Capability #2: Community / Healthcare System Recovery
Jurisdiction/Organization: / Name of Exercise:Location: / Date:
Community Partners and Plans
Were all community partners needed for recovery purposes identified, including: faith-based organizations, local businesses, schools etc.? / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
Were Continuity of Operations (COOP) Plans discussed? (Activation, potential gaps, etc.) / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
Did the group discuss recovery priorities? / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
Assessments and Monitoring
Did the group discuss how feedback and recommendations would be acquired from community partners, including: faith-based organizations, public health, mental/behavioral health, education, etc.? / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
Did the group discuss strategies for timely repairs or rebuilding of health services (Wastewater treatment, portable water supply, etc.) / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
Did the group identify how assessment and follow-up monitoring will occur after the exercise/incident? / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
Recovery Assistance
Did the group discuss health services needed to recover from the incident/exercise? / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
Did the group talk about how to assist with recovery for those who are identified as at-risk persons? / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
Did the group discuss how at-risk persons/community members would be informed about health care services that could be provided to them? / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
Did the group discuss how the community will be informed of restoration plans / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
Major Strengths:
List (in complete sentences) at least 3 major strengths identified during the exercise.
Major Areas of Improvement:
List (in complete sentences) at least 3 major areas of improvement identified during the exercise.
Evaluated By: / Name: / Organization:
Phone: / Email:
Function Alignment for Capability #2
Looking at outcomes and goals in terms of the functions assigned to HPP and PHEP can assist in identifying and eliminating misalignments, misunderstandings and performance issues. Alignment of similar functions assigned to PHEP and HPP further promotes coordination in effort and evaluation across disciplines. This chart compares the functional alignment of the capability.
Public Health Preparedness (PHEP) / Hospital Preparedness (HPP)
Function 1: Identify and monitor public health, medical and mental/behavioral health system recovery needs / Function 1: Develop recovery process for the healthcare delivery system
Function 1: Continuity of Operations Plans (COOP) identify essential services needed / Function 2: Assist healthcare organizations to implement Continuity of Operations (COOP)
Function 2: Coordinate community public health, medical, and mental/behavioral health system recovery operations / Unique Function to PHEP
Function 3: Implement corrective actions to mitigate damages from future incidents / Unique Function to PHEP
Discussion-Based Exercise Evaluation Guide (EEG) Page 1