Notes for Online Registration 2017-2018

Check to make sure you have2 course numbers (1st semester and 2ndsemester) for English, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Most seniors will not have a social studies course. You will choose additional electives needed to fill up all 7 classes. There will be 14 courses listed because each course has 2 numbers. If you do not have the 4 academics listed, please e-mail your counselor:

CCHS Counselors are assigned by last name:

  • A thru Hal – Shatarra Brown –
  • Ham thru Pat – Monica Crenshaw –
  • Pau thru Z – Justin Harrison –
  • Guidance Director – Donna Mitchell–


  • DO NOT SIGN UP FOR A COURSE YOU HAVE ALREADY TAKEN. You may check your transcript by going to “Reports” and “CC Portal Transcript” from Parent Portal.
  • Remember most colleges require 2 years of a foreign language.
  • You must have a prerequisite for many courses.
  • Sign up for BOTH semesters of each course you choose. There are two numbers next to each course.

While you may RESIST choosing 7 courses, because of courses that can only be added through administrative approval/application process like:

  • Work Based Learning
  • Yearbook
  • Journalism
  • Peer Leadership
  • Late In/Early Out
  • Or possibly a specific weights, band, work-based learning,or choir class

YOU MUST CHOOSE 7 courses as if you are not accepted into ANY of these types of classes.


  • If you want OUT of an elective course that is not your pathway you were rolled into,e-mail your counselor a request to have them drop the elective course during the online registration period or you may drop it during your individual meeting with your counselor this spring.
  • If you want to change the LEVEL of academic course or drop math support
  • You must submit a course request change form.
  • Department heads will determine if the change can be made. If the change is denied, your parents may set up an appointment with the department head by calling Tiffany Vereen, Guidance Secretary at 890-6145. These meetings are held on Tuessdays at 3:30 in the Media Center.

HONOR GRADUATE INFORMATION (from student handbook)

To be considered for Honor Graduate, Valedictorian, or Salutatorian students must meet the following requirements by the time the student grades are calculated for honor status their senior year:

  • Must earn a minimum of 9 units(18 complete semesters) in grades 9-12 in either Honors, AP or MOWR [see handbook for details on which MOWR courses count] while enrolled in grades 9-12
  • A minimum of 2 units (4 complete semesters) must be earned at CAG Jr. HS
  • A minimum of 7 units (14 complete semesters) must be earned in grades 10-12
  • Must be enrolled and attend classes on CCHS campus for a minimum of 4 consecutive semesters
  • Must earn an overall average of 93 or above, no rounding up, at the time grades are calculated for Honor Grad Status.