/ Press Release 10/2012
Expert-workshop in Pécs/Hungary

Professional Driver – A profession beyond pure driving!

Stuttgart, October 2012:

On 7 September 2012, DEKRA Akademie KFT held a half-day expert-workshop in Pécs (HU). The main topic was loading and unloading. The interesting group of participants consisted of different groups of interest of the ProfDRV project. Thus, there were not only hauliers and drivers from Hungary represented, but also members of the local authorities and educational staff. In addition to that, the whole ProfDRV-project-consortium took part, among them the Hungarian hosts, participants from Germany, Austria, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands and Canada. Also three Turkish colleagues seized the opportunity to get to know the project.

The focus on loading and unloading should above all take emphasis on the requirements for drivers during these actions. Highlights for the international guests were contributions from Hungary, Great Britain and Canada. Tamas Hima from the Hungarian transport authorities gave an insight into qualification of professional drivers in Hungary. James Tillyer from FTA in Great Britain gave an interesting overview over the training of British enforcement authorities regarding load securing. A simple matrix lets the officers decide according to failure on load, if the driver can still drive or has to park his truck immediately. Angela Splinter from CTHRC in Canada showed the situation in her home country Canada. Also the North American state has to struggle with a lack of drivers. In her presentation, Angela Splinter showed the Canadian way to cope with the situation. With these competent presentations as a basis, the participants discussed their experiences in an open and above all skilful atmosphere.

Even delicate questions like controls of the authorities inside and outside the country did not remain untouched. Remarkably interesting was the view of a driver. Even, if he was sure that his truck was perfectly according to regulations, he still had an awkward feeling whenever the German BAG would signal to stop the truck. The discussion afterwards made the participants wonder, if really all Hungarian trucks are that well in order like the one driven by the present driver.

Another delicate topic was, how each EU-state implements directive 2003/59/EC. The consens was found quickly, although there are so many differences: The directive is a big step forward. Yet there are still massive differences in driver training. And apart from that, the directive walks on a fine line. On the one hand, Europe has to fight a lack of drivers, on the other hand could a common level of qualification even make it harder to become a professional driver. In the end, it is also a goal of the project, to show a possible way. In further workshops all across Europe, the focus should also lie on the implementation of the directive. It is an important step, to directly address the experts in all the EU memberstates, to make the findings of the ProfDRV-project public and help to find a solution forthe lack of well-qualified drivers.

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DEKRA Akademie GmbH
Bildungspolitik und –strategie
Herr Malte Stamer
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70565 Stuttgart
Tel: +49.711.7861-3687
Fax: +49.711.7861-2655
ProfDRV: / "Dieses Projekt wird von der Europäischen Kommission unterstützt. Die Pressemeldung gibt jedoch lediglich die Darstellung der Autoren wieder. Die Europäische Kommission ist nicht für den Inhalt verantwortlich und kann für die Weiterverwendung jeglicher Art der darin enthaltenen Informationen nicht belangt werden." / / 1/2