Minutes from
General Business Meeting
Thurs. Apr. 22, 2010
- Loana Mason presented Phyllis Simmons with award for service for the past 2 years.
- Loana Mason called meeting to order.
- Mason requested that Lou Tutt act as parliamentarian. He accepted.
- Motion made by Ellyn Ross to adopt agenda and any executive board motions as amended.
- D. Smith proposed to change II.a( approval of Minutes from Oct. 2009 EBM)
- D. Smith proposed to scratch #III.(nominations for CEC Board of Directors
- Smith/Simmons seconded motion
- Motion carried to accept changes
- Moment of silence for Dr. Evelyn Rex and Steve Barrett
- Division Officer Reports
- Past President- Simmons recognized awards committee
- Student of the Year – Virginia M Sowell award- presented by Dr. Deborah Hatton to Frances Mary D’Andrea/Phyllis Simmons presented check
- Teacher of the Year – D. Smith presented award to Sinikka Smothers
- Outstanding Dissertation Award presented to Dr. Sinikka Smothers
- Exemplary Advocate Award- presented by P. Simmons and E. Ross to Dr. Brasher from APH
- Distinguished Service Award – L. Tutt presented award to Dr. David Ross
b)Nominations -P. Simmons
- 4 directors retiring 12/31/10
c)President’s report - L. Mason
d)President-elect’s report D. Smith
- Program Advisory Committee (PAC) recognized
- 2011 Conference National Harbor MD Apr. 25-28 (M-TH)
e)Treasurer’s report - Shirley Wilson
- 2009 Budget Beg. Bal. $11,800 ending bal. $9508
- 2010 budget discussed
- 2011 proposed budget discussed $11,335
- L. Mason called for motion to approve budget. Motion was seconded by D. Smith
- Discussion
- F.M. D’Andrea: proposedrevenues?
- Wilson : membership/advertising
- S. Brennan : loss of membership
- E. Ross : M. McArdle sending out reminders
- L. Mason : donations of items for sale
- D’Andrea : election costs?
- Wilson/E. Ross explained electronic election
- Sanspree : elections costs used to be about $4000
- L. Mason : going to charge election committee to come up with more options
- D. McNear : DVI used to keep budget equal to bank balance. May need to look for other donations.
- D. Smith explained budget discussion and HOPEFUL income and that the budget will be looked at in the Oct. meeting and can be amended if necessary.
- Motion carried
f)Representative’s Report –
- L.Tutt: introduced Dr. Jane Brown/Australia
- L. Tutt introduced D. Smith as RA committee Chair.
- Committee Reports
- Constitution. & Bylaws - L.Tutt
- Always add former presidents to Const. & bylaws
- Correct years
- Look at purpose and membership
- Look at combining committees
- David Ross—financial officer—need to incorporate this position into Const. & Bylaws
- DVIQ committee may need amending
- Diversity – no report
- DVIQ- S. Amato discussed issues/expense summary
- Gov’t Relations – L.Tutt- discussing the closing of the Oregon
School for the Blind and DVI’s opposition of nomination of Sara Gesler to Obama’s National Disability Council. L. Tutt and D. Smith will respond to the letter DVI received. - Helen Keller/DVI ART – C. Allison – The art show had 46 entries this year with 25 winners that are on display at the convention.
- Membership –
- CEC requirement is 1.5% or 520 for DVI
- CEC/DVI reminders overlap
- Initiatives
- National Agenda – no report
- O&M. – B. Lawrence- 2 announcements (see ppt).
- Professional Standards - Sanspree (see ppt)
- Publications – Bob Brasher
- Revised position papers
- Motion made by D. Smith to approve revised papers. Ellyn Ross seconded
- After discussion the motion did not carry.
- Motion made by D. Smith to place ads in the Summer DVIQ to notify members that a vote on the position papers will occur at the Oct. meeting. E. Ross second.
- Motion carried
- Public relations – No report
- Website – D. Smith asked for help with website
- Motion made by D. Hatton to establish aDVI email list. S. Brennan seconded
- Motion carried
- Adjournment
- Motion made by E. Ross to adjourn. P. Simmons seconded
- Motion carried