200 Point Projects- grade 8

Illustration with Explanation

Create an original 8.5x11 drawing and write a paragraph on a piece of loose-leaf explaining its connection to the novel. Make sure to add details in your drawing, color it and revise your paragraph based on the Write Traits.

Print Advertisement

Create a full page (8.5” x 11”) advertisement relating to the novel. Include a slogan, logo and graphics (colour!). Use four strategies we have discussed in out persuasive lesson (Claim, big names, emotions, trust, facts, research etc…).

Series of pictures with captions

Take ten original photographs and write a few sentences for each to describe the picture’s relationship to the novel. Your ten photos could relate to theme, a character, plot, etc. Be creative!


Write a 1 page, double-spaced, 12 font, typed letter. This could be a letter to a character in the novel, the author, or place yourself in a character’s shoes and write from their point of view. The letter may be informal or formal, depending on who it is addressed to and who the writer is. Use proper letter format and revise for the traits.

Journal Entry

Write a 1 page, double-spaced, 12 font typed journal entry. This should be from the point of view of a character in the novel. Remember that journal entries are usually private thoughts.


Write an obituary of at least 150 words for one of the characters in the novel. The character doesn’t necessarily have to die during the course of the story. Think about how others view this character.

Read/Watch & Review/Tell

Read or view something that relates to the novel. Write a one-page, double-spaced, and typed review highlighting the connection between what you read/saw and the novel you read. List the similarities, differences, and your opinion concerning which you prefer.

Alternatively, you can present your ideas to the class in a short, 1-minute, presentation.

Comic Strip

Create a comic strip of at least 5 boxes – there should be a combination of dialogue, narration, and pictures. Your comic needs to be colored, shaded, or ink-outlined and of course, should be related to events, characters, etc. in your novel.

300 Point Projects


Write 30 lines of poetry that connect to the novel. This could be one long poem, or several shorter poems. Feel free to use specific forms/styles of poetry (limerick, diamante, shape, free verse, etc).

Photo Album

Create a photo album of at least 20 photos (that you’ve taken yourself) and bind them together in an album with a caption for each photo. Of course, these photos and captions need to connect to your novel.


Create a 3-Dimensional object that represents an idea, theme, moment, etc from the novel. Either write a paragraph or orally explain this connection.

Newspaper Article

Write a newspaper article of at least 300 words. Include a headline and a photo with caption. Choose something from then novel that you deem newsworthy.


Write a 2-page, double-spaced, typed, eulogy for one of the characters in the novel. The character doesn’t necessarily have to die during the course of the story. Who is giving this eulogy? Think about how others view this character.


Write a biography (of a character from the novel) of at least 2 pages, double-spaced, 12 font, and typed.

400 Point Projects


Create a scrapbook of at least 8 pages bound together. A scrapbook is a collection of photos, short journals, and artifacts that relate to the novel – with multiple items on each page. Briefly explain how each item relates to the novel.

Collection of Songs with Liner Notes

Create a CD booklet: Find 10 songs, either print out lyrics or download music on CD and then write a paragraph about how each song connects with the novel. Include your own original cover design and album name.

Children’s Story Book

Retell an incident from the novel in story-book form (colored illustrations, typed narration/dialogue) with a beginning, middle and end. To achieve a higher point value you need to extend on the story – write a prequel, sequel or reveal a behind-the-scenes moment. Remember your audience in regards to word-choice, content, and sentence structure.


Build a detailed scene from the novel. Write a detailed explanation or orally explain the significance of the scene to your novel.


Write and perform/present (in costume) a mock interview of one of the characters. You should include questions that reveal the character’s motivations and thoughts rather than plot details. 2 minutes minimum.

Puppet Show

Create and design detailed puppets and perform/present a 3 minute show that connects to your novel.

Canvas Painting

Create an original painting depicting a moment from the novel. On a separate page, explain how your painting relates to the novel.

500 – 1000 + Point Projects

Comic Book

Choose an incident from the book and tell the story in comic-book form (colored, shaded, or ink-outlined) with a beginning, middle and end. To achieve a higher point value you need to extend on the story – write a prequel, sequel or reveal a behind-the-scenes moment. 8-10 pages.

TV Commercial

Create a TV commercial for a product or service related to the novel. It must be 30 seconds of quality edited material, including music, voice, costumes, props and persuasive advertising strategies.

Original Song

Write original music and lyrics based on your novel. Perform your song live or record it, then pass in your music.

Short Story

Extend on the story – write a prequel, sequel or reveal a behind-the-scenes moment. Include narration, dialogue, and descriptive details. This CANNOT be a summary or retelling of the novel.

Lower point value range = 3-5 pages, typed, double-spaced.

Higher point value range = 6-10 pages, typed, double-spaced.

Talk Show

Perform a talk show having characters from the novel as your guests. For a higher point value, use costumes for the characters, film and edit your talk show. Please consult with teacher regarding length and content.

Fashion Show

Put on a fashion show exhibiting characters/plot using outfits and props. You need a host who will narrate your show (explain the costumes and significance to the novel) and at least 10 fashions.


Write a script and film a portion of the story. To achieve a higher point value you need to extend on the story – write and perform a prequel, sequel or reveal a behind-the-scenes moment. Costumes, props, music and evidence of editing are required. You should include credits.


Write and perform a three act play that retells the story. To achieve a higher point value you need to extend on the story – write and perform a prequel, sequel or reveal a behind-the-scenes moment. Costumes and props are required. Your script must be passed in and must follow proper conventions (stage directions, speaker tags).