National Talent CampApplication Form
(Coaches and Officials)
There is an exciting development opportunity to get involved in thefirst National Talent Camp, as either a young coach or young official.In conjunction with the Youth Sport Trust (YST), British Cycling is offering a fully funded 4-day residential camp for ambitious young coaches and aspiring officials on the Cycling Award for Young Volunteers.
What is this opportunity?
The National Talent Camp will be made up of over 300 ambitious young coaches, aspiring young officials and talented athletes from across a variety of sports and British Cycling is offering a number of young officials and young coaches from the Cycling Award for Young Volunteers the chance to be there. The National Talent Camp will be take place from Friday 198–to Monday 221 December at Loughborough University, Leicestershire.
The opportunity providesyoung volunteers(with an active interest in either coaching or officiating) with the chance to develop, enhance and refine their skills, by working alongside other young people and sports professionals. Accommodation, breakfast, lunch and evening meals for all four days are included.
Requirements of the opportunity:
Young Volunteers need:
- To be in full time, compulsory or college education (between 14-19years old),
- Be passionate about cycling andeither coaching or officiating,
- Be an active volunteer in the sport of cycling,
- Be able attend the dates stated(189 to 221 December),
- Be able tocoordinate and covertheir own travel arrangements and expenses to get to and from Loughborough on the 198 and 221 December.
- To commit to fulfil their role (coach or official) and complete a reflective blogata minimum of two local, regional, or national British Cycling events, over the following year.
- To identify a mentor, within your club or community, who is happy to offer guidance, support and direction in your role.
If you are interested in this opportunity, please complete and return this formto the contact details provided below. You will receive confirmation once your application has been received.
Deadline: MonFriday 5 31 October 20145
Personal Details
Young person’s e-mail address:
Parent/Guardian Name:
Parent/Guardian phonenumber:
Parent/Guardian email address:
Club name:
Mentor Details
Confirmed mentor:Club name (if applicable):
Mentor phone number
Mentor email address:
Role applying for (please tick or cross the role you would like to apply for)
Young CoachYoung Official
When considering your answers to the below questions, please bear in mind the role you are applying for and ensure that the answer you provide is specific to your role choice.
Please describe, in a maximum of 200 words, your experience as a volunteer. This can include:- Volunteer experience in cycling.
- Officiating/coaching experience inside or outside of cycling (experience in other sports also applicable).
- Relevant qualifications
Please explain, in a maximum of 200 words, why you would like to be a part of the National Talent Camp. Please include:
- The skills you can contribute to the camp (for example leadership, team work communication)
- Examples of when/where you have demonstrated these skills
- The skills you wish to develop as either a Young Coach or Young Official whilst in attendance at the National Talent Camp
Confirmation of Information
I confirm that the information given in this application is complete and correct.
Name: / Signature: / Date:
To be completed by parent/guardian/carer (if under 18)
I am the parent/guardian of the aforementioned person and agree to them submitting an application form,form and if successful attending the National Talent Camp at Loughborough University, Leicestershire on: 18, 19, 20, 21 and 221 December. I understand that this will involve them making their own travel arrangements to and from the residential camp.
Please note, the cost of the training camp, including all meals,is fully funded, however,travel expenses will need to be covered by the individuals.
Name: / Signature: / Date:
Thank you for taking the time to complete this application form. Please scan and return this form to or alternatively post it to the below address byeforeMondayFriday315 October 20145.
Go-Ride Young Volunteers
British Cycling
National Cycling Centre
Stuart Street
M11 4DQ
Good Luck!