Regulations for Tryouts
- Girls will be ranked by their performance at the clinics and tryouts, as well as evaluations by their teachers, coaches and administrators.
- All girls must tryout on the designated date.
- Each girl will have a choice of trying out for football only, basketball only, or both seasons.
- It must be understood that if placed on the squad, you must be willing to carry out the requirements of that squad and that season. You must be available for all practices, games and events. Cheerleading must be your top priority.
- When making your choice, be sure to take into consideration your personal interests, extracurricular activities, school workload, etc.
- You cannot be a cheerleader and participate in another sport or activity during the same season.
- The following is the breakdown of squads:
Varsity Squad: Seniors and Juniors (occasionally Sophomores at coach’s discretion)
Junior Varsity Squad: Juniors and Sophomores (occasionally Freshman at coach’s discretion)
Freshman Squad: Freshman only
Competition Squad: Any Grade Level. **A Cheerleader can be placed on Varsity but not selected for the Competition Squad.
**The Number of girls on each squad will be determined by the coaches. They will look for the natural break(s) in the scores.**
- You will be judged on the following items:
Prior to Tryouts:
- Coach’s Evaluation- looking for positive attitude, spirit, ability to work with others, punctuality, leadership, commitment, etc.
- Teacher Evaluations- one needed from each of your core subject teachers (Ex: Math, Social Studies, English and Science).
- Administrator’s Evaluation- report on behavior, attendance and tardiness.
At Tryouts:
- Cheer- taught during the clinics.
- Dance-taught during the clinics.
- Impromptu Chant- taught the day of the tryout.
- Jumps- toe touch, herkie, and double toe touch.
- Tumbling- all tumbling is done without a mat.
- Each participant must have the following forms filled out and returned by the first day of clinics to participate in the clinic.
- NRHS Cheerleading Tryout Information Sheet
- Four Teacher Evaluations
- Constitution Commitment Form
- Physical Examination Form
- OHSAA Authorization Form
- Emergency Medical Authorization Form
- Acknowledgement of Warning and Insurance Form
- Coach’s Evaluation
- 2 Sportsmanship Forms (Athlete copy and Parent copy)
Guidelines and Rules for Tryouts
- Hair must be pulled back from your face in a neat full ponytail.
- Wear plain navy or black shorts and a plain white top. (Make sure your top is tucked in!)
- Nothing low cut or skin tight
- No jewelry is to be worn.
- Tryout area is only open to perspective cheerleaders. NO relatives or friends.
- Coaches will inform you at the end of tryouts when results will be posted.
- Scores WILL NOT be given out.
- You may repeat if you make a mistake. (1 Time Only)
- All required forms must be signed and turned in before trying out or you will not be allowed to try out!
Updated February 2015