0T3 Council Meeting Minutes– Sept. 9/02 (12-1pm)

In Attendance: Cheryl Harten, Dennis Laswardi, Sumit Raybardhan, Chris Lam, Anna Lisa Campos, Jauher Ahmad, Julianne Labelle, Manjit Hansra, Wendy Jansen, Joanne Chan, Melissa Laderoute.

Absent: Manju Sharma, Brian Mok, Curtis Latimer, Marco D’Angelo

Welcome and Introduction - Sumit

Announcements - Sumit

1. Alumni Homecoming (Oct 4-6/02)– opportunity to sell stuff for Alumni office who will purchase goods, which we will sell and retain all the profits for.

- There will be a reception at Hart House for pharmacy, where a booth will be set up.

- Volunteers are needed to help with the selling of items (1-2 hour time slots each) on two of the days (Oct 4th/5th).

- There was discussion about selling sweatshirts/jackets as well, but the issue about how to get the products to the buyers was an issue. (Please see point #1 of discussion section for further details).

2. Sumit is arranging for a Talk for 4th year students by recent grads regarding residencies, PEBCs etc. This will either be on Sept 16th or 18th and will be an evening event. Food will not be provided.

3. Virtual Time Capsule – submission from the Faculty of Pharmacy for a website which can be viewed by all university students, staff and alumni.

- There will be a presentation/BBQ of ideas on Sept 19th in Simcoe Hall, but the deadline for idea/reason submission is Sept 13th. Sumit was looking for someone to head up the project. Council agreed that the submission should be of good quality and time is an obvious issue due to the fast approaching deadline.

- Suggestions from the class included: 4th year picture with demographics, pharmacy phollies video, electronic CPS, electronic Monograph. Other suggestions from council included: submission of past assignments from our courses, week/day in the life of a typical pharmacy student.

- Consensus: - Electronic Monograph (recent issue)

- An outline of student life in various areas of practice (e.g. industry, community, hospital).

- Class photo with survey.

- Outline of a day in the life of a typical pharmacy student.

- Responsibilities were divided: Community Write-up: Julianne

Hospital: Chris L./Sumit

Industry: Manjit/Jauher

Day in the life: Robyn, Joanne

- Class photo to be taken by Brian on Thursday Sept. 12th b/w 12pm and 1pm at Med Sci after class.

4. Council Meetings will be done bi-weekly on Mondays at 11am. Next meeting is on September 23/02. Any 0T3 class member is welcome to attend.


1. Re-addressing the issue of selling sweatshirts/jackets at the Alumni Homecoming on Oct 4th/5th.

- How do we get the purchases to the buyers?

- Suggestion is to charge them the shipping and handling ahead of time.

- Manjit will look into the cost of S&H.

2. Fundraising

- Lab coat/name tags to be sold to the incoming class should gross a $1500 profit.

- Jackets ($60-65)/sweatshirts($50) should be in soon. Nice design. Zipped jacket with logo. Will sell them together when everything comes in.

- Order forms will be made which will be handed out in class. This will be in addition to a selling booth set up a posted times.

- Possibly will have a big draw item as well (e.g. Palm Pilot) where raffle tickets will be sold.

- October – silent auction. Julianne and Manju are getting money etc. for this.

- Bake sale.

- November 25th-29th – Charity Week – date auction, pie throwing, head-shaving etc.

- We will be contributing to Camp Oochigeas-camp for kids with cancer.

- December – candygrams, 50/50 draw (win cash or sweatshirt etc.)

Goal: $3400, not including profits from photocopying profits.

- Manjit requires help with selling of sweatshirts etc. ~1 hr/wk.

3. We will sell notes packages to the 3rd year class either by subject or as a complete package. Joanne and Jauher will be preparing them.

- Important point: we are not discouraging 4th years from passing down their notes to their little sibs. We are just making all aware that they may require their notes for PEBCs, and we are providing this service to the 3rd year class also.

- We are looking to gross ~$3000 from photocopying.

- Jauher was looking for volunteers for ob/gyn transcriptions.

- They will be working on preparing packages for Health Systems readings, Research and Dipiro.

4. Important dates with respect to residency opportunities.

Sept 17th – Residency night

Oct 28th – St. Mike’s residency night

Nov 12th – Industrial/Hospital interview tips

January – hospital residency application deadlines

It was decided that catering will be done by Sodexho (U of T).

5. Grad photos – Sept 16th(10am-7:30pm)/17th (9am-7:30pm) *tentatively* – room booking not confirmed, but want to start signing up students.
