Tuscawilla Hills Citizens Association Meeting
Thursday, October 27, 2011, at 7:00 p.m.
JeffersonCounty Board of Education Office
110 Mordington Avenue, Charles Town, WV
Attendance: Gary KablePhil Larcomb
Steve ThompsonRenee Hall, PMP
Christi StevensBob Tansill
Homeowners present: Norman Foley, Glenda Austin, Carl & Betty Shaffer, Doug & Rachel Pierson, Steve & Mary Ann Karlen, Theresa Taylor, Gary Shumaker, Francis Miller, Louis McElfreshand Mitchell Brice.
With an official quorum, President Gary Kablecalled the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Bob Tansill made a motion to approve tonight's meeting agenda. This was seconded by PhilLarcomband, after a vote was taken, the motion carried unanimously.
Phil Larcomb made a motion to approve the meeting minutes. This was seconded by Bob Tansill and, after a vote was taken, the motion carried unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report
Mr. Tansill reported that as of 9/30/2011 - operating cash totaled $38,732.73, total reserve cash totaled $102,989.36 and total accounts receivable totaled $66,769.34 for total assets of $208,491.43.
Total current liabilities equal $24,508.48 with total equity at $183,982.95.
Renee Hall advised that Trump & Trump will file 44 liens and 18 suits prior to the end of the year for 20 suits total. Prior use of the collection agency will remain in place for 2012.
Old Business
Renee Hall advised the Board that she is unable to locate a car counter strip to monitor how much traffic is coming down Tuscawilla Drive and into Locust Hill. Gary Kable recommended taking this item off the action item list. Phil Larcomb made a motion to remove this item from the action item list. This was seconded by Bob Tansill and, after a vote was taken, the motion carried unanimously.
Tree replacement on Tuscawilla Drive and reforesting of the common areas is still on the action item list. Renee advised the Board that they do not have to act on this but can elect to keep on the list. Gary Kable made a motion to revisit this item in January. This was seconded by Phil Larcomb and, after a vote was taken, the motion carried unanimously.
Previously approved common area clean up on Packett was for $3,500 but due to the conditions worsening the area needs to be rebid. Phil Larcomb made a motion for Renee Hall to contact vendors for rebid of this clean up. This was seconded by Gary Kable and, after a vote was taken, the motion carried unanimously. Once bids are received the Board will make a decision via online vote or at the annual meeting in January.
New Business
The Board discussed the ratification of the 2012 Budget and, opened to the floor, any homeowner questions. Two questions were posed and addressed by homeowners - 1. What does grounds maintenance include? 2. What was done for the $2,400 in playground repairs? There were no objections to the budge. Gary Kable declared the budget ratified for 2012.
Christi Stevens has elected to step down from her position as Secretary of the Board however will serve on the nomination committee for the upcoming year. The Nomination Committee consists of Louis McElfresh and Christi Stevens. A 3rd participant will be needed by January.
We cannot restrict the use of the soccer field and the park to Tuscawilla Hills Members. The only restriction is to outside groups. The Board needs to review the language within the covenants. Phil Larcomb made a motion to approve signs at the park but that we revisit the language within the covenants prior to anything being posted and that the Board agrees on the language via electronic correspondence. This was seconded by Bob Tansill and, after a vote was taken, the motion carried unanimously.
General Community Issues
Open Forum
Mitchell Brice voiced concern with children playing in the streets near Tall Oak Drive and Bradford Court. It was recommended that a memo be sent to the parents at that address. Renee Hall will send letters to the appropriate homeowners. Bob Tansill also recommends that a copy of the letter is sent to our attorney and the Jefferson County Sheriff.
Jan (no last name given) voiced concern with receiving threatening letters from the Board regarding liability for speed bump being moved. She also had received a letter for weeds due to peonies which had died. Renee Hall explained how the process works and that the letter are written in a uniform manner and are not intended to offend. It was called into question as to whether the Board filed a supplement to the covenants. Comment was made that the Board should focus on safety and collections instead of weeds and grass. Renee Hall made a recommendation to the Board that a committee be formed to revise the covenants.
Bob Tansillmade a motion to adjourn. Phil Larcomb seconded and, after a vote was taken, the motion passed unanimously.
Adjournment: Mr. Kable adjourned the meeting at 9:25pm.
Submitted by Christi Stevens,
Secretary of the Board