Christian Communicators Conference 1

October 26, 2011


October 26-30, 2011

Lake Keowee, SC

Optional Bonus Day

Writing Workshop

October 25, 2011

God has given each of us unique experiences from which to share His goodness and grace.

Could He be calling you to share them from the stage?

Do you have a story to tell? Would your testimony encourage and challenge others? Are you ready to take the next step in your speaking ministry, but don’t know where to begin? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for!

You’re invited to join author and speaker Vonda Skelton and people-polishing expert and speaker Carolyn Knefely for the second Christian Communicators Conference at Lake Keowee, in the beautiful mountains of South Carolina. Leave the chaos, forget the stress, and escape to the comfort of God’s creation where you’ll have the opportunity to learn, reflect, and hear from the Lord.

Thefive-day, four-night conference will be held in a 6000 square feet, 9-bedroom, 7-bath, luxuriously-appointed, waterfront home approximately 90 minutes from Greenville, SC.

Thirteen elegant, home-cooked meals, lovely afternoon teas, and daily snacks are included in the package price. Free Wi-Fi, linens, and towels are also included.

This is a non-smoking facility.We’re sorry, but there are many steps and levels, and handicapped access is not available.

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.

I Peter 3:1

As a participant in this unique conference, you will learn how to:

  • Discover your ministry focus and mission
  • Create compelling messages by including Scripture and your own experiences and stories of life
  • Incorporate drama, music, props, and humor into your presentations
  • Use the stage to your best advantage
  • Dress for the occasion
  • Develop the forms and manage the paperwork
  • Get your information into the hands of event planners
  • Generate income from a product table—even if you don’t have a published book!
  • Interact professionally with church and business leaders, including protocol and etiquette
  • Face your fears and move forward in the call God has placed on your life

At the end of the conference, you will present a 5-minute message, which will be videotaped for your use. A flashdrive of your final presentation, which can then be used as part of a demo DVD or CD, is included in your package price.

Learn How to Put Your Best Foot Forward with Simplicity Teas…

Join us every afternoon for tea as people-polisher Carolyn Knefely shares her knowledge of etiquette, protocol, and graceful living. You’ll never feel like a wallflower again!

As a graduate of Christian Communicators Conferences, you’ll have added benefits!

Christian Communicators is more than a speakers conference . . . it’s a community! By offering speaking opportunities through Christian Communicators Connection and ongoing educational opportunities through Christian Communicators ADVANCE, we can help you grow your ministry as you grow as a speaker.

Vonda and Carolyn are committed to helping you succeed. After all, equipping women to share their love for Christ Jesus through their speaking ministry creates a larger army to spread God’s word!

Bonus Opportunity—One-Day Writing Workshop!

And for those interested in learning how to increase your ministry opportunities through writing and publishing, we’re offering an additional bonus opportunity—a one-day Writing Workshop prior to this year’s conference! (See registration details on page 10, schedule on page 13.)

Testimonials from previous attendees:

“The Christian Communicators Conference was a treasured and valuable experience. I've been to other speaker and writer's conferences and felt overwhelmed by the sheer number of attendees. In contrast, the serene setting, personal attention, and professional coaching I received at this conference was priceless. I felt fed physically, emotionally, professionally and spiritually by the presenters as well as the attendees.The most valuable takeaway I received, beyond the excellent information,was the encouragement tocontinue my personal walk with God and discover His calling for me in ministry.”

Jennifer Johnson, NC

“The Christian Communicators Conference was an indepth weekend of speaker training that was filled with encouragement, deep friendship, and love. It helped move my speaking to the next level. Vonda and Carolyn, thank you for sharing your heart, passion, and expertise. As a result of what you showed me I feel more polished and confident as a professional speaker.”

Patty Mason, TN

Liberty in Christ Ministries

“The Christian Communicators Conference, hosted by Vonda Skelton and Carolyn Knefely, was a life-changing experience for me. I have never laughed nor cried as much as I did that weekend! Interacting withina group of people with like passions, pushing toward similar goals in ministry allowed me to experience God in a very personal way.Vonda and Carolyn taught from experience with humility and confidence and nurtured us with delicious food and gentle encouragement. I felt like I arrived at the conference with one friend, but I left with eleven more!”

Cindy Nicholson, NC

“Vonda and Carolyn were called to place their knowledge, experience, and wisdom into new hearts and hands such as mine. I came to the conference with many questions and fears. I came away with a greater sense of direction and focus in ministry, more confidence in my abilities, and a treasure chest of skills.”

Jill Smith, TX

“I feel so blessed to have been a part of the first Christian Communicators Conference with Vonda and Carolyn.The conference far exceeded expectations in more ways than one, and I feel I have made friendships that will last a lifetime.Vonda and Carolyn's wisdom and insights, as well as the perspectives and heart of the other participants, were just what I needed to re-focus and give me the courage and the confidence to keep on keeping on!Everyone was encouraging and supportive, and continue to be that way since we parted ways.I would recommend the Christian Communicators Conference to anyone who is serious about launching a speaking career, who just needs some deeper insightinto an already established career in the business, or who just wants to test the waters and see if this is the direction they want tohead.I can't imagine anyone leaving this conference empty handed or empty hearted with Vonda and Carolyn at the wheel!Thank you Carolyn and Vonda!I have memories that will last forever!”

Liz DiGirolamo, NC

Meet Your Leaders:

Vonda Skelton

In 1998,the Lord took Vonda kicking and screaming into speaking when He called her to give a testimony at her church women’s retreat. It wasn’t a call she wanted to hear. She even reminded the Lord that she “didn’t do women,” to which He most likely laughed and said something similar to, “Is that so? Well, watch this!”

Today Vonda has a vibrant speaking ministry, sharing her messages with audiences around the country an average of 60 times a year. And she loves teaching others how to do the same.

She is the author of four books, including her women’s book, Seeing through the Lies: Unmasking the Myths Women Believe. This book “takes a hilarious journey through all things female as we search for truth in a counterfeit world.” She is also the author of a children’s mystery series, The Bitsy Burroughs Mysteries. The third book in the series, Bitsy and the Mystery at Hilton Head Island, was a Southern Independent Booksellers Alliance Award Nominee.

Vonda is a former RN and freelance writer, and her articles frequently appear in magazines such as HomeLife, ParentLife, Christian Single, and Focus on the Family publications. She’s a sought-after instructor at writer’s conferences and enjoys mentoring and encouraging new writers. She also teaches writing to public, private, and homeschooled students and has spoken to over 22,000 kids across the country. Vonda is a dramatist, playwright and lyricist, and loves to entertain through her messages. She is the co-director of the Teen Intern program at the Gideon Media Arts Conference and Film Festival ( Vonda also is co-owner of The Story of a Woman’s Life Productions (

She recently began speaking corporately, offering motivational, customer service, and team-building programs for businesses, non-profits, and associations. Vonda is a member of the National Speakers Association, and Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, and is a graduate of CLASSeminars and She Speaks. She is represented by Christian Speaker Services ( and Christian Speakers 4 You ( She is founder and, along with Carolyn Knefely, is co-director of Christian Communicators ( She also co-directsboth the NCompass Writing Retreat( and the Upstate Fellowship of Christian Writers. Visit Vonda’s website and writer’s blog, The Christian Writer’s Den, at

Vonda has been married to Gary for 42 years—and they’re still happy about it! They have two daughters and four grandchildren.

As one who tries—and often fails—to be like Christ, Vonda is thankful God can take her messes and use them for His glory!

Carolyn Knefely

Carolyn K. Knefely is a speaker, etiquette specialist and career coach.As an international speaker and trainer, Carolyn has taught her professional development program to educators and corporate directors from 29 countries.She is a repeat guest speaker for the American Marketing Association and International Toastmasters regional conferences.Her passion is to help people go beyond networking to connecting through meaningful relationships. Her interactive presentations are described as “contagious,”“productive,” and “highly successful.” This fall she’ll be on faculty at the North Texas Christian Writers Conference, where she will present her programs on creating purpose statements and purpose boards in order to help writers hone their elevator speeches and create their own inspirational partners.

As a people polisher, Carolyn teaches soft skills, core civilities, and bold faith living to career seekers and career changers.Her polishing came through her education from the University of Texas, The Protocol School of Washington, and her career experiences with an international airline in sales and marketing; as program director and corporate relations officer at a major university; and as the director of women’s activities for a national non-profit organization.However, it was Christ Jesus who polished her with His love and took her from beggar to teacher.She has a story to tell and a heart to share.Carolyn is co-director, along with Vonda Skelton, of Christian Communicators ( Visit Carolyn’s website at

Continue to page 9 for Registration Details

Registration Details

The program package includeseverything—lodging and meals for five days, afternoon teas, snacks, classes, training, handouts, reproducible ministry forms, presentation video, critiques, individualized one-on-one appointments, and give-aways.There are no surprise expenses!

Conference Program Package


Beds and rooms will be assigned on a first requested, first served basis and include queens, fulls, twins, and bunks. Please understand that prime lodging will be reserved quickly, so first choices cannot be guaranteed.

Four-to-six person rooms

$599 (bunks or share full beds)

Two-person rooms

$624 (twin beds or share queen bedsUPDATE: I’m sorry, but all twins have been reserved. If you prefer to sleep alone, bunks are still available.)

Private Garage Apartment for Two to Four Friends

$649 each for three or four, $699 each for two. Queen and futon available.

See page 14 for registration form and choice of lodging.

**Please note: Lodging is assigned in order of

registration/deposit receipt and preference.**

Bonus Opportunity—One-Day Writing Workshop!

Want to learn how to increase your ministry opportunities through writing and publishing? We’re offering an additional bonus opportunity—a one-day Writing Workshop prior to this year’s conference! The $100 fee includes four writing classes, Q&A of the publishing industry, handouts, an extra night’s lodging, three additional meals, and snacks.Deadline for registration is October 11, 2011 (See schedule on page 13.) $25 deposit required. The Writing Workshop is limited to Christian Communicators Conference attendees only.

Please note:You do not have to register for this bonus opportunity at the time of your registration for the speaker’s conference. You may register anytime until the October 11, 2011workshop registration deadline.

Early bird discount:

Paythe conferencefeein full by August 5, 2011 and receive a $25 discount($125 deposit will be non-refundable).

Deposits and Cancellations:

  • Conference: A $125 nonrefundable deposit is required with your registration.
  • Conference balance due by September 26, 2011.
  • No refunds given after September 26, 2011.
  • Optional Writing Workshop: A non-refundable $25 deposit is required. Registration and balance due by October 11, 2011.

**Due to space constraints, reservations are limited. The $125 deposit is non-refundable once your registration is accepted.**

Date Reminders:

  • Early bird discount ($25)—Full payment and registration form must be received by August 5 to receive the early bird discount. After August 5, regular rates will apply.
  • All balances for conference are due by September 26, 2011
  • Attached ministry questionnaire is due by September 26, 2011 (See page 18 for questionnaire.)
  • No refunds will be given after September 26, 2011
  • Deadline for Bonus Day Writing Workshopregistration and balance due byOctober 11, 2011

What to Bring:

  • Comfortable clothing
  • One nice outfit, appropriate for speaking event
  • Bible
  • Any simple props you may want to use in your 5-minute presentation
  • Laptops are welcome, but not required.

Other Information:

  • Free Wi-Fi is available and most cell phones have good reception.
  • Nearest airport is Greenville/Spartanburg (GSP), approximately 90 minutes from the lakehouse. Atlanta (ATL) is 2 to 2½ hours away.
  • Parking is limited. Please carpool when possible. (An email loop will be developed so you an “meet” each other in advance.)

Please note: Registrations can ONLY be held with the depositandthe completed registration form.

Questions? Feel free to contact Vonda Skelton at 864-963-5892 home or 864-906-2256 cell or or Carolyn Knefely at 864-735-5420 cell or .

Christian Communicators ConferenceSchedule

October 26-30, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

1:00Registration (please eat lunch before arriving)

3:30 Simplicity Tea/Orientation

4:30 Life Survey of Experiences and Stories

6:00 Dinner

7:00 Devotion

7:30 Introductions/Sharing Time

8:30 Review of Life Surveys

9:30 Free time/Private appointments

Thursday, October 27, 2011

8:00 Breakfast

9:00 Devotion

9:30 Basics of a Successful Ministry Presentation

10:30 Break/Snack

10:45 Purpose with Focus Statement

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Ingredients of a Powerful Program

2:00 Break

2:15 Deliver Your Message with Style

3:15 Simplicity Tea

4:00 Like It or Not, Appearances Do Matter

5:00 Free time/Private appointments

6:00 Dinner

7:00 Purpose with Vision

9:00 Free time/Prep time/Private appointments

Friday, October 28, 2011

8:00 Breakfast

9:00 Devotion

9:30 How Will They Know About You and Your Message?

10:30 Break/Snack

10:45 Details and Paper Trails: Forms

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Writing as a Ministry

2:00 Break

2:15 Product Table Ideas to Help Support Your Ministry

3:15 Simplicity Tea

4:00 Prep time/Private appointments

6:00 Dinner

7:00 Q & A/Discussion/Practice presentation, if desired

8:00 Free time/Prep time/Consultations

Saturday, October 29, 2011

8:00 Breakfast

9:00 Presentation and taping of Messages

12:00 Lunch/Free time

3:00 Presentation and taping of Messages

6:00 Dinner

7:00 Celebration

Sunday, October 30, 2011

8:00 Breakfast

9:00 Breaking Your Barrier, Hitting Your Goal

11:15 Answering His Call

12:15 Lunch

1:00 Dismissed


Bonus Writing Workshop ScheduleOctober 25, 2011

10:00 Check-in

11:00 Orientation

11:15 Five Fatal Flaws of Fiction

12:15 Lunch

1:30 How to Have Magazine Editors Calling YOU!

2:30 Break

3:00 Teaching Children Biblical Truth Through Secular Fiction

4:00 Break

4:15 The Non-Fiction Book: Concept to Contract

5:15 Free time

6:00 Dinner

7:15Q&A of the Publishing Industry and How to Get Started as a Writer

Conference Registration Form

Please complete pages 14-17 & submit with your deposit

Complete & submit Questionnaire by September 26, 2011



City, State, and Zip Code ______

Telephone numbers (cell & home) ______

E-mail address______

Emergency Contact Name and Relationship ______

Emergency Contact Address ______

Emergency Contact daytime, evening, and cell phone numbers ______

You are registering for:____Christian Communicators Conference$125

____Optional Writing Workshop*$25*

(*May register by email & deposit by 10-11-11)

Lodging Preference:

Beds will be assigned in order of receipt. Please mark below the lodging you will acceptin order of preference. Upon receipt of your registration, we will contact you with your assigned lodging.

Please complete form, make $125 non-refundable deposit payable to Christian Communicators Conference, and mail to:

Vonda Skelton

205 White Meadow Court

Simpsonville, SC 29681OR…

…For immediate registration,you may pay by PayPal. Simply complete the registration form, attach it as a Word document, and email to Vonda Skelton at send a PayPal “Send Money” payment for the $125 non-refundable deposit to . Once it processes, you’ll have an immediate reservation and will be notified of your assigned lodging based on time of deposit receipt.

Please mark below the lodging you will accept in order of preference:(Please mark only those you agree to accept.)

_____4-6 person room$599 ea*

_____2-person room$624 ea*

_____Private Garage Apt for a minimum of two friends, up to four friends—1 queen & 1 futon: $649 ea for 4; $699 ea for 2 or 3

Please list the friends who will be sharing this apt. (Each will need to complete a registration form and send $125 deposit): ______

Would you be willing to share a bed? _____Yes* _____No*

Would you be willing to have a top bunk?_____Yes* _____No*

*If your preferred accommodations are not available, we will contact you for further instructions.*

If you plan to share a room or bed with a friend or friends, please list name/s here. All must register and pay deposit to hold rooms/share beds.

Bed: ______

Room: ______

Would you like to give a short devotion? _____Yes_____No