Professional Staff Organization
2008Excellence in Job Performance Award
Nomination Form
Deadline: Wednesday, May 14th, 5:00 pm
The PSO’s Excellence in Job Performance Award is awarded at the Annual Employee Awards Ceremony in recognition of the exemplary accomplishments in the job performance of a professional staff employee at Western. Please use this form to nominate a professional staff employee who has demonstrated an exceptional level of dedication, initiative, creativity, interpersonal skills and outstanding achievements in the performance of her/his job duties to the benefitof faculty, staff and students at Western. The employee’s professionalism and level of job performanceinspires excellence in others and contributes to the university's mission, image and goals. Any permanent Western employee may nominate a professional staff employee who has worked for one or more years at Western and is currently employed during the year the award is presented. A copy of the nomination form will be sent to the employee’s supervisor for additional comments prior to the final selection by the PSO Awards Committee.
This award, initiated by the Professional Staff Organization, is generously supported by PresidentKaren Morse. The award recipient receives a $200 cash award, a certificate of recognition, an engraved paperweight, and her/his name is added to the PSOExcellence in Job Performance Award plaque. The award recipient will be presented at the Annual Employee Awards Ceremony on Tuesday,June 3rd, from 3:00 to 5:00 pm in the VU Multipurpose Room.
Person nominated:Department: / Mail Stop:
Describe how this person performs his or her assigned duties beyond normal job performance expectations (e.g., with efficiency, conscientiousness, timeliness, job excellence, craftsmanship).
Describe how this person demonstrates excellence and inspires excellence in others (e.g., motivational, professional and ethical behavior, positive attitude, leadership qualities).
How does this person positively impact you or others with whom they come in contact(e.g., effective communication, sharing of knowledge, team building, interpersonal skills)?
What characteristics make this person unique and/or outstanding within their job function(e.g., takes initiative, goes beyond the expectations of their job description, is resourceful, creative, approachable and perceptive)?
Your name: / Department: / Mail Stop:
If the nominee wants to know who nominated her/him, may we release your name? Yes No
May we provide her/him witha copy of your nomination form? Yes No
Deadline: Wednesday, May 14th, 5 pm
Send to: 2008 PSO Awards Committee, MS-9044
ORe-mail to (not the listserv)OR fax to (360) 650-3037
Please attach extra pages if needed.