Pastor Charles Holmes
263 Now, what happened? Watch this. Outer courts was Luther's age, as we start in the body of the Gentile church.
Remember, they were Jewish on up till about the time of the--of the A.D. 606 when it come into Thyatira, it was nearly all Jewish converts. But after the Jewish, it dropped over in here at both Jew and Gentile (but mostly Jewish). But when it really come through to the Gentile age, come this side (See?), come Martin Luther, John Wesley, and so forth. See?
Now, watch these last three after that dark age, come up to the middle age and passed over. When it comes, watch these outer courts. See: flesh, soul, spirit. See? That outer courts, the flesh. The holy place: Nazarenes, Pilgrim Holiness, Free Methodist. See? And then holiest of holy: back into Pentecostal, where it begin at the beginning (See?), back at the beginning.
117 Now, but they were wrong, because they were trying to apply those seventy weeks to both Jew and Gentile, and He says here, "It's for thy people." And God never did deal with the Jew out of Palestine. And when the Messiah at the seventy and two weeks was cut off (not for Himself, for us)--was cut off, Israel was scattered, and has not never come back to their homeland only just in the last few years. So time wasn't counted in there for the church age. Do you get it? It wouldn't be 1919. I can show something happened in 1919, but that's when that angel--the third angel's message struck and the woe went forth--exactly, but it wasn't that--that was--when the war stopped in a mysterious way. We get that in the 7th chapter when we get to it--when we get to the 7th chapter. You all have heard me preach that many times, (See?) when the Angel's message said, "Hold the four winds of the earth till we seal the Jews, the servants." And now, they kept waiting till all the Gentile age had moved out, then when He come in, then--then He seals the Jews, the 144,000 receives the Holy Ghost. There's the 144,000 sealed: Revelation 7. You've read it. "And I saw a great number already in heaven (John saw them.) of all kindred, tongues, and nations, and they stood before God with palms in their hands and white robes on, singing, 'Hallelujah, Amen. Glory, wisdom, honor, might, power be to our God forever and ever. Amen.' they hollered."
118 John couldn't understand them, but he looked back and he saw on Mount Sinai (Glory.) a 144,000 that had not been defiled with women (Jews)--women (churches.) They hadn't joined no organizations, Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, and Presbyterian, but they had been Jews from the beginning, orthodox, and had their temple there worshipping on Mount Sinai. That's the 144,000. That's after this; the Church is done in glory. See?
So Mr. Smith was wrong, had to be, 'cause how you going to apply that down here in 1919 and take the 144,000 out? Then you're back in Russellite again (See?)--then you're right back to the Russellite doctrine, that Jesus come in 1914. 1919 He took His church, and now He's a mystic body going around over the earth, grave--going to grandma's grave and grandpa's grave and raising them all up, all of those that were Russellites. Nonsense. It don't make sense in the Word; it won't come out right. No, sir, it doesn't.
120 But God's got the Truth. And God's the One Who can reveal it, and place it in there, and show it exactly to us. I believe He'll do it. I do not know it. I'm telling you the truth. I do not know, but I'm believing; I'm believing that He will.
So you see, God never did deal with the Jews (I want you to keep this in mind.) as long as Israel...
122 That's what I tried to tell this Brother setting over here that's talking about going to Israel. Stay away from Israel. Stay away from it, all you people that talk about converting the Jews. Before this message is over you'll see it's THUS SAITH THE LORD by Word and by Spirit. Israel will be converted over, the whole nation in one night; the Bible said so. But the Gospel's not even to them. There's a few renegades that's out and so forth like that that come in and--outside of the main body of Jews that come in and get saved; that's true. I believe that with all my mi--heart. But remember, as long as Israel's out of their nation, they cannot be saved. Now they are returning, and they'll be saved--all, the whole nation in one day. The Bible said so. One day will bring the--completely, all Israel right back to God. There'll be such a mighty thing strike Israel one of these days, until it'll shake the whole nation. Even the prophet cried out and said, "In one day has thou did this"--in one day. They will see it.
248 The 4th mystery, of the New Testament church as One Body, composed of both Jews and Gentiles: Ephesians 3:1-11, Romans 16:25, and also Ephesians 6:19, Colossians 4:3.
397 But God's great mystery, what the Eternal God had as a mystery, has now been unfolded in Jesus Christ, then given right down to His Church. What was once in God's mind is now in the Body of Christ. Jesus making love to the Church, His Bride, whispering secrets to Her.
412 Now, you can see now, the end-time Message, why It's rejected. Can you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, no denomination, but the revelation of His mystery. See, no denomination. The revelation! God is not known by denomination. He is known by revelation.
413 Look! God in His Body, Christ; and Christ in His Body, the Bride. Oh-oh-oh, my! God made manifest in Christ; Christ made manifest in the Bride! And as God took from the body of Adam, the woman, and she fell; then God has took from the Body of Christ, His flesh, His Body, which is His Word, and is bringing a Bride out that won't fall by denomination or creed. No, sir. But She is coming back with the pure, unadulterated Word of God being manifested.
414 I hope every man that hears this tape, and every woman, will understand that. See?
415 She is the second Eve, but She is not breaking and--and spoiling Her skirts of purity and holiness, to Her Husband. She'll stay with His Word regardless of what anybody says; you can have all the ecumenical moves you want to, and all the affiliations.
421 Now Christ, "The works that I do shall you do also." See, see, the same God. See? "The works that I do shall you do also; more than this, for I go unto My Father," the Church will be a little longer in Light, see, vindicating His promised Word. As God did His promises in Christ's body, so is Christ doing His same works in Christ's Body, the Church, see, now making His mystery known to His Bride Tree in the last day, bringing forth the fruits that was in the Tree at the beginning.
432 Notice, making it known! How, my, there's just so much here, we could just keep on going. Notice, the Tree of Christ's Body in the garden, making... now making His mystery known to this Bride Tree.
433 Watch, redeemed by Christ, the second Adam! You believe He was? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Going back Home, to Eden, with His fallen wife redeemed back Home again. That's Christ, and the Church today, taking His Wife back. See the threefold mystery now? ["Amen."] God manifested in Christ; Christ manifested in the Church; all together, to bring back the original Adam and Eve again, man and woman, which are one, made out of the same Blood and same Spirit, and everything else.
514 We'll go off this, "revelation"; just a little while longer, if you say so. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. All right, right, just a little bit now.
515 "He is the first fruits of the resurrection." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Watch. Then, what is He? "He is the Head of the Body, which is His Church, Bride." Uh-huh.
516 Then, the Bride-Body must follow the Head, for it is part of His resurrection and part of the mystery. It's impossible for it not to go. Oh, my! It's part of God's mystery, how God revealed Himself here and raised it up by the Word, so He reveals His Church and raising it up by the same Word. It's a part of His threefold mystery.
529 Then, our Headship is a Kingdom. "The Kingdom of God is within you," said the Bible, Jesus. The Kingdom! We are not a denomination. We belong to a Kingdom, and the Kingdom is the Word of God made Spirit and Life in our own life, bringing to pass every promise in this day, as it did in that day when the Word and God was one. And the Word and God is one in His Church today, making It the Headship of the Body that is redeemed, to bring the Message in the last day; and be taken up from the dead, in the resurrection, to go back and restore again, as Adam and Eve, in the beginning in the garden of Eden. The threefold mystery of God, His Body! Oh, my!
Notice closely now, like in types, Israel of old.
271 Do you believe we're living in the last days when the Son of man was to be manifested? That would be all the Word that's gathered up through Luther, Wesley, Baptist, and all that, and the Pentecostal, all gathered up to the revelation of what it's all been. The seventh angel was to open the six-seal mystery. It's all to be gathered up in the Son of man, His fullness of time has come to the fullness of His Word, to manifest the fullness of His Body. That's the Word, then, that's the spoken Word made manifest by the Word, reveal the Word.
Revelation 10:7
"And in the days of the voice of the seventh messenger, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished as He hath declared to His servants the prophets."
There it is. He is sending a vindicated prophet. He is sending a prophet after almost two thousand years. He is sending someone who is so far from organization, education, and the world of religion that as John the Baptist and Elijah of old, He will hear only from God and he will have "thus saith the Lord" and speak for God. He will be God's mouthpiece and HE, AS IT IS DECLARED IN MALACHI 4:6, WILL TURN THE HEARTS OF THE CHILDREN BACK TO THE FATHERS. He will bring back the elect of the last day and they will hear a vindicated prophet give the exact truth as it was with Paul. He will restore the truth as they had it. And those elect with him in that day will be the ones who truly manifest the Lord and be His Body and be His voice and perform His works. Hallelujah! Do you see it?
E-53 ......
That's the reason Jesus came to the Jews alone. He had to redeem the Jew in order to get the Gentile Bride. You see what I mean? He had to redeem her, and there had to be a public testimony made, and the requirement was death.
E-14 Then we took Him to the 4th chapter and found out there, that a woman of another nation, she came. And oh, if we only had the time to go into it, to notice that the first one to recognize that sign was a Jew. The Gospel went to the Jew first. And the Jews all represented the remnant of the 144,000 that's to be called in the last days, which is returning into Jerusalem now by the thousands to receive the Messiah at His coming for His Bride.
37 ......
There's three classes of people (See?): that is the rejected Jew, and there is the sleeping virgin that the waters... It's not the woman's seed; it's the remnant of the woman's seed that the dragon spurted water out of his mouth (Revelations 11). And then, actually the hundred and forty-four thousand Jews was absolutely not the Bride; they are the remnant of the Jewish church. And the Jehovah Witness doctrine which puts them as the Bride, I don't see how you could do that, because it's not the Bride.
221-70 Now, read the rest of it. Like the man eating watermelon said, "That's good, but let's have some more of it." All right. God's got plenty of it here. Now, just notice. Now, now, we're on the 8th verse.
And of the tribe of Zabulon... seal twelve thousand. All the tribe of Joseph were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Benjamin was sealed twelve thousand.
See, John, being a Jew, recognized every one of them, seen the twelve tribes of Israel, twelve thousand out of each tribe, twelve times twelve, being a hundred and forty-four thousand. There they are, not the Church, the Jews. The Bible said here, they were all the children of Israel, every tribe named.
Now, watch, 9th verse.
After this... (Now, here comes the Bride.)... After this I beheld,... lo, a great multitude, which no man could number,...
There's your te--temple eunuchs; they're is just a hundred and forty-four thousand, just a little spot, just a little temple guards that's going to be with the Bride, just Her--just Her escort. That's the hundred and forty-four thousand is the escort to the Bride, the temple eunuchs.
The elder said to John, which was a Jew that recognized the hundred and forty-four thousand, and said, "Now, you knew them; they're all Jews. But who are these? Where'd they come from?" See what the elder said, "One of the elders answered (That's the elders before the throne.)--answered me, saying, 'What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence cometh they?' Now, we all know the Jews and their covenant and so forth, but when did these come?" Now, watch.
And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest... ("I--I--I don't." John said, "It's just past me. I don't know.")... And he said unto me, These are they that came out of great tribulations, (Through trials and many these dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come. See?)... these come up out of great tribulations, and have washed their robe,... (in the church? Does that sound right?)... have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
... they are before the throne of God, and serve Him day and night... (Who serves me in my home? My wife, is that right?)... and in His temple:... (That's who stays with me in my home and in my economy, is my wife. She's the one who sets with me, and washes my clothes, and keeps things ready for me.)... and he that setteth upon the throne shall dwell among them. (Oh, my, listen.)
And they shall hunger no more,... (Looked like they had missed a few meals coming along.)... neither shall they thirst any more; nor shall the sun light on them and--no more, nor any heat.
For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of water: and God shall wipe... all tears from their eyes. (There She is; there's your Bride.)