New Jersey Institute of Technology 2015-2016 Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal for Financial Aid Reinstatement
This form will only be accepted if it is typed, includes required documentation, and is signed by you in consultation with your academic advisor. You are required to upload it using our new and easy feature to upload documents, Mapping Xpress. For instructions on uploading your completed Appeal Form go to:
All undergraduate students must work closely with their academic advisor to select an Academic Plan using Degree Works or the Curriculum Form located on the last page of this form. The plan should realistically allow you to complete the program within the 12-semester maximum timeframe (15 semesters for ARCH students.
You may only submit one appeal per academic year. The SAP Appeals Committee typically renders a decision within two weeks of when the appeal is received; however, in some instances the committee may wait until your current course grades are reflected on your NJIT academic transcript. You will be notified of the decision of the SAP Appeals Committee in writing and it will be sent to your NJIT email account. If your appeal is approved, your aid will be reinstated for only one payment period. Following this payment period your aid will be reinstated if you meet the Academic Plan or pass the regular SAP standards.
The SAP Appeal Deadlines Dates are as follows:
Summer — July 14, 2015
Fall — August 28, 2015
Spring — January 11, 2016
Step 1: Enter the required information:
Name: ______NJIT ID:______
Phone Number: ______
Enrollment period for which you are appealing: (Enter an “X” in the applicable term)
_____Summer 2015
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New Jersey Institute of Technology 2015-2016 Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal for Financial Aid Reinstatement
_____Fall 2015
_____Spring 2016
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New Jersey Institute of Technology 2015-2016 Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal for Financial Aid Reinstatement
1. Provide a detailed explanation (e.g., illness, death in the family, involuntary military leave, or other extenuating circumstances) for failing the SAP standards. Please be specific in explaining the reason for withdrawing, not completing, or failing to earn a satisfactory grade for courses in all of the semesters or terms you have attended college. Also, submit supporting documentation to verify your explanation for not meeting the SAP standards. Type your response in the below section:
2. Provide an explanation of what has changed (and provide documentation if appropriate) that will now permit you to comply with SAP standards. Provide a statement of your academic objectives and your plan of corrective action. Type your response in the below section:
Choose your Academic Plan from the four listed above and self-certify. Enter an “X” in the chosen plan:
[ ] Plan 1: Deficient in GPA
[ ] Plan 2: Deficient in GPA and Credits
[ ] Plan 3: Deficient in Credits
[ ] Plan 4: Deficient in Timeframe
You must meet with your academic advisor or dean to discuss this appeal and your academic plan for improvement. Please review, sign and have your academic advisor sign the statement that attests that you have met with your academic advisor and received academic advising and assistance with developing a realistic plan for academic success. This confirms that you have completed the Curriculum Form that details how you expect to complete your program within the maximum timeframe. In addition, this confirms that the Academic Plan was explained to you (See Page 1 for details).
Step 3: Advisor’s Certification
______Date: ______
Advisor’s Signature
Advisor’s Name (Print)
Step 4: After you have consulted with your academic advisor and received their signature, enter an “X” on the below field indicating of such:
[ ] I have consulted with my academic advisor or dean. I understand the Academic Plan I chose and understand that if I do not meet the requirements of this plan, I will not receive financial aid in the subsequent payment period or term. I attest that I met with my advisor to review my Curriculum Form to ensure that I am able to complete my program within the maximum timeframe.
Step 5:
Enter “X” in the following box to indicate your understanding of the plan:
[ ] I have read the SAP policy and understand the expectation of the Academic Plan that I may be required to meet if this appeal is approved by the SAP committee. I also understand that if my appeal is approved, I will be placed on “Financial Aid Probation” and that I will only receive one financial aid payment until I continue to make SAP or meet the Academic Plan at the conclusion of the Probation period.
______Date: ______
Student Signature
______Date: ______
Student Name (Print)
Step 7: Scan and upload your entire SAP Appeal Form to Mapping Xpress. For instructions go to:
1. List the courses you still need to complete towards graduation and when you will take them.
(Fall) ______(enter the year) / (Spring) ______(enter the year)Total Credits: / Total Credits:
(Fall) ______(enter the year) / (Spring) ______(enter the year)
Total Credits: / Total Credits:
(Fall) ______(enter the year) / (Spring) ______(enter the year)
Total Credits: / Total Credits:
Fall) ______(enter the year) / (Spring) ______(enter the year)
Total Credits: / Total Credits:
(Fall) ______(enter the year) / (Spring) ______(enter the year)
Total Credits: / Total Credits:
If you wish to attend Summer and Winter Sessions,
Total Credits: / Total Credits:Summer ______(enter the year) / Summer ______(enter the year)
Total Credits: / Total Credits:
Summer ______(enter the year) / Summer____(enter the year)
Total Credits: / Total Credits:
Winter______(enter the year) / Winter______(enter the year)
Total Credits: / Total Credits:
Winter ______(enter the year) / Winter the year)
Total Credits: / Total Credits:
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