2003 NCR 180 MEETING



DAVIS, CA 95616


Meeting Dates: January 9 and 10, 2003. There will be an optional tour on Saturday, 11, 2003.

Housing: A block of rooms have been reserved at the Hallmark Inn, 110 F Street, Davis, CA. The room cost is $75/night and includes an elaborate complimentary breakfast and an evening happy hour. A special meeting room will be setup for the group during the evening happy hour. You will be able to reserve your room through the web. More information will follow.

Phone: 1-800-753-0035.


You can book your room directly using the following website:

Travel: The Sacramento International Airport is the nearest airport to the University of California Davis campus. You can use the airport shuttle or take the Yolo Bus to get to Davis. Yolo Bus #42B (counterclockwise) runs once an hour and costs $1.25. Please see for timing and additional details. The airport shuttle (Davis: Phone: 1-800-565-5153, web: ) costs $18 each way. I am negotiating a discount rate of $15 each way Airporter with the company at this point in time.

Weather: January weatheris unpredictable in the Sacramento region. The average monthly temperature for January is 44.9 deg F and the rainfall is 3.56 in. Please visit the following website for additional details on our weather .

Registration: The registration cost will be $60/person and will include lunch on Friday, January 10, coffee/soft drinks and cookies at break time, transportation to and from the hotel.

To make it convenient to you we have setup a registration website. Please register using this website at your earliest convenience. The web address is:

Tentative agenda: A tentative agenda follows. The details of many of the sessions will be worked out in the near future. If you are willing to make a brief presentation (about 15 mins) on any one of the listed topics, please let me know.

Tentative Program:

Day and Date / Time / Event
1/11/03 / 1:15 pm
1:30 pm
2:00 pm
2:30 pm
2:45 pm
3:00 pm
5:00 pm
8:00 am
10:00 am
10:15 am
11:15 am
12 noon
1:00 pm
3:00 pm
3:15 pm
4:00 pm
5:00 pm
8:00 am to 5 pm / Welcome and Introduction (Shrini Upadhyaya and Bruce Hartsough)
Business of the NCR 180 Committee:
Dr. Glen Hoffman – NCR 180 Administrative Advisor
Dr. Daniel Schmoldt, - USDA CSRESS
and Dr. Pierre Robert – Precision Agriculture Workgroup (PAWG)
Session I: Remote Sensing in Precision Grape Production (Mr. Daniel Bosch)
Use of Ground Penetrating Radar for Precision Vineyard
Management. (Dr. Susan Hubbard)
Session II: Education (David Crouse and Rollin Strohman)
Adjourn – Dinner on your own
Session III: Sensors and Autoguidance
Moderator – Dr. John Hummel
Session IV: Moderator: Dr. Stuart Pettygrove
a) Irrigation and Water Quality (Larry Schwankl and Robert Fry)
b) Role of Technology in Specialty Crop Production (Dr. Michael Reid, Program Leader, Ag. Productivity, DANR, UC Davis)
Lunch – provided
Session V: Moderator – Carol Snyder
a) Data Mining and Decision Support System (Ken Reed and Richard Plant)
b) Industrial Update
VI State of Precision Farming in Arizona, Oregon, and Washington.
Dr. Peter Waller – Arizona
Dr. Tim Righetti – Oregon
Dr. Fran Pierce - Washington
Session VII: Business of the NCR-180 Committee
Adjourn – Dinner on your own
Optional tour: Precision agriculture research at the Western Center for Agricultural Equipment at UC Davis. Visit a couple of wineries involved in precision grape production in the Napa valley.