
Oregon Flock & Fiber Festival


18th Annual Llama Show & ILR Western Championship!

Show dates: September 24th & 25th, 2016 Location: Clackamas County Fair Grounds, Canby, OR

Judges:Maryan Baker, Riverside, California

Dr. Joy Bishop-Forshey, Wauseon, Ohio

Robert Wooldridge, Battle Ground, Washington

About this year’s ILR OFFF llama show:

Just like last year, the SCHEDULE is as follows – SATURDAY will be performance classes and fleece/fiber judging, SUNDAY will be the double halter show. Please note EARLIER postmark deadline – 15 Sept.!

We fell short of paying our bills in 2015. For the last couple years I been a “sapphire-level sponsor” as I have not turned in all the receipts for things I paid for. To that end, please bring more animals, or enter your animals in more classes, or sponsor a class or division or make a sponsorship-level donation (new this year, see Registr. Form, p.10). We want to continue to offer a fun and relaxing event but we need to pay all of our bills.

We had 30+ responses to the survey we ran in January asking for changes you would like to see at OFFF. Thanks for your responses! Changes based on the survey results: both Novice and Advanced Performance, as well as youth performance classes, will be Double Shows. Please bring skeins and finished llama wool goods!

Thanks to Debby Gremmels and her volunteers, we have a Western Championship! They are planning a wine and cheese party to start 30 minutes after performance ends and a dinner for Saturday night.

Versatility is back! Last year the Versatility Award (halter, performance, and fleece) attracted a good number of entries (and a great “happy dance” from the winner), so we are doing it again. Enter halter, performance and a fleece class and enter class number 99 for Versatility (see info on pg. 7). Class 99 is a free class but it helps us keep track of entries. Speaking of entries, we have an award this year sponsored by JNK Llamas for the Premiere Exhibitor, the person/farm that enters the most classes!

Llama games are back too! Use the llama games on Friday at 6pm to warm up your llama for performance classes! If your llama is not athletic, please join the group to cheer on the competitors.

We want to use OFFF as an opportunity to talk with the public about llamas and for you to sell your llama fleeces to spinners. We will have a llama information display area and a space to display shorn fleeces that are for sale. Remember, spinners want to spin, not pick hay-bits and fir needles out of the fiber. The cleaner it is, the more likely a spinner will take it home with them. If you have questions, Niki can help.

This is the year of the llama at OFFF and Kaylee submitted the winning logo! There are t-shirts available for pre-order by September 6. See the last pages of this packet for details.

Special Thanks to Niki Kuklenski for ideas, keeping me on-track, and rounding up volunteers! Please e-mail questions to me at as they come up and I’ll do my best to get back to you quickly. Thank you for your interest and continued support of the Oregon Flock & Fiber Festival ILR Llama Show and Western Championship! I look forward to seeing you in Canby!


Show Superintendent: Hal Koenig at or cell phone at the show will be five four one – seven four oh – six 362.

Class Entry Fees: $24.00 per halter class (double show), $24.00 per novice or advanced performance class (double show), each bagged or fleece-on entry is $14 ($19 at the show), youth showmanship and performance classes are each $14.00 (double show), and youth costume class is $5.

ILR Fee: There is a $6 fee for each llama participating in halter and performance classes (double shows) and $3 fee for each llama participating in fibers classes (single show) – if the same animal is shown in fiber and halter, or fiber and performance, the fee is just $6. This fee applies to all exhibitors.

Animals may show in ONE Performance Division. Animals showing in the Youth Division may NOT show in Open Division, but any youth may compete in open performance classes with a different llama.

Stall fees:$15.00 per stall per day (limit of two adult llamas or three juveniles per pen). Saturday stall fee includes those arriving Friday – plan to arrive after 2:30 pm. Departures are allowed after 5pm Saturday evening and Sunday after 4pm. If you are staying the whole weekend, stalls are $25.

NO Saturday AM arrivals unless approved by the Show Superintendent – please contact Hal ahead of time. NO Departures prior to departure times listed above. Please do not request exceptions – we have a large public audience, and insurance and OFFF management require departures after the end of the day.

Please NOTE: there will be a limited amount of straw that can be purchased at the Fairgrounds for stall bedding and it typically runs out Friday afternoon/evening. If you use straw in your stall(s), you must remove the straw and manure from the stall before you leave.

Entry deadline: Entries must be postmarked by September 15th, 2016 to be included in the show program. Entries received with a postmark after September 15th, 2016 will be charged a $10.00 late fee per class. Pen space is limited so the total number of entries will be limited by the amount of pen space (postmarks will be used to determine cut off of entries).

Vendor Insurance: If you purchase a “sale stall” for one or more animals or products, you are classified as an OFFF vendor and all vendors must carry liability insurance. Coverage should be for $1 million and name Oregon Flock & Fiber Festival and its Festival Planning Committee as additional insured. Also, such insurance afforded the additional insured is primary and non-contributing with any other insurance the additional insured may carry. The address for the festival is: Oregon Flock & Fiber Festival, 30881 SE Bald Peak Rd, Hillsboro, OR 97123. The show superintendent needs this form WHEN YOU REGISTER for the sale stall. Hal’s mailing address is 3410 NW 60th St, Corvallis, OR 97330.

Health Requirements: The show does not require a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection; those traveling across state lines to reach the show should be aware of requirements of the jurisdictions through which you will pass.

If you are showing a llama that you do not own, please include written permission to show the animal from owner of the animal.

Awards: Rosette ribbons will be awarded to first and second place in each class and Grand and Reserve Champion for performance and halter. Third, fourth and fifth place in each class will receive a flat ribbon. Flat ribbons will be awarded for skeins and finished goods. As part of the Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival, we will be awarding a special OFFF Diamond Award for Best of Show for the halter animals (if you see Brandy Chastain, please thank her for providing this award!). New this year, we will be participating in the ILR Shorn Fleece Merit Program. This will not cost exhibitors anything extra.

Arrival and Departure: Llamas may check-in between 2:30pm and 9pm Friday (PLEASE DO NOT ARRIVE EARLY WITHOUT MAKING SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS WITH THE SUPERINTENDENT) or 5pm – 7pm Saturday evening. All halter llamas must be checked in before 8:00 pm Saturday. Departures can be made on Saturday or Sunday between 5pm and 8 p.m. each evening. Stalls must be cleaned when you depart.


Saturday September 24th, 2016 8:00 am Exhibitors meeting NOTE the TIME!!PleasureDrivingor Sr.Showmanship 8:30am

Driving Class: 71Pleasure Driving


Class: 80Intermediate Youth Pack

Class: 72Obstacle Driving


Class: 81Junior Youth Pack

Youth Showmanship



Class: 74Senior Youth Showmanship


Class: 82Advanced Obstacle

Class: 75Intermediate Youth Showmanship


Class: 83Senior Youth Obstacle

Class: 76Junior Youth Showmanship


Class: 84Novice Obstacle

Non-Breeder Halter (04)


Class: 85Intermediate Youth Obstacle

Class: 01Yearling

/ Class: 86Junior Youth Obstacle
Class: 02Two Year Old /

Public Relations

Class: 03Adult / Class: 87Advanced Public Relations
Pack / Class: 88Senior Youth Public Relations
Class: 77Advanced Pack / Class: 89Novice Public Relations
Class: 78Senior Youth Pack / Class: 90Intermediate Youth Public Relations

Class: 79Novice Pack

/ Class: 91Junior Youth Public Relations

Class: 95 Youth Costume (held during the lunch break on Saturday)

Sunday, September 25th 8:30 am Exhibitors meeting, Adult Showmanship at 9:00 am

Class: 73Adult Showmanship

/ Suri Wool Male Llama (continued)

Suri Wool Female Llama (09)

/ Class: 36Yearling
Class: 05Juvenile / Class: 37Two-year old
Class: 06Yearling / Class: 38Mature
Class: 07Two-year old / Silky Wool Male Llama (44)
Class: 08Mature / Class: 40Juvenile

Silky Wool Female Llama (14)

/ Class: 41Yearling
Class: 10Juvenile / Class: 42Two-year old
Class: 11Yearling / Class: 43Mature
Class: 12Two-year old / Classic Male Llama (49)
Class: 13Mature / Class: 45Juvenile
Classic Female Llama (19) / Class: 46Yearling
Class: 15Juvenile / Class: 47Two-year old
Class: 16Yearling / Class: 48Mature
Class: 17Two-year old / Light/Medium Wool Male Llama (54)
Class: 18Mature / Class: 50Juvenile

Light/Medium Wool Female Llama (24)

/ Class: 51Yearling
Class: 20Juvenile / Class: 52Two-year old
Class: 21Yearling /

Class: 53Mature

Class: 22Two-year old / Heavy Wool Male Llama (59)
Class: 23Mature / Class: 55Juvenile

Heavy Wool Female Llama (29)

/ Class: 56Yearling
Class: 25Juvenile / Class: 57Two-year old
Class: 26Yearling /

Class: 58Mature

Class: 27Two-year old / Extreme Heavy Wool Male Llama (64)
Class: 28Mature / Class: 60Juvenile

Extreme Heavy Wool Female Llama (34)

/ Class: 61Yearling
Class: 30Juvenile / Class: 62Two-year old
Class: 31Yearling /

Class: 63Mature

Class: 32Two-year old /

Group Classes

Class: 33Mature /

Class: 65Production Pair

Suri Wool Male Llama (39) /

Class: 66Bred and Owned

Class: 35Juvenile /

OFFF Diamond Award – Best of Show

Versatility – Class 99 (no cost)


Double Fleece with Crimp/Crinkle (103) / Double Fleece with Crimp/Crinkle (123)
Class 101: Double Fleece with Crimp/Crinkle (5-23 months) / Class 121: Fleece-On Double with Crimp/Crinkle (5-23 months)
Class 102: Double Fleece with Crimp/Crinkle (24 months and older) / Class 122: Fleece-On Double with Crimp/Crinkle (24 months and older)
Single Fleece with Crimp/Crinkle (106) / Single Fleece with Crimp/Crinkle (126)
Class 104: Single Fleece with Crimp/Crinkle (5-23 months) / Class 124: Fleece-On Single with Crimp/Crinkle (5-23 months)
Class 105: Single Fleece with Crimp/Crinkle (24 months and older) / Class 125: Fleece-On Single with Crimp/Crinkle (24 months and older)
Single Fleece without Crimp/Crinkle (109) / Single Fleece without Crimp/Crinkle (129)
Class 107: Single Fleece without Crimp/Crinkle (5-23 months) / Class 127: Fleece-On Single without Crimp/Crinkle (5-23 months)
Class 108: Single Fleece without Crimp/Crinkle (24 months and older) / Class 128: Fleece-On Single without Crimp/Crinkle (24 months and older)
Suri Fleece (112) / Suri Fleece (132)
Class 110: Suri Fleece (5-23 months) / Class 130: Fleece-On Suri (5-23 months)
Class 111: Suri Fleece (24 months and older) / Class 131: Fleece-On Suri (24 months and older)
Classic Coat (135)
Class 160: Shorn Fleece FOR SALE / Class 133: Coat-On Classic (5-23 months)
Class 134: Coat-On Classic (24 months and older)
SKEINS & FINISHED GOODS (all items must be a minimum of 50% llama fiber)
Class 151: Handspun Yarn / Class 154: Crochet Item
Class 152: Handspun Yarn with decoration / Class 155: Felted Item
Class 153: Knitted Item / Class 156: Other/Miscellaneous Item

*Shorn Fleeces, Skeins, Finished Goods need to be brought to Ely Arena by 3pm, Friday for judging.



All llamas shall be present for judging with a halter and lead rope with no additional decorations-halters shall not have tassels, pompoms or other removable decorations.

No ranch, personal, animal, or organizational name, logo or insignia shall be displayed on the exhibitor or animal during the class.

Nursing llamas cannot be accompanied in the ring by their babies. Show management recommends not showing nursing mothers.

The Judge may dismiss animals exhibiting unruly or unsafe behavior from the ring. Dismissal can take place even before the animal enters the ring if show personnel bring the matter to the Judge’s attention.

Show management may dismiss an exhibitor and their animal from any class or participation at the show if the exhibitor mistreats their animal.

Llamas may not be moved from one class to another after halter judging has begun, except at the Judge’s discretion.

Youth between the ages of 8 through 18 may show intact males. It is recommended that youth under 8 years of age not show intact males and youth between the ages of 7 to 12 years not show intact males over 18 months of age.

Handler attire should be conservative, neat and appropriate for the class. Shoes should be appropriate for the show ring (open toed shoes, sandals and bare feet will disqualify the exhibitor). Suggested attire is dark pants or skirt and white shirt or blouse.

Exhibitors shall not knowingly exhibit animals in any class, which, in their opinion, exhibit unsoundness.

Exhibitors are responsible for following the progress of the show and shall be at ringside ten minutes before their class is called.

An exhibitor shall not knowingly show where there is a conflict of interest with the Judge. The burden of responsibility is with the owner, exhibitor or trainer to recognize a conflict of interest.


Llamas are to be entered in the division for which they are eligible at the time of the show.

Halter class rules also apply.

Classes are open to any llama five months of age or over, except if otherwise specified in the class requirements.

Alpacas may be entered and compete in performance and showmanship classes with the llamas.

A llama may be entered in only one performance division. It is the exhibitors’ responsibility to enter the correct division.

Llamas must make an attempt at each obstacle, otherwise it will be counted as “off course.”

In the novice and advanced classes, llamas must make only one attempt at each obstacle. If obstacle is not completed, they will be judged accordingly and then go on to the next obstacle.

A llama or handler going off-course cannot place over an animal that completed the course.

Coaching from the sidelines by spectators is strongly discouraged and may compromise the exhibitor’s scoring or result in the exhibitor’s disqualification.

After refusals at three obstacles, it will then be mandatory for the Judge to dismiss the exhibitor from the course. This procedure is not to be used in Youth classes without prior agreement of show management and explanation to the exhibitors.

In obstacle classes, it is at the Judge’s discretion whether the handler must negotiate the obstacles.

Only voice and hand commands may be used in exhibiting animals.

No written notes may be used in performance classes.

Exhibitors may request the Judge provide a review of their individual score cards. Scorecards may not be reviewed without the permission of the Judge. All score sheets should remain the property of the Judge and only interpreted by the Judge with exhibitors on an individual basis.


Both handler and animal should be neatly groomed and attired.

When in the show ring, do not talk with ring personnel or other handlers unless required.

Concentrate on showing your animal to its best ability.

Your animal can be more easily evaluated if it leads well and stands quietly.

Encourage your animal to defecate before entering the ring. Did someone say something about a ten point deduction…?

Watch closely for instructions from the Ring Steward or Judge.

Be ready to show your animal’s number to the Ring Steward or Judge when necessary.



Breeding Llamas

Wool Division Descriptions:

Light Wool: Minimal body wool, short neck wool with smooth head, ears and legs. Medium Wool: Moderate to long body wool, minimal to moderate neck wool, smooth to moderate head and leg wool. Heavy Wool: Abundant body and neck wool, and minimal to abundant head and leg wool (i.e., leg wool at least to knee and hock). Classic Llamas: double coat with prominent, abundant guard hair throughout coat, on the body (except juveniles and yearlings), undercoat has moderate to sparse density and is either minimally or not at all visible under the guard hair, very short smooth fiber on the face, ears, forehead and head, short leg fiber above the knee or hock and short smooth or minimally ruffled hair below the knee or hock, a large “window” of short, smooth hair on either side of their sternum, and neck fiber that often sheds out leaving a discernable guard hair “mane.”

Age Division Descriptions:

Juvenile: 5 months up to less than 12 months. Yearling: 12 to less than 24 months. Two-Year old: 24 months to less than 36 months, Mature: 36 months and older

NOTE: On a llama’s birthday, the llama moves up to the next older class