4.4 Secondary audit of the support CLA receive in school
Adapted from DCSF (2009). Improving the attainment of looked after children in secondary schools. Nottingham: Author Available from https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/improving-the-attainment-of-looked-after-children-in-secondary-schools-guidance-for-schools
1: fully embedded / 2: in place / 3: partly in place / 4: not in place / ActionsDoing what you do for all children, but more so
The extent to which the PEP identifies barriers to learning and strategies for overcoming these
The current range of interventions used to support looked after young people, including the appropriateness of one-to-one tuition
Whether the progress of looked after young people is tracked sufficiently closely and if actions and resulting impact are critically evaluated
1: fully embedded / 2: in place / 3: partly in place / 4: not in place / Actions
Expectations for progress across a year and key stage are clear to staff, children and carers
Staff and carers work together to deal with inappropriate behaviours, with reference to attachment, trauma and loss
Children to take part in appropriate group work to facilitate collaborative learning
Children are regularly involved in activities that promote meta-cognition and self-regulation
Children are set homework which promotes learning
Children are involved in an effective peer tutoring programme
The review of progress ensures that targets remain challenging
1: fully embedded / 2: in place / 3: partly in place / 4: not in place / Actions
Each CLA has ready access to the support of a ‘key person’ who they like, respect and respond well to
There are opportunities for CLA to have contact with positive role models that they can relate to
Opportunities and facilities are available for CLA to take ‘time out’ or to access a ‘listening post’ or ‘haven’
The roles of the Designated Teacher and key person, and involvement in the process of the statutory review of the PEP section of the child’s care plan, are clear
There is frequent and effective communication between the Designated Teacher and other staff
1: fully embedded / 2: in place / 3: partly in place / 4: not in place / Actions
The induction procedures used for a child joining the school are effective
Procedures in place for monitoring and reporting incidents involving CLA are effective
Key staff, including the ‘key person’, have opportunities to show genuine interest in the young person
Developing strong partnerships with carers, local authorities and other agencies
Carers are enabled to have easy contact with school staff to exchange information and to work productively together
Carers are given additional strategies to support their child’s learning
There is effective communication between the school and the full range of agencies that can support the child
1: fully embedded / 2: in place / 3: partly in place / 4: not in place / Actions
The school is able to respond very quickly to urgent situations
The key person, and key staff, can meditate to secure the best support for learning for CLA
The school is aware of the full range of support that is available through outside agencies
Ensuring consistency as well as discrete flexibility
Staff development focuses on how flexibility can be achieved without the appearance of favouritism
The school finds viable alternatives to fixed-term and permanent exclusions
1: fully embedded / 2: in place / 3: partly in place / 4: not in place / Actions
Small group and one to one support and development are provided when needed
CLA are supported to be involved in out-of-hours learning
The school extends the participation of looked after young people in activities to increase social contact and build self-confidence
There are frequent opportunities for including carers and their children in family learning
Planning for future transitions
Procedures smooth the transfer between classes within the school
Procedures smooth transition between schools
1: fully embedded / 2: in place / 3: partly in place / 4: not in place / Actions
The school used effective strategies to raise aspirations and ease the routes to further and higher education