Healing Report

Peter Klingelhöfer, Kochel, 1960

Since 16th of September 1950 in Munich I had been hit by an overthrowing concrete advertising pillar and was delivered from a cop car lifeless and covered in blood into a hospital. (The township Munich had been judged by 27th November 1952 by Regional Court and should carry every resulting medical costs.) Only after many days I regained my consciousness. I learned that I had been brought into death chamber and was reckoned to decease. The doctor told me that I had suffered a heavy basal skull fracture with brain injury and cerebral contusion. As a result constantly brain bleedings occurred. Further ascertained were a left side fracture of my shoulder and all of my left rips were broken. The left thorax was pushed in and the heart displaced.

Because of my unbearable pains I received anaesthetic injections which forced me into sleep. This was going on for a few months. As I showed a small improvement I was transferred to another hospital. There I learned my painter’s business was dissolved completely during the meantime because my staff didn’t get paid their wages. This was a shock for me and due to the “foehn weather effects” (a special kind of windy weather in Alpine countries –note of transl.) my whole condition was going down more and more. It would have to injected again daily. The Chief physician clinged 4 medicinal leeches on to my head, but this only brought more of racking pains. However, I received morphine all few hours. I could eat nothing anymore, because I saw nothing but beetles running through my food and on my blanket caused through my cerebral injury.

Just before Christmas I was transferred totally numbed by morphine to a mental hospital to Munich. As my pains diminished I was allowed to travel to my home city. Coming home not only my business was dissolved but also my flat. Some aquaintances accommodated me. Soon they had to call a doctor because of my racking pains who gave me a shot again. I prevailed not to go back to the mental hospital but to be approved for an ambulant treatment. Dr. X injected me dextrose but also narcotics.

Due to the sale of my remaining tools I earned some money to live and a former assistant let me a room in his cellar for residence. A former nurse of war started to care for me; she hocked all her linen for. I couldn’t leave the bed anymore because my heart just stops beating several times. A doctor from the neighbourhood described currently heart and Impletol-injections. As I was again near to die at the last moment a former war comrade picked me up to Ingolstadt together with my nurse, where he lived. Almost 9 months I laid on the pocket of my comrades. The doctor injected day and night.

Finally, after one and a half year a lawyer enforced a monthly benefit about 200 DM for me. Afterwards I moved to Kochel, in Oberbayern, Germany together with my nurse. I put myself into treatment of Dr. med. X and Dr. med Z. During one and a quarter year they gave me countless chemical injections.

On request of the Allianz Insurance I had to go again to the mental hospital Munich. I could force to come into private treatment of Prof. Dr. X. He observed me for 8 days in attendance of a member of city council. Consulted was a mental chief doctor Dr. X, and they made x-ray photographs too besides many injections. The old ones couldn’t be found anymore after the years.

Because of getting pains worse and worse they finally cut the injured head nerves on both sides of the neck. This was be done at my full consciousness. In addition to maddest pains I became high fever now. I refused to stay in that treatment any longer and returned back to Kochel into the treatment of Dr. X, who sedated me again with morphine injections. At general recommendation I was tapped in Munich every week by Dr. X, but my condition still got worse - my body should get relief from the many thousand injections. But I had to get new injections because I was near insanity and suicide. Again they tried a withdrawal treatment and I had to scream my pains int the pillows. I was near the end and wanted to commit suicide.

Then I heard of Bruno Gröning – and „God intervened!“

On 31st of May 1954 I received a call to come to Bruno Gröning in Grafrath, Germany between 10 to 11 am. An aquaintance in Kochel put me into his car – more dead than alive – and drove me to Grafrath, always in sorrow about me to die underway. But at half to ten we ringed at the house door of Bruno Gröning. I was already awaited and carried carefully into the house by my aquaintance and Mrs. Gröning. There I was „laid“ into an armchair,

For me had come now the decesive moment about life or death. I had racking pains as always....suddenly the room was drenched into brilliant light. Bruno Gröning stood in front of me. He wore a simple house coat. I stared at him and had the feeling like ( a seemingly feeling of course) like Archangel Gabriel was sent to me by God to release me from all the long year torture and pains.

With a sonorously voice I heard Bruno Gröning say „Everything is right. This man has terrible things behind him, I have to help him!“

He grasped my both hands and I felt a comfortable trickeling through my body, a wonderful force streamed into me. I started to breathe more freely and noticed a fine flavour coming towards me. While Bruno Gröning hold his hands into his warm good hands he spoke about my War injuries and the accident with it’s following path of suffer, as if he had been with me. Mrs. Gröning (at that time she still was his secretary) wiped in tears by listening to all this.

More and more I got the feeling that here doesn’t stand only a human being in front of me but an Angel’s Force at all. After a quarter Bruno Gröning pulled me out of my armchair and said I should stand now straight and firm – and in fact, I stood firm on my legs there like in my early days!

Still Bruno Gröning hold me on his hands and like a sparkling current a pleasant force streamed through me. He said: „Everything will come out allright. You will become totally healthy again. I present you all the forces!“

Except my nagging headaches and an icy coldness in the lower part of my body I already felt a wonderful change within me. After a certain time Bruno Gröning asked me, how I felt. I said: „Wonderful, but this great coldness at my lower body is new to me.“ Then he left my hands go and reached me two silvertinfoil balls – one in every hand and declared: „ This will change at once!“ – He walked away from me by writing a dedication at the table. I stood there with the balls firmly.

Suddenly a wonderful warmth drew into my whole body down to the feet.

„Only in my head I still have pains!“ I said, when he asked me about my condition. Again he took my hands and swept over my head with one hand saying: „“I take away the pains from you now!“ And the pains were gone. I could have sung of joy and pleasure, I was as a new born man!

Then I looked at him and was frightened about his face suddenly was ghastly in pains. I started to cry but he said to me: „Don’t be sad. I only have overtaken your pains from you but I just will get rid of them again!“ He grasped my hands and said: „Now I will be always with you, if you need me, everything will be alright again!“

Approximately one hour after I felt as fresh and strong as in my younger years. Bruno Gröning said: „I leave you now alone, although I am always with you, you could go home now, but you’re not yet completely healthy; first I have to withdraw the many thousand injections out of your body, and this will last fourteen days.“

I could even jump downstairs now as if never something had been wrong with me! My aquaintance who has been waiting outside in the car, was speechless and could hardly believe it: He said: „Such a thing doesn’t exist! No doctor could help anymore and now a completely healthy man jumps towards me! Just before a short time I thought he will die before arriving here in Grafrath. Gröning really must be a miracle man!“

So we departed and I was singing happily as never before in life. Since by now it was 12 o clock and while we drove over Weilheim I had the need to eat efficiently. This I couldn’t do for months. My driver couldn’t fathom as he saw me eating like somebody starved. He always shook his head and he almost couldn’t get a morsel down filled with wonder.

As we arrived in Kochel I ran through the garden upstairs to my flat like a boy. My friend could hardly follow me. The landlady came running out of the house and when she saw me as healthy she crossed herself and brought some holy water out of her room and sprinkled everything around. She thought I was „posessed by the Devil“ for she knew about my hopeless condition, given up by the doctors!

Arrived in my flat I wrote at once at my doctor that he never need to come anymore, because I had enough from physicians now. Additionally I sent him back all the pills, the injections, especially the Morphine as a gift. My friend had to bring it to him. After half an hour he came back and reported about the doctor who sadly shook his head and mentioned: „Poor Klingelhöfer, now he has driven mad!“ My friend had got an advice of me nothing to tell about Bruno Gröning to him.

Soon after a great tiredness came over me. I got a fever and laid down breaking out in strong sweat. Suddenly my room was filled with a light rose glimmer of light and the fine wonderful fragrance came again into my nose like before in the flat of Bruno Gröning. I transpired for hours in my bed. It was clear to me that this was the start of withdrawal from the injections as predicted to me by Bruno Gröning. So I had no fear or sorrows. But my landlady was convinced to accommodate some „Devil posessed“ and was hitting continuesly against a metal plate before my window with a wooden stick. When that got too much on my nerves, I let my nurse ring Bruno Gröning to help me anyway to bring that evil doing to an end. All of a sudden there was silence. After sweating for hours I fell into a deep sleep but was awaken at midnight again and saw again my room filled up with that light rose glimmer of light. Again the nice smell streamed against me in waves. I started to sweat again and thought at Bruno Gröning who was like the Angel Gabriel to me – and watched everything which was going on. At 3 am I slept in and woke up in the morning hungry and thirsty, but still very weak.

To get rid off the allusions of the landlady I decided to travel to friends in Hammersbach at Garmisch to surrender myself undisturbed completely to the reactions. Again I asked my friend to drive me in his car to the train station Murnau to the train to Garmisch. I still was very shaky on my legs and was concerned how to carry the heavy suitcase to the trains, because the train was delayed. My friend had to leave so I was on my own.

There I took my both silver balls into my hands and thought intensively to Bruno Gröning and my Angel Gabriel. All at once a Sir went towards me, lifted his hat and asked me to help me carrying the suitcase. When the overfilled train arrived he opened the waggon door and asked another passenger for a seat for me with the following words: „May you be so kindly to let your seat to this man, he was very sick!“

When he saw me well supplied he salutated, walked away and again waved me good bye into the window. It was clear to me that this was again a support by Bruno Gröning and my Angel Gabriel.

When I arrived in Garmisch I had to change once more to the „Zugspitz“-station and there had to climb a few stairs up. I looked for a luggage carrier – but there was no one to find. I stood there a bit tantatively in front of my heavy suitcase with my shaky legs. Then I took place on the trunk, took my silver balls to hand - and again the nice smell streamed towards me – a power penetrated me...so I stood up, grapped the suitcase and carried it easily to the train – the same at my arrival to the house of my friends in Hammersbach. The nice flavour was around me during the whole trip and a singing and rejoicing as if I would travel into a new life now.

Without knowing about my arrival my friends had arranged all for me and pampered me with food and peace. Soon I’ve put myself to bed – and again the rosy glow including smell appeared in the room. It was 3 in the afternoon and I slept through until 5 in the morning. I glanced out of the window to the mountains and within a strange cloud I saw clearly Bruno Gröning’s head – as clearly I saw him in Grafrath standing in front of me. I heard his words: „Now everything will going alright!“

Slowly I was released from the poisons in my body, exactly as Bruno Gröning said, after 14 days I would have detached from all.

Day by day I proceeded. Every day I could walk longer strolls and sit in the sun. Already on the nineth day I felt myself stronger and the weakness was gone. I climbed a mountain, was a newly born person. All of the terrible time of suffering was gone.

I stayed with my friends several weeks longer and they could experience my completely Healing with joy and wonder, and spoiled me along with good food and drink. Most grateful I left Hammersbach then and returned to Kochel.

Always I could feel „my Angel Gabriel“ being around me. All the people who knew how hopeless ill I was before could only say with astonishment: „There has happened a miracle!“

I looked for a new job in my trade in Murnau as a master painter. I was even such full of power that I outreached all my employees. Never a pain or another old sickness came over me. Since I am working fresh and joyful in my profession, yes, I got another big task in a business in Munich.

All my fellow human beings I would like to say: Even this very day in spite of the passing of our dear friend Bruno Gröning, he is with me and the wonderful strengthening powers are coming to me. He is going on to help me every time and everywhere!

Peter Klingelhöfer

Source: Josette Gröning (Edit.) The spiritual healer (Denkendorf at Plochingen/Neckar 1960, No. 1, Pg. 7-11