Parent School Association Meeting
Location: School Library
École Rockingham School Parent School Association (PSA)
Held November 18, 2015 @ 6 pm
For 2015/16
President: Pamela Oake
Vice President: Lisa Greene
Treasurer: Deb Parker
Secretary: Meaghan Woodhead
In Attendance: Pamela Oake, Lisa Greene, Deb Parker, Meaghan Woodhead, Jennifer Ashton, Devi Atukorallaya, Matthew Hartlen, Robin Lawrence, Joanne Samson, Lynn Douglas
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Trottibus Into – Julia Town, Canadian Cancer Society
Looking at rolling out this program at Rockingham School. It would look to begin in March/April when weather improves. A committee needs to be formed to put together roots and help with promotions. The Canadian Cancer Society provides promotional products, and safety vests. The surveys that went home showed that at least 35 students are interested in the program. Training night to be set up second week of December.
3. Acceptance of minutes from October meeting
October meeting minutes have been accepted, changes below
4. Principal’s Report
Traffic Blitz went well. Letter sent to Russell Walker to see about getting a cross walk on Torrington side. Holiday Concerts to be held Dec 15th will be primary-2 and 2/3Hartlen split, and Dec 16th will be 3-6.
PSA recycling program – In January we should do it the first Thursday, January 7th. And we will have our last in December on the 17th.
5. Treasure’s Report
Balance is $6292
$425 profit from the movie night
6. Past Business Review:
i. Movie Night - 170ppl in attendance, move to the gym because of numbers next time.
ii. Thursday Recycling Fundraising Program - December 17th and then January 7th. Looking for a volunteer to stand out in collection area for half hour. Deb will do December.
iii. Appliance Upgrades – Freezer found just need to find a way to get it to Halifax from Truro
iv. Electronic Correspondence/New Web Site – Mario is going to help, update in the new year
v. Hot Lunch Program – Hamachi had reached out to us but the decision was made that we have enough for this year. We can look at it for next year.
7. New Business
i. Christmas Tree Lighting – looking for volunteers
ii. Survey Results - day and time were biggest issues, possibly alternate days. Second biggest thing was child care. Third was having guest speakers and tea/coffee. Fear of responsibility was brought up.
iii. Open floor - French Book Fairs , spend $25 get a free book
8. Next Meeting: January 13, 2015
9. Adjournment
150 cash & 150 scholastic make this change to the minutes,
Change to PSA recycling program from In-School recycling program