A meeting of Wymeswold Parish Council will be held on Monday January 8th at 7:00pm in the Sports Pavilion, Burton Lane, Wymeswold. All members of the public are invited to attend.


1.  Apologies

2.  Declarations of interest

3.  Public participation

4.  Police report

5.  To sign and approve minutes of the meeting held on 11th December 2017

6.  Accounts

·  Expenditure for December 2017

·  To discuss, approve and sign the precept and budget 2017/18 items

7.  Planning Applications and Appeals

P/17/2457/2 - Variation of conditions 4 and 6 of application 92/0703/2 to allow opening hours Monday to Saturday 0900 to 1700 hours, Sunday and Bank holidays 1000 to1700 hours and a seasonal extension of time until 2000hrs Tuesday and Thursday from April 1st to October 31st annually which relates to the use of the site for country pursuits including fishing and clay pigeon shooting - Lakeside Sporting, Wide Lane, Wymeswold.

P/17/2119/2 - Removal of conditions 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 15 and vary conditions 12, 13, 14, 17 of planning application P/17/1130/2 - 7 Clay Street, Wymeswold.

P/17/2069/2 - Erection of double garage & study. Extension to front following demolition of existing. First floor extension to side for en-suite and dressing room. Demolition of existing front boundary wall to increase vehicular access width, erection of new boundary wall and formation of additional hard surfaced area - 68 Brook Street, Wymeswold

P/17/1360/2 - Erection of temporary dwelling and siting of 2 static caravans for short term holiday let - Fourways Farm, Narrow Lane, Wymeswold

APP/X2410/W/17/3186474 - P/16/1448/2 – site for the erection of 4 dwellings – land adjacent to 16 Waydale.

APP/X2410/W/17/3186714 - P/16/1852/2 -Site for the erection of up to 25 dwellings. (Outline Planning Application - revised scheme P/15/0907/2 refers) - Land off Burton Lane, Wymeswold, Leicestershire

Melton Borough Council - housing and associated developments site at Six Hills Golf Club.

8.  Reports from the County and Borough Councillors

9.  To discuss Airfield Noise Nuisance

10.  To discuss the Mantle Pieces Project

11.  To discuss any Sports Pavilion issues

12.  Clerk’s Report

·  Correspondence – parking issues

13.  To discuss the progression of the Burton Lane Playing Fields and Washdyke Lease (subject to availability)

14. Members’ points of information

Date – 1st January 2018