TherapyEd’sOT Certification Exam Preparation Course

On Campus at New YorkUniversity

Wednesday and Thursday, January 20 & 21, 2016

TherapyEd’s two-day Prep Course has been thoroughly revised and updated for the NBCOT exam. It is the most comprehensive resource and effective tool for passing the certification exam. Course participants learn to critically analyze test questions, develop efficient and effective study plans, assess individual strengths and weaknesses, and demonstrate improved critical reasoning skills and confidence for the NBCOT exam. Question analysis and examination skills are stressed and both the Multiple Choice and Simulation test item formats are reviewed.

Course Materials Include:

  • TherapyEd’s National OT Review and Study Guide by Rita P. Fleming-Castaldy. This updated text is the only Guide which containsa comprehensive review of occupational therapy content, study and test-taking strategies, and three complete practice exams. Critical reasoning strategies and rationales for all test questions are integrated into the text. The Multiple Choice andSimulation item formats are reviewed and explained. This text is shipped upon registration.
  • TherapyEd’s Occupational Therapy Course Manual includes practice questions, study strategies, test taking hints, the course syllabus, and a self assessment guide. It covers both Clinical Simulation and Multiple Choice question types. It is handed out and used at thecourse.

Register Online: Go to and select the New YorkUniversity course. Then typeNYUOTinto the discount code box on the next page. The discount code box is right beside the “Apply Coupon” button on the Cart page. If you have previously purchased the OT Review and Study Guide, BE SURE TO check that box, before you click Register Online to receive the full discount. The NYU studentdiscount is $30.00 off the normal price of $325.00 and is only valid for the NYU course.

Register by Phone: Call (888) 369-0743to register with a Visa, MasterCard or Discover card.

Register by Fax or Mail: Complete this form and fax to 847/328-5049 or return to the address below.

Name: ______

Home Address: ______

Apartment No.:______

City: ______State: ______Zip Code: ______

Telephone with area code: ______

E-Mail address (very important): ______

$295: Occupational Therapist Course (includes, at no additional cost, National Occupational Therapy Examination Review & Study Guide with computer software, which will be mailed in advance).

$215:If you previously purchased the Review & Study Guidedirectly from in your name. Indicate the month/year of purchase for verification. Month ______Year______

If mailing, please enclose a check or money order with this form payable to: TherapyEd

If by credit card, please check: VISA  MasterCard  Discover 

Card Number______Exp. Date______

Name as it appears on Card______

Signature ______

Return Registration Form to:

TherapyEd, 500 Davis Street, Ste. 512, Evanston, IL60201

p. 888/369-0743 f. 847/328-5049