MARCH 18, 2014
6:30 P.M.
ATTENDANCE: Geoff Buckingham, Joe Farry, Father Bob, Father James Michel Taylor, Larry Grimmer, Sharon Koegl, Karen Mills, Paul O’Brien, Mary-Jo Pierpont, Celeste Rossetti.
Meeting called to order at 6:30 P.M. with a prayer led by Paul O’Brien.
I. Bridges Out of Poverty (Father Bob)
A. Father Bob, Father Michael, Sharon Koegl, Paul O’Brien and Allison Nunez (Niskayuna School District Social Worker) attended this program on Feb. 25, 2014.
B. The overall feeling is that everyone who attended is committed to addressing the issue and time was devoted to brainstorming strategies to alleviate poverty in Schenectady/Niskayuna.
C. Additional training days include the following: April 10 – 11, June 12- 13
September 18 – 19.
II. Heart of Christ Gala (Paul O’Brien)
A. School fundraiser held on February 28th at Glen Sanders.
B. Fundraiser was well attended and extremely successful.
III. Budget (Sharon Koegl and Joe Farry)
A. Budget discussion led by Sharon and Joe
B. Motion to approve budget by Celeste Rossetti and seconded by Geoff Buckingham.
IV. Faith Formation Issue (Father Bob)
A. Due to low registration for the Sunday morning religious education classes at the Rosa Road campus, all classes will be held exclusively at the Union Street campus beginning in the Fall 2014.
B. Parishioners will be notified of this change in the bulletin
V. Convent Update (Father Michael)
A. Father Michael is in the process of establishing a first meeting date
B. Many questions/ approaches to be addressed in upcoming meeting
VI. By-Laws; membership (June meeting)
A. By-Laws will be addressed during our final (June) meeting
B. New Officers will be elected during our final meeting
VII. New Business
-None discussed
VIII. Adjournment and Final Prayer (Father Bob)
Motion to adjourn – Father Bob, 2nd – Karen Mills; meeting adjourned at 7:25 P.M.
NEXT MEETING: JUNE 17 @ 5:00 p.m. at Rosa Road Parish Center Building