Senate Action Approvals
Report and Date / Action / Approved by Senate / Referred to and Date: / Approved by VPAA /Comments
Items Carried Over from 1999-2000Liberal Studies / Division III math requirement / 3/21/00 / Committee review 5/4/00 / After feedback from Academic Cabinet Fred Joyal will set up a committee to include faculty from the Math Dept. to review this further. Leonard Heldreth is in charge of this committee
Items Carried Over from 2000-2001
CUP 4-3-01 / Create new Program in Chemistry: Forensic Bio-Chemistry / 4/17/02 / Referred to EPC September 2001
CEC Report 10-14-03 / Faculty appointments to AAPC, CEC, and CUP / 10-14-03 / 11/4/03
CUP Report 9-30-03 / Change number and prefix from PH300 to PMD100; add new course AD365 / 10-14-03 / 11/4/03
CEC Report of 10-28-03 / Faculty appts to OAC and CUP / 10-28-03 / 11-13-03
LSC Report of 10-28-03 / Approve BI100 and BI112 for Division III credit; approve EN316 and EN317 for upper division credit in Division II; approve EN110, EN112, EN169, EN260, EN283, EN284, EN310, EN311z, EN314, EN316, EN370, EN371, EN372 for continued credit in Division II; approve inactive courses removed form LS and World Cultures list-EN260, FR315, HS258, HS373, GC246, PS173, SO332, CHN101, IS111, IS201, IS203, IS209, JP101, JP102; approve BI305 for continued Division III credit including lab science credit / 11-11-03 / 11-20-03 / Note: Item No. 5 (removal of SN312 from Division II) was not approved and was returned to the Liberal Studies Committee
CEC Report of 11-11-03 / Faculty appts to fill vacancies on AAPC and CUP / 11-11-03 / 11-30-03
CUP Report of 11-11-03 / Change prerequisite for ED420 from “ED360” to “concurrent enrollment in ED306,” Add new courses ED423D and ED411; Add new course ATR499, Convert the Cosmetology Diploma Program to a Certificate Program (convert Cosm. Course numbers from 000 to 100 level). / 11-25-03 / 12-1-03
GPC Report of 11-11-03 / Graduate Faculty Status to 7 faculty members / 11-25-03 / 12-1-03
LSC Report of 11-11-03 / Various courses carrying World Cultures credit be listed among courses meeting Division I-VI requirements within the Liberal Studies program; PL181, PL182, PL183, PL184,PL270, PL330 for continued credit in Division II Liberal Studies Program; GR310 be approved for continued credit in Division II; and the wording for outcomes in Division II changed to eliminate “probability and statistics” and replace it with “mathematics.” / 11-25-03 / 12-1-03
GPC Report of 11-25-03 / Graduate credit for CJ426 and CJ480 / 11-25-03 / 12-1-03
CUP Report of 12-9-03 / Add minor in Film Studies; add new courses EN125, EN225, EN325, EN326, EN425, and delete courses EN169, EN269, EN369; Add new course PH102, and add accelerated BSN track. / 12-9-03 / 12-10-03
GPC Report #1 of 12-9-03 / Graduate faculty status to fifteen faculty members / 12-9-03 / 12-10-03
GPC Report #2 of 12-9-03 / EN691 authorized as a standing course for Master of Fine Arts Program. / 12-9-03 / 12-10-03
Dean of Students / Posthumous Associate degree granted to Jessica Urbis / 12-9-03 / 12-10-03
AAPC Report of 11-25-03 / Modifying the University’s Semester Deletion Policy / 12-9-03 / 12-10-03
CUP Report of 11-25-03 / Add new course BI419, Add new course GR410 and change credits for GR310 from 4 to 3; change academic standards for LPN program from C- to C for both admission and retention in program; change academic standard for the Surgical Tech. Program by requiring students obtain at least a C in all prerequisite and program courses; Add new course CJ480, change requirements for Diagnostic Genetics Major; Add new course PH101, change requirements for Athletic Training Program; change academic standards in Sociology major in Liberal Arts from a C to a C-; add new course SO432; modify Art and Design Education Major; modify Hospitality Management Program; add new courses HS410 and HS273, and delete courses HS340 and HS341 / 12-9-03 / 12-10-03
LSC Report of 11-25-03 / Approve PH101 for Division III credit and approve PH102 for Division III lab credit / 12-9-03 / 12-10-03
CUP Report of 2-3-04 / Revise Elementary Ed-Science Major, Revise Elementary Ed-Science Minor and Revise Secondary Ed-General Science Major / 2-3-04 / 2-6-04
FGC Report of 2-3-04 / Faculty Grant proposals (10 approved) / 2-3-04 / 2-6-04
CUP Report of 2-3-04 / Delete Culinary Arts Certificate Program; delete HM116 and HM125; and revising Secondary Education Earth Science Major and Minor / 2-17-04 / 3-1-04 / Deletion of Culinary Arts Certificate Program approved by the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees on April 29, 2004 and the Board of Trustees on April 30, 2004.
GPC Report of 2-3-04 / ED600 credits changed from 2-6 to 2-8; EN500, EN501, EN502 and EN503 credits changed from 1-5 to 1-6; graduate faculty status granted to ten faculty members. / 2-17-04 / 3-1-04
Senate Executive Committee Report of 2-3-04 / Academic Calendars for 2005-2012 / 2-17-04 / 3-1-04 / Academic Calendars approved by the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees on April 29, 2004 and by the Board of Trustees on April 30, 2004.
LSC 2-17-04 / Include PL180, PL185, PL310, FR310, HS283, LB121, and SN314 in Division II of Lib Studies; include CS101 in Division V of Lib. Studies; and include NAS 288 in Division IV of Lib. Studies. / 3-9-04 / 3-29-04
Senate Executive Committee Report of 2-17-04 / Changes in the Senate Bylaws to accommodate restructuring of depts. within the College of Tech and Appl Sci. / 3-9-04 / 3-29-04
Senate Executive Committee Report of 3-9-04 (revised) / Add new Article 7.6.3 to Senate Bylaws to provide standing committees with guidelines for removal of inactive committee members / 3-23-04 / 3-29-04
LSC Report of 3-23-04 / Adding MA 231 to Division III courses / 4-6-04 / Eliminating BI 104 from Division III courses not approved by the Provost. There was mis-
communication, and the Department does not want to eliminate it.4/20/04
Approval of adding MA231 to Division III courses was retracted. The course had not yet received CUP approval. 4/27/04
GPC Report of 3-9-04 / Graduate credit for BI410, ED495, ED596 Integ the Creative Arts K-3 and ED596 Multicultural Math Elem K-6, and SO432; approval of grad faculty status for Engelhart. / 4-6-04 / 4-20-04
CEC Report of 4-6-04R / Faculty assignments to fill vacancies on ten Senate Committees beginning Fall 2004 and ending Winter 2007 / 4-20-04 / 4-30-04
AAPC Report of 4-6-04R / Modifications to the University’s Incomplete Grade Policy / 4-20-04 / 4-30-04
FGC Report of 4-6-04 / Ranking of Curriculum Development and Instructional Improvement Grants / 4-20-04 / 4-30-04
GPC Report of 4-6-04 / Title change of HN516 and ES516 to Sports Nutrition and raising the credits from 2 to 3; graduate credit for BI419, NAS484, NAS485 and NAS488; and Graduate Faculty status for Sams and Greeley / 4-20-04 / 4-30-04
GPC Report of 4-20-04 / Transfer Training and Development Masters Program from Engineering Technologies to Psychology; Graduate Faculty status for Francis, Dassier and Compton / 4-20-04 / 4-30-04
GPC Report of 4-20-04 #2 / Graduate credit for CJ420 / 4-20-04 / 4-30-04