Elementary School
721 South R St.
Cottage Grove, OR, 97424
Phone 541-942-3313
Fax 541-767-5958
Welcome to the 2016-2017 School Year!!
Dear Parents of incoming Bohemia Elementary School Students,
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome all students and families to Bohemia Elementary School. We are so excited for the new school year!
Staggered Start and School Hours:
At the beginning of the school year, we will have half of the students come on Wednesday, September 7th and half come on Thursday, September 8th. All students, first- fifth grades,will come to school on Friday, September 9th. Please note the following change to our school day: School hours are 8:15-2:30 pm. The first bell will ring at 8:10 each day and the second bell will ring at 8:15 am. Any student arriving after 8:15 am will be considered tardy.
*Early release every Wednesday at 1:30 pm-this includes September 7th, the first day of school!
How do I know which day my child starts?
If your child’s last name begins with the letters A-K the start day is Wednesday, 9/7.
If your child’s last name begins with the letters L-Z the start day is Thursday, 9/8.
*If children from the same home have different last names, they may attend the same staggered start day regardless of their last name.
*Teachers may call to schedule your child on a specific day if the alphabet does not equally divide their class list.
Go Home Plan:
The Go Home Plan is enclosed with this letter. It is extremely important that we have this completed form the first day your child comesto school (or before) so that we will know how he/she is getting home.
Cottage Grove Kid’s Club:
Kids can participate in supervised activities and get help with homework from the end of the school day until 6:00 P.M. daily for $60.00 per month through Kid’s Club, held onsite at Bohemia. For more information, please leave a detailed message for Alyssa Gonzales at 541-852-2977. You may pick up applications in the office.
Classroom Visitation:
We are hosting 1st- 5th grade students for a classroom visitation on September 1st from 3:00 pm-4:00pm. You may bring your classroom supplies and your go home plan at that time.
Attendance Expectations:
School attendance is the strongest predictor of academic success. Because of the importance of regular attendance, there are stringent state guidelines requiring all students to attend school regularly and on time. Please let us know when your student is not in attendance and remember that 9 or less is best! 9 or less equals a goal of not missing more than one day of school per month. Students who meet or exceed this goal will be eligible for great prizes.
Please call our office 541-942-3313 or drop in for assistance. Visit our website for additional information:
We are very happy to have you with us and hope parents and family members will choose to be active participants in our school community.
Heather Bridgens, Principal
Laurie Melendy, Assistant Principal