GSAS Agenda

Tuesday, October 6, 2009 in Belk Library room 421

** * Welcome ***


I.  Roll call


II.  Statement of Quorum


III.  Amendments to the Agenda

Senate, with President Presiding

IV.  Approval of the Minutes from September 15, 2009

V.  Student Forum

VI.  Reports of the Executive Council (Vice President)

·  Student Fees Update

VII.  President’s Remarks

·  Graduate student representation update

VIII.  Committee Reports

·  Finance (Treasurer)

o  Next grant deadline, Nov. 4

o  Finance committee meeting report

o  Undistributed grants from Spring 2009

·  Social (Secretary)

o  Fall community service project update

o  GSAS potluck?

·  Graduate Council (Serena)

·  APP (Rachel)

·  University Forum (Lisa Baldwin)

IX.  Old Business

X.  New Business

·  GSAS delegate for SGA / SGA delegate to GSAS

·  Graduate representation on university-wide committees

o  Student Fees Committee - open

o  Tuition Committee - open

o  Calendar Committee - Dave Lee

o  Arts and Cultural Programs Advisory Committee - Danielle Rector

o  Library - Brian Wilson

o  Athletic Council - Will Baucom

o  Club Council - Ethan Labowitz

·  Endowment

o  Edelma Huntley will match us $1000 if we raise the funds by Dec. 1, 2009

XI.  Adjournment