Age-related Macular Degeneration and Mortality:
The Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study
eFigure 1FlowchartofparticipantsintheMelbourneCollaborativeCohortStudy.AMD=age-relatedmaculardegeneration
eTable 1Baseline Characteristics of Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study Participants included and not included in the Primary Analysis
eTable 2Characteristics of Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study Participants Included in Primary Analysis with and without Missing Mediterranean Diet Score or Weekly Physical Activity at Wave 3
eTable 3Number and Rate of Contributing Cause of Death from Trauma in theMelbourne Collaborative Cohort Study until December 31, 2012
eTable 4Cox Regression Analysis for Mortalitywith Age as a Time-varying Covariatein the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study until December 31, 2012
eTable 1. Baseline Characteristics of Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study Participants included and not included in the Primary Analysis
Not included in primary analysisn = 20,385 / Included in primary analysis
n= 21,129
Age at baseline, Median [IQR] / 58 / [50-64] / 53 / [46-61]
Sex, n (%)
Male / 8,620 / (42.3) / 8,425 / (39.9)
Female / 11,765 / (57.7) / 12,704 / (60.1)
Smoking status at baseline,a n (%)
Never-smoker / 11,050 / (54.2) / 12,769 / (60.4)
Former-smoker / 6,432 / (31.6) / 6,565 / (31.1)
Current-smoker / 2,894 / (14.2) / 1,794 / (8.5)
Region of birth, n (%)
Australia, New Zealand, UK, Ireland,or Latvia / 12,915 / (63.4) / 18,269 / (86.5)
Southern Europe / 7,470 / (36.6) / 2,860 / (13.5)
Educational attainment at baseline,a n (%)
Less than high/technical school / 13,869 / (68.1) / 10,030 / (47.5)
Completed high/technical school / 2,491 / (12.2) / 3,035 / (14.4)
Completed trade/tertiary degree/diploma / 4,016 / (19.7) / 8,064 / (38.2)
IQR = interquartile range
a Missing values at baseline: smoking status (n = 10); educational attainment (n = 9)
eTable 2. Characteristics of Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study Participants Included in Primary Analysis with and without Missing Mediterranean Diet Score or Weekly Physical Activity at Wave 3
Physical activity and Mediterranean diet score at wave 3Both available
n = 19,878 / Either missing
n = 1,251
Age at wave 3 (years), Median [IQR] / 64 / [57-72] / 68 / [60-75]
Sex, n (%)
Male / 7,922 / (39.9) / 503 / (40.2)
Female / 11,956 / (60.1) / 748 / (59.8)
Smoking status at wave 3, n (%)
Never-smoker / 11,938 / (60.1) / 729 / (58.3)
Former-smoker / 6,995 / (35.2) / 472 / (37.7)
Current smoker 1-14 cigarettes/day / 449 / (2.3) / 31 / (2.5)
Current smoker ≥15 cigarettes/day / 496 / (2.5) / 19 / (1.5)
Region of birth, n (%)
Australia, New Zealand, UK, Ireland or Latvia / 17,433 / (87.7) / 836 / (66.8)
Southern Europe / 2,445 / (12.3) / 415 / (33.2)
Educational attainment, n (%)
Less than high/technical school / 9,289 / (46.7) / 741 / (59.2)
Completed high/technical school / 2,877 / (14.5) / 158 / (12.6)
Completed trade/degree/diploma / 7,712 / (38.8) / 352 / (28.1)
Mediterranean diet score at baseline, a n (%)
0 – 3 (less compliant with Mediterranean diet) / 4,437 / (22.3) / 280 / (22.4)
4 / 4,111 / (20.7) / 253 / (20.2)
5 / 4,635 / (23.3) / 297 / (23.7)
6- 9 (more compliant with Mediterranean diet) / 6,689 / (33.7) / 421 / (33.7)
Physical activity score at baseline, n (%)
0 (less active) / 3,794 / (19.1) / 268 / (21.4)
>0 to <4 / 4,000 / (20.1) / 235 / (18.8)
≥4 to <6 / 6,783 / (34.1) / 487 / (38.9)
≥6 (more active) / 5,301 / (26.7) / 261 / (20.9)
Vital status,b n (%)
Alive / 18,343 / (92.3) / 1,117 / (89.3)
Deceased / 1,535 / (7.7) / 134 / (10.7)
IQR = interquartile range
a Missing values for Mediterranean diet score at baseline (n = 6)
b As of December 31, 2012
eTable 3. Number and Rate of Contributing Cause of Deatha from Trauma in the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study until December 31, 2012
Number at riskb / Deaths due to trauma / Deaths per 1000 person-yearsRate / (95% CI)
All participants / 21,056 / 56 / 0.34 / (0.26, 0.44)
Age-related macular degeneration
Control / 13,963 / 32 / 0.29 / (0.20, 0.41)
Early / 4,293 / 11 / 0.33 / (0.18, 0.59)
Intermediate / 2,679 / 12 / 0.58 / (0.33, 1.02)
Late / 121 / 1 / 1.15 / (0.16, 8.16)
Geographic atrophy
Absent / 20,970 / 55 / 0.33 / (0.26, 0.43)
Present / 86 / 1 / 1.65 / (0.23, 11.68)
Reticular pseudodrusen
Absent / 20,971 / 54 / 0.33 / (0.25, 0.43)
Present / 85 / 2 / 3.16 / (0.79, 12.62)
CI = confidence interval
a No deaths related to trauma in participants with choroidal neovascularization.
b Cause of death missing for 73 participants
eTable 4. Cox Regression Analysis for Mortalityawith Age as a Time-varying Covariatein the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study until December 31, 2012
All-causemortality / Mortality from
cardiovascular disease
HR / (95% CI) / HR / (95% CI)
< 75 years of age
No age-related macular degeneration / 1.00 / 1.00
Early age-related macular degeneration / 1.01 / (0.81, 1.23) / 2.11 / (1.21, 3.67)
≥ 75 years of age
No age-related macular degeneration / 1.00 / 1.00
Early age-related macular degeneration / 1.04 / (0.87, 1.24) / 0.81 / (0.56, 1.16)
< 75 years of age
No age-related macular degeneration / 1.00 / 1.00
Intermediate age-related macular degeneration / 1.13 / (0.86, 1.49) / 1.14 / (0.47, 2.72)
≥ 75 years of age
No age-related macular degeneration / 1.00 / 1.00
Intermediate age-related macular degeneration / 0.94 / (0.80, 1.09) / 0.86 / (0.64, 1.16)
CI = confidence interval; HR = hazard ratio.
aAdjusted for age, sex, region of birth, educational attainment and wave 3 assessment of smoking status, physical activity and Mediterranean diet score. Age included as a time-varying covariate.Multiple imputation used for handling missing data from Mediterranean diet score and physical activity.