Curriculum Vitae

Douglas T. Cole

6317 45th Ave SW

Seattle, Washington 98136

(206) 937-8676

(206) 890-7937


Master of Arts, English, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA (1995)

Bachelor of Arts, English, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA (1988)

Thesis: The Dice Throwers (a collection of poetry)


“Mind Moon,” The Mid-America Poetry Review 2004

“After Hours,” City Writers Review 2004

“Bar,” City Writers Review 2004

“Night Bird,” City Writers Review 2004

“Nightride,” Curbside Review 2004

"Curiosity Shop," Slant 2003

"Ghost," Connecticut River Review 2003

"Mary," Connecticut River Review 2003

"The Old Woman's Dream" Cumberland Poetry Review 2003

"Hudson Point Lighthouse" Cumberland Poetry Review 2003

"Satellites," Louisiana Literature. 2002

"Permanent Transient," Midwest Quarterly. 2002

"How Edgar Learned to See," The Lucid Stone Spring 2002

"High Road," The Lucid Stone Spring 2002

"How Edgar Learned to See," Plainsong 2002

"Broadway Shuffle," Lynx Eye, Spring 2002

"Judas at the Berkeley Pier," Lummox Journal, Spring 2002

"Fog," Corridors Spring 2002

"The House on Grand Street," Dream International Quarterly 2002

"Traveler," RiverSedge 2002

"Epilogue,"RiverSedge 2002

"The Swing," Pegasus. 2001

"The Cloud Child," Pegasus. 2001

“Thought on Signing up for Life Insurance," Parnassus Poetry Review. 2001

"Nirvana," Mandrake Poetry Review. 2001

"Hunger of Cities," Mandrake Poetry Review. 2001

"The Journey Part 2," Mandrake Poetry Review. 2001

"Elegy for Halvor," Mandrake Poetry Review. 2001

"The Journey," Mandrake Poetry Review. 2001

“Seven League Boots," Mandrake Poetry Review. 2001

“Spoken Word," Mandrake Poetry Review. 2001

"Lake City," Mankato Poetry Review. 2001

"The Father," Mankato Poetry Review. 2001

"Ghost," Poetry Motel. 2000

"The Meeting," Reverse. 2000

"The Sickness," Spindrift. 2000

"Communication of the Dead," Maelstrom. 2000

"Against the Curse," Phoenix. 1998

"Local Rag," Phoenix. 1998

"Witness," The Oak. 1998

"Thunder Beings," Along the Path. 1998

"The Passing," Along the Path. 1998

“Intersection," Blue Violin. 1996

"Birth," Jeopardy Magazine. 1995

"West Campus," Jeopardy Magazine. 1995

"Highway," Jeopardy Magazine. 1994

"Wayfinder," Reflect. 1993

"El Cajon Boulevard," Spindrift. 1992

"Holy Woman," Bellingham Review. 1992

"The Cloud Splitter," Bellingham Review. 1992

Teaching Experience

Instructor, Seattle Central Community College, WA, English 9/95-present

Creative Writing, Composition, Literature

Instructor/Writer, Barnes and Noble’s “Largest Writing Workshop” 9/99

Instructor, Shoreline Community College, WA 9/95 - 1/96

Creative Writing, Composition, Literature

Instructor, Western Washington University, English Composition 9/93-3/95


Instructor, Seattle Central Community College, WA, English 9/90-9/92

Composition, Basic English

Instructor, New School of Architecture, San Diego, California 1/89-6/90 Creative Writing, Composition, Public Speaking

Other Literary Experience

Advisor for Corridors, a literary journal, Seattle Central 5/2001-present

Community College

Fiction Editor, Pacific Review , Literary Journal 9/87-6/88

Contributing Editor, Jeopardy Magazine, Literary journal 9/93-3/96


Leslie Hunt Memorial Award for Poetry 1994

International Scholars Honor Society 1988

Sigma Tau Delta, English Honor Society 1985

Golden Key Award 1984