A resource for youth and the people who love them
d-RAP Youth Council Application
The d-RAP Youth Council is All About You(th)
We’re a youth-led, youth-driven group that’s committed to empowering young people like you to make positive changes in their communities.
The Youth Council provides opportunities for you to work with other teens in your communities to improve the health and well-being of your neighborhoods and schools. Through the creation of events, campaigns, and educational resources, you’ll learn valuable leadership skills, collaborate with great people for a great cause, and have a great time doing it.
Members of the Council lead the way in examining how alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs impact their communities, and creating engaging messages and fun, safe events to help educate their peers on these issues.
Sounds good right? Then what are you waiting for? Get involved with the Youth Council today!
Please answer the following questions as completely as possible, then save and email it to .
Any Questions? Call Jodi at 720-944-2825
But enough about us! Tell us about yourself
Today’s Date:
Your Name:
Cell phone #:
School (or employer):
Birth date:
Why do you want to be a part of the Denver RAP Youth Council?
What talents or skills do you think you can bring to the Council?
We want to get to know you! Choose any three books, movies, songs, or TV programs that you think best describe you, and explain why!
Tell us what kind of activities you are involved in inside or outside of school?
What do you think are the most important issues facing Denver’s young people today?
What (if any) experiences have you or your family/friends had with alcohol or other drugs that make you passionate about substance use prevention?
Use this space to tell us anything else you think we should know about you!
Please list 2 personal references to whom you’re not related.
Relationship to you
Telephone #
Relationship to you
Telephone #