Training Committee
February 21, 2001
Present:Thomas Altland, Craig Swenson, John Bawol, James Fyvie,
Paul Rogers, Joe VanOosterhoutk, James Bolger,
Suzan Hensel, Harriet Miller-Brown, William Charon,
Christina Russell, Dale Rothenberger, Connie Ross,
Stephen Todd, Charles Nystrom
Absent:Richard Beltnick, Ellie Florn, Paul Hufnagel, Robert Struck
Paul Trinka, Cher’ie White.
Others:Gary Brozewski
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Nystrom at 2:00 P.M.
Approval of Minutes submitted by Stephen Todd
In reviewing the minutes to the last meeting on 2-9-01, James Fyvie stated that page 2, under TC2001-001 should read “Section 401” not “Section 401 (12) (a) (b) (c)”. The committee agreed.
Under TC 2001-002, Paul Rogers stated that “regardless of job classification” was not part of his motion and should be taken out. The committee agreed.
Motion to approve the minutes as amended was made by Thomas Altland and supported by Suzan Hensel. Motion carried.
Motion to approve the draft guideline was made by Stephen Todd and seconded by Suzan Hensel.
It is the opinion of the Training Committee that they cannot dictate to agencies by creating lesson plans or suggesting how many hours should be spent on training. They do feel, however, that they could set basic standards for everyone to follow.
In regards to inadequate training or instruction, it is the opinion of the training committee that they do not have the manpower to review all teaching material, but networking with MCOLES and among others will weed out the bad.
In regard to certifying courses, Stephen Todd clarified that the intent of remarks regarding “certified” was for the eligibility of the course, not the actual content or instructors of the course. It will be up to MCOLES to decide what courses are going to be certified with impute from the Training Committee. Paul Rogers stated that previously Ray Beech has said that the ETSC needs to meet with MCOLES to discuss what “certified” means. Paul Rogers doesn’t think this committee can establish these standards.
William Charon made the motion to return to the original formula on the draft registration form with the understanding that paid part time hours goes in 7b, the total number is 6b + 7b and divide that. Stephen Todd seconded. Paul Rogers, Suzan Hensel, Dale Rothenberger and Craig Swenson opposed. James Bolger, Christina Russell abstained. Motion carried by three votes.
Discussion centered mainly on #6, #7, and #8 of the draft registration form. There was confusion on how to come up with the total on line #9. Dale Rothenberger stated there would be a set of instructions for each number. There were differences in opinion on how to come up with an agency’s personnel total. Some felt the number should be assigned personnel at the time of submission and some felt the number should be the total authorized staff. There were questions if secretaries, janitors, etc could or would be counted. Paul Rogers suggested that Stephen Todd and Paul sit down and come up with what job duties should count towards an agency’s personnel total. Charles Nystrom delegated Christina Russell to work with Todd and Rogers in the discussion.
It was clarified that three people from an agency must sign the form, not just one person.
Dale Rothenberger will work with Connie Ross to insure form workability with the Department of Treasury.
Paul Rogers made the motion that the ETSC Training Subcommittee pays MCOLES out of the 3-cent fund. James Fyvie seconded the motion. Motion carried. William Charon opposed; saying he didn’t feel it was up to this committee to approve where the funds would come from.
There was no motion made. It was suggested that Linda Cwiek contact Bob Currier and check his list of PSAPs in Michigan.
Paul Rogers clarified that the training money is only going to be for primary PSAPs. If a primary PSAP wants to train secondary PSAPs personnel then they can do that
The ultimate goal is to certify dispatchers, but we’re not there yet. The law also says the primary PSAP is the first PSAP to answer the call. If a primary PSAP pays the wages of a secondary PSAP then they could be included.
The committee reviewed the letter from Lt. Col. Madden, which stated the MSP is going to request training funds for MSP dispatchers. It is the opinion of the committee that if an MSP PSAP is a primary PSAP (as defined in the law) then they should be eligible for training money.
Stephen Todd stated that the Bylaws of this committee state that someone who misses two meetings in a row would no longer be on the committee. Paul Rogers interjected that this is the first meeting that the revised Bylaws are in effect.
Suzan Hensel and James Bolger will continue working on developing a training guide. Stephen Todd stated that he rewrote them and submitted them to Ray Beech for his approval, but Ray Beech stated he could not support it. It was suggested that the committee use Todd’s work as a guide while working with MCOLES.
James B. Bolger will host the next training committee on April 10, 2001, at 1:30 P.M.,
At Grand Valley State University, (Grand Rapids location).
Meeting adjourned at 3:35 P.M.