PARENT’S RESOURCE GUIDE 2016Help When You Need It for Your Children and Family!
Special Needs
Children & Youth
Butler County Infant-Toddler Services
Rainbows United, Inc. - Bright Beginnings
El Dorado: 409 N. Main
Phone: 316-320-1342 / 800-650-9260
- Free Developmental Screenings for infants and toddlers to identify potential learning problems (if child has difficulty walking, talking, seeing, hearing, or learning).
- Infants and toddlersreceive special services individualized to assist them in their development, and are provided with every opportunity to reach their potential.
Butler County Special Education Interlocal #638
1266 SE Bluestem Rd., El Dorado, KS 67042
Phone: 316-775-6904
- Serves as a partner with parents, teachers, and administrators to provide equal educational opportunities for all students in Butler County, including those with learning challenges.
- Offers free developmental screening for infants and preschool children - to help parents identify possible learning problems, and find help. Screenings held monthly, and may also be arranged for a Friday at a school that hosts Early Childhood Programs.
Count Your Kid In Schedule
- Serves students with the following exceptionalities:
Emotional Disturbances
Visual Impairments
Learning Disabilities
Speech and Language Impairments
Physical Impairments
Early Childhood Special Education
Intellectual Disabilities
Severe Multiple Disabilities
Hearing Impairments
Gifted, Autism
Traumatic Brain Injuries
Other Health Impairments
CDDO of Butler County
2101 Dearborn, Suite 301, Augusta, KS / 316-322-8777
- Serves as the single point of entry for individuals or families to obtain services through the developmental disabilities (DD) system.
- Determines eligibility for DD services, and based on availability of funding, serves or arranges services for eligible persons.
Families Together, Inc.
3033 W 2nd St, Room 122, Wichita, KS 67203 / 888-815-6364
Spanish Hotline (toll free): 800-499-9443
- A parent information center serving families of children with disabilities
- Parent Training and Information Center
- Family-to-Family Health Information Center
- Parent-to-Parent
- Education Advocate
Flinthills Services, Inc.
Kathy Walter, Executive Director
505 So. Walnut Valley Dr., El Dorado, KS
- Services for individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities.
- Services include: Targeted Case Management, Supportive Home Care, Residential Services, Day Services, Employment Services.
Hands and Voices
- Online support for families and their children who are deaf or hard of hearing, and professionals who serve them.
- Includes those and their families who communicate orally, with signs, cue, and/or combined methods.
Kansas Early AutismServices
- Online information about the Kansas Autism Waiver which provides opportunities for children with Autism to receive intensive early intervention treatment. and their primary caregivers to receive needed support through respite services.
- How to apply for and receive early autism services, where to go to participate in the autism waiver training, and additional resources about autism and related issues.
Mental Health Association of South Central Kansas
555 N. Woodlawn, Suite 3105, Wichita / 316-685-1821
- Kansas Works for Success. Assists low-income fathers in finding sustained employment, pay child support, and improve their family relationships.
- Residential Care. A supportive living program for men and women recovering from mental illness. Housing programs include Group Homes, Transitional Housing, Independent Housing, and Senior Housing. For more information, please callExt. 501.
- Take a free and anonymous screening for substance abuse, post traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, eating disorders and/or depression:
NAMI of Butler County (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
- Butler County Support Group:
- Affiliated with NAMI Kansas:
- NAMI HelpLine: An information & referral service: 1-800-950-NAMI (6264), weekdays, 10 am- 6 pm EST, or email at
South Central Mental Health Center Counseling Center
El Dorado: 2365 W. Central / 316-321-6036
•A community mental health center providing mental health treatment. Services offered to everyone regardless of severity of illness or income level (has sliding scale fees for individuals without insurance coverage). No resident of Butler County is refused services for inability to pay.
Special Families of Butler County
Executive Director: Kathy Donovan, , 316-393-4074
- A Parent to Parent support program assisting families of children with special needs in Butler County. If your child has special needs, so do you. Part of the Parent to Parent Network of Kansas.
- offering a free summer program for children needing extra help in academics.offering a free summer program for children needing extra help in academics.Programs include: Lending Library & Family Resource Center (learning aids, switches, therapy equipment; books, DVDs, videos, developmental toys); a free Summer Program for children needing special help in academics; Emergency Medical Grant (to help defray medical expenses, especially for families not eligible for assistance from other programs); Parent Assist (information and individual assistance for parents)
The Arc of Butler County
The Arc of the United States:
The Arc of Butler County:
El Dorado: 226 S. Main / 316-321-7744; email: ;
- Assists persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and their families.
This resources guide was prepared for KIDZFEST El Dorado.
For more information, visit the KIDZFEST online at
To update or add information, contact:
Judie Storandt,