Curriculum for Excellence Class: Primary 5/4

What are we learning this term? Term2

Cross-curricular theme......

Language & Literacy / Social Studies / Health & Wellbeing / Religious & Moral
Reading – This term we will look at the author’s style of writing and what effect it has on the reader.
Writing – We will focus on writing imaginative pieces of writing.
Spelling – We will be using Nelson Spelling to help us with various blends and to spell common and tricky words.
Listening and Talking –Thechildren will have the opportunity to engage with and respect the views ofothers. They will have the opportunity to present information to the class. / This term we will be learning about The Greeks. We will be able to locate on a timeline. The children will learn about various aspects of Greek life, and compare this with their own lives. They will develop their understanding of Greek gods and traditions. / This term Primary 5/4 will further develop their knowledgeof Rights Respecting Schools, and put this into practice. We will discuss why the wants and needs of a child may vary in different countries.
All pupils will develop the understanding that physical activity helps keeps our bodies healthy. Primary 5 children will be attending Day of Dance (25th November) so are learning various Scottish Country dances. / Primary 5/4 will study “Stories of the Bible” and “Christmas”. We will look at Bible stories in general and discuss the morals in Bible stories. We will also look at the Christmas Story and learn and perform some traditional Christmas carols.
Numeracy & Mathematics / Technologies / Science / Expressive Arts
This term we will be focussing on division and multiplication, so please ensure your child knows their multiplication facts quickly and accurately. We will be learning about fractions and be able to identify fractions of both shapes and numbers. The children will also be developing their problem solving skills in a variety of contexts.
/ In ICT, the class will be
continuing the development of their skills in word processing and how to access keyboard shortcuts. They will be creating PowerPoints based on The Greeks.
In addition they will reinforce Maths through ‘Education City’ and‘Sumdog’ ;English Language through ‘Bug Club’; French through ‘Linguascope’ and ‘High Five French’. /
Primary 5/4 will be learning about the organs of the human body this term. They will learn how the heart powers the circulatory system and how to maintain a healthy heart. / Art - Pupils will have the opportunity
to choose and explore a range of media
tocreate artwork relating to our topic.
Music – Our music this term will be covered by Coffee and Carols and the Primary 4 Choir, and we will be performing in front of an audience.
Drama–We will complete role play activities based on our topic, The Greeeks.

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