swards. Crop Science 53:500-506.
37. Rigge, M., A. Smart, and B. Wylie. 2013. Optimal placement of off-stream water sources for ephemeral stream recovery. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 66:479-486.
36. Rigge, M., A. Smart, B. Wylie, T. Gilmanov, and P. Johnson. 2013. Linking phenology and biomass productivity in South Dakota mixed-grass prairie. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 66:579-587.
35. Smart, A.J., G.E. Larson, and P.J. Bauman. 2013. Grass and Canada goldenrod (Solidago Canadensis) competition and implications for management in the northern tallgrass prairie. The Prairie Naturalist. 45:4-12.
34. Smart, A.J., T.K. Scott, S.A. Clay, D.E. Clay, M. Ohrtman, and E.M. Mousel. 2013. Spring clipping, fire, and simulated increased atmospheric nitrogen deposition effects on tallgrass prairie vegetation. Rangeland Ecology and Management 66:680-687.
33. Vande Kamp, K. M. Riggie, N.H. Troelstrup, A.J. Smart, and B. Wylie. 2013. Detecting channel riparian vegetation response to best-management-practices implementation in ephemeral streams with the use of spot high-resolution-visible imagery. Rangeland Ecology and Management 66:63-70.
32. Smart, A.J., R.N. Gates, P.S. Johnson, and R. Schafer. 2012. Summer and winter defoliation impacts on mixed-grass rangeland. Rangeland Ecology and Management 65:506-515.
31. Ohrtman, M. K., S. A. Clay, D. E. Clay, and A. J. Smart. 2012. Fire as a tool for controlling saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) seedlings. Invasive Plant Sci. Manag. 5:139-147.
30. Smart, A.J., M.J. Nelson, P.J. Bauman, and G.E. Larson. 2011. Effects of herbicides and grazing on floristic quality of native tallgrass pastures in eastern South Dakota and southwestern Minnesota. Great Plains Research 21:181-189.
29. Koger, T.J., D.M. Wulf, A.D. Weaver, C.L. Wright, K.E. Tjardes, K.S. Mateo,T.E. Engle, R.J. Maddock,and A.J. Smart. 2010. Influence of feeding various quantities of wet and dry distillers grains to finishing steers on carcass characteristics, meat quality, retail case-life of ground beef, and fatty acid profile of longissimus muscle. Journal of Animal Science 88:3399-3408.
28. Smart, A. J., Owens, V. N., and Wright, C. L. 2010. Yield, forage quality, and mineral content of six introduced cool-season grass species grown for hay in eastern South Dakota. Online. Forage and Grazinglands doi:10.1094/FG-2010-0802-01-RS.
27. Smart, A.J., J. D. Derner, J.R. Hendrickson, R.L. Gillen, B.H. Dunn, E.M. Mousel, P.S. Johnson, R.N. Gates, K.K. Sedivec, K.R. Harmoney, J.D. Volesky, and K.C. Olson. 2010. Effects of Grazing Pressure on Efficiency of Grazing on North American Great Plains Rangelands. Rangeland Ecology and Management 63:397-406.
26. Dunn, B.H., A.J. Smart, R.N. Gates, P.S. Johnson, M. Beutler, M.A. Diersen, and L.L. Janssen. 2010. Long-term production and profitability from grazing cattle in the northern mixed grass prairie. Rangeland Ecology and Management 63:233-242.
25. O’Brien, T. R., Moser, L. E., Masters, R. A., and Smart, A. J. 2008. Morphological development and winter survival of switchgrass and big bluestem seedlings. Online. Forage and Grazinglands doi:10.1094/FG-2008-1103-01-RS.
24. Smart, A. J., and Owens, V. N. 2008. Interseeding warm-season grasses followed by high
intensity grazing enhances pasture productivity. Online. Forage and Grazinglands
23. Smart, A.J., B.H. Dunn. P.S. Johnson, L. Xu, and R.N. Gates. 2007. Using weather data to explain herbage yield on three Great Plains plant communities. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 60:146-153.
22. Smart, A.J., N.H. Troelstrup, Jr., K.W. Bruns, J.A. Daniel, and J.E. Held. 2007. Western snowberry response to fire and goat browsing. Sheep and Goat Research 22:20-25.
21. Smart. A.J., J. Daniel, K. Bruns, and J. Held. 2006. Browsing of western snowberry by goats and sheep. Sheep and Goat Research 21:1-4.
20. Smart, A.J., W.H. Schacht, J.D. Volesky, and L.E. Moser. 2006. Seasonal changes in dry matter partitioning, yield, and crude protein of intermediate wheatgrass and smooth bromegrass. Agronomy Journal 98:986-991.
19. Wertz-Lutz, A.E., T. J. Knight, R. H. Pritchard, J. A. Daniel, J. A. Clapper, A. J. Smart, A. Trenkle, and D. C. Beitz. 2006. Circulating ghrelin concentrations fluctuate relative to nutritional status and influence feeding behavior in cattle. Journal of Animal Science 84:3285-3300.
18. Dunn, B., A.J. Smart, and R. Gates. 2005. Barriers to successful drought management: why do some ranchers fail to take action? Rangelands 27:13-16.
17. Smart, A.J. B. Dunn, and R. Gates. 2005. Historical weather patterns: a guide for drought planning. Rangelands 27:10-12.
16. Smart, A.J. 2004. Using digital movie making to teach theories in range science. p. 14-17 In: Bush Project Anthology, Vol. 1. Bush Faculty Development Project, DE062. South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD.
15. Smart, A.J., K.P. Vogel, and L.E. Moser. 2004. Mature plant yield and morphological characteristics of big bluestem and switchgrass populations divergently selected for seedling tiller number. Crop Science 44:607-613.
14. Smart, A.J., L.E. Moser, W.H. Schacht, and J.D. Volesky. 2004. Prediction of leaf/stem ratio using near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS): A technical note. Agronomy Journal 96:316-318.
13. Smart. A., P. Bauman, and B. Dunn. 2003. Discover the Prairie Coteau. Rangelands 25:39-42.
12. Smart, A.J., K.P. Vogel, and L.E. Moser. 2003.Establishment and seedling growth of big bluestem and switchgrass populations divergently selected for seedling tiller number. Crop Science 43:1434-1440.
11. Smart, A.J., K.P. Vogel, L.E. Moser, and W.W. Stroup. 2003. Divergent selection for seedling tiller number in big bluestem and switchgrass. Crop Science 43:1427-1433.
10. Schacht, W.H., A.J. Smart, and E.M. Mousel. 2001. Using artificial swards to demonstrate plant-grazing animal interactions. Journal of Natural Resources Life Science Education 30:89-92.
9. Smart, A.J., W.H. Schacht, and L.E. Moser. 2001. Predicting leaf/stem ratio and nutritive value in grazed and nongrazed big bluestem. Agronomy Journal 93:1243-1249.
8. Schacht, W.H., J. D. Volesky, D. Bauer, A.J. Smart, and E. Mousel. 2001. Plant community patterns on upland range in the eastern Nebraska Sandhills. The Prairie Naturalist 32:43-58.
7. Broweleit, R.C., W.H. Schacht, B.E. Anderson, and A.J. Smart. 2000. Forage removal and grazing time of cattle on small paddocks. J. Range Manage. 53:282-286.
6. Smart, A.J. and L.E. Moser. 1999. Switchgrass seedling development as affected by seed size. Agronomy Journal 91:335-338.
5. Schacht, W.H., A.J. Smart, B.E. Anderson, L.E. Moser, and R. Rasby. 1998. Growth responses of warm-season tallgrasses to dormant-season management. Journal of Range Management 51:442-446.
4. Smart, A.J., W.H. Schacht, J.F. Pedersen, D.J. Undersander, L.E. Moser. 1998. Prediction of leaf:stem ratio in grasses using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Journal of Range Management 51:447-449.
3. Smart, A.J. and L.E. Moser. 1997. Morphological development of switchgrass as affected by planting date. Agronomy Journal 89:958-962.
2. Schacht, W.H., J. Stubbendieck, T.B. Bragg, A.J. Smart, and J.W. Doran. 1996. Soil quality response of reestablished grasslands to mowing and burning. Journal of Range Management 49:458-463.
1. Smart, A.J., D.J. Undersander, and J.R. Keir. 1995. Forage growth and steer performance on Kentucky bluegrass vs. sequentially grazed Kentucky bluegrass- switchgrass. Journal of Production Agriculture 8:97-101.
Books and Book Chapters
Smart, A.J., P.J. Bauman, and J. Lefers. 2017. Healthy Grasslands. South Dakota Grassland Coalition, Midstates Group, Aberdeen, South Dakota. 39 pp.
Smart, A. 2015. Planned grazing. Chapter 50. In: R.A. Nold and G.A Perry (Eds.), iGrow Beef: Best management practices for cow-calf production. Brookings, SD: SDSU Extension – iGrow, South Dakota State University. Available online at:
Smart, A., J.A. Walker, and R.N. Gates. 2015. Setting the stocking rate. Chapter 51. In: R.A. Nold and G.A Perry (Eds.), iGrow Beef: Best management practices for cow-calf production. Brookings, SD: SDSU Extension – iGrow, South Dakota State University. Available online at:
Reports and Extension
Stover, R.G. M. R. Parvez, L. Janssen, S. Burckhard, D. Clay, E. Mousel, K.D. Reitsma, A. Smart, N. Troelstrup. 2012. Social and economic attitudes toward conservation practices in the Bad River Basin of South Dakota. Rural Life and Census Data Center. Available online (
Ohrtman, M., D.L. Deneke, S.A. Clay, and A.J. Smart. 2011. Do fire and grazing management provide opportunities for saltcedar invasion by allowing increased establishment from seed? Publication: 07-2001-2011. iGrow.
Ohrtman, M., D.L. Deneke, S.A. Clay, and A.J. Smart. 2011. Can fire be used to control saltcedar in northern grasslands? Publication: 07-2001-2011. iGrow.
Smart, A.J. 2010. Extend the grazing season for weaned calves with cover crops. Midwest Forage Focus. August Issue, pp 4 and 7.
Smart, A.J. 2010. Harvest & efficiencies of livestock grazing. Midwest Forage Focus. August Issue, pp 5-6.
Smart, A.J. 2009. Mixing roughages with wet corn distillers grains. Midwest Forage Focus. March Issue, pp 11.
Smart, A.J. 2009. Managing the spring flush. Midwest Forage Focus. May Issue, pp 18-19.
Smart, A.J. 2009. Swath grazing: extend the grazing season. Midwest Forage Focus. November-December Issue, pp 7.
Smart, A.J. 2009. Perennial cool-season grasses for eastern South Dakota. Midwest Forage Focus. November-December Issue, pp 9-10.