8th Grade GA Studies Syllabus 2013-2014

Elkins Pointe Middle School

(770) 667-2892 (school phone)

Teachers:Liz Coté


Daphne Tatum

Meredith Tongue

Textbook:Georgia and the American Experience, Clairmont Press, 2005

**This year, textbooks will not be assigned to individual students. Class sets will be used.

On-line textbook:

Password: ga11hist

Homework Hotline: (678) 553-3029 OR

Monday-Thursday, 5:00-9:00 p.m. (no semester breaks/holidays)

Course Description: The purpose of eighth grade Social Studies is to help young people discover the geography, history, culture, government, and economics of United States History, with emphasis on Georgia. The course will begin with the study of Georgia’s geography and climate followed by the historical development of Georgia from the prehistory of the Native Americans, through the formation of the colony of Georgia, the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, Reconstruction, the New South, into the modern era ending approximately in the year 2000 with a focus on Georgia government in the first semester.

The continual skill focus will be on:

1.Building knowledge of the fundamental Social Studies.

2.Learning to apply the skills necessary for processing information.

3.Making informed and reasoned decisions.

4.Building an awareness of and respect for cultural diversity.

5.Understanding democratic principles and actively participate in civic processes.

6.Evaluating the nature of Georgia’s role in the global community.

Course Outline: The eleven units are between two to four weeks each in length, and cover the following elements: geographic review, historical development, people and culture, and political and economic systems of Georgia.

Grading: FCBOE Grading Scale:

Major Assessments (Tests/Major Projects): 50%A = 100-90

Minor Assessments (Quizzes/Minor Projects): 25% B = 89-80

Classwork/Homework: 25%C = 79-70

F = 69 and below

Homework: Homework assignments will usually be given when the classwork for the day is not completed, or students are asked to work on projects at home or prepare for quizzes/tests. Students should always study the material discussed or presented in class to prepare for upcoming tests and quizzes and to help maximize retention of information.

Special Projects: There will be at least one major project per semester and several mini projects per unit. The content and scope of projects are at the discretion of the individual teachers. Some projects will require use of technology, and time will be given in class for these projects; other projects will not require technology. Students will receive a rubric for all projects in advance and should refer to these as they work. At times, projects may represent the assessment for a unit of study replacing a “traditional” unit test.

Provisions for Improving Grades: According to Fulton County Board of Education policy, students who have low (73 or below) or failing cumulative grades may ask the teacher for opportunities to improve their grade when all work required to date has been completed and the student has demonstrated a legitimate effort to meet all course requirements including attendance.

***Test Scores: Any student wishing to improve their grade on a major assessment needs to attend the Social Studies Lunch Bunch. Retakes will be given after students attend this session, and students will have one week to complete the retake. Retakes will be in a different format from the original test.

Scheduled Help Sessions: Students must request a pass from the teacher prior to attending help sessions. Study sessions before Unit Tests will be announced a few days in advance. Students may also utilize Academic Labs during advisement to further their understanding. Students may attend any of the following help sessions:

Coté:Wednesdays 8:00 am – 8:35 a.m. (Room E101)

Jones:Mondays-Thursdays 8:00 a.m. – 8:35 a.m.(Room E103)

Tatum: Mondays-Thursdays 8:00 a.m. – 8:35 a.m.(Room E111)

Tongue:Thursdays 8:00 am – 8:35 a.m. (Room E109)

Teacher/Parent Communication: Progress reports will be sent home every 9 weeks and a semester report card at the end of 18 weeks. An Interim Report will be issued at 4 ½ weeks within each semester. Parents may contact the teacher at school by calling or e-mail. E-mail is the preferred means of communication. You will receive a response to your inquiries by close of the next business day. Face-to-face conferences may be requested to discuss a student’s progress and/or behavior as well. Teacher websites may be found at the EPMS home page. Students will use their agendas for daily communication.

Absence Make-Up Policy: (FCBOE Policy JBD) Upon returning to school following an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher for make-up work. In 8th grade, we expect the student to handle all make-up upon their return to school in accordance with their teacher's classroom procedures. At Elkins Pointe Middle School, the student will be given the same amount of time to make up the assignment as the student was absent unless other arrangements are mutually agreed upon. The student will receive the actual grade on the make-up work if the absence was “excused.” Make-up work for unexcused absences will be reduced by up to ten points per day it is late.

Enrichment: The teachers of this class may choose to read aloud from a literary text at the end of each period. The text will be related to GA history, a specific time period, or a common theme. Selections include Monster, Mississippi Trial, 1955, or other texts found in our school library.

Classroom libraries: Please note that Social Studies teachers keep a classroom library that students may check out books from. Most novels are Young Adult Literature and may contain very adult content. If you do not wish your child to check out novels from the teacher, please contact the teacher.

Classroom Procedures and Expectations: Students are expected to be in their seats when the bell rings. They are expected to have all necessary materials with them (composition book, pencil, paper, textbook, homework). Additionally, students are expected to behave courteously and respectfully to teachers and peers. Refer to the Elkins Pointe Agenda/Handbook for additional school rules and expectations.

8th Grade Late Work Policy: Late work will be accepted one day late for 50% credit. Work turned in more than one day late will receive no credit.

Discipline Guidelines: Students are responsible for their own behavior. Our goal is to help students make responsible decisions about their lives. A student who chooses to misbehave is given an opportunity to identify the inappropriate behavior and devise a plan that will help him/her make a better choice in the future. Parents will be notified of consistent behavior problems as necessary. Refer to the Elkins Pointe Agenda/Handbook for additional information on behavior, consequences, and the discipline cycle.

EPMS Tardy/Behavior Policy:

School wide tardy and behavior policies will be followed in all Social Studies classes.

Academic Honesty: means performing all academic work without plagiarism, cheating, lying, tampering, stealing, giving or receiving unauthorized assistance from any other person, or using any source of information that is not common knowledge without properly acknowledging the source. The use of cell phones and other technology without express permission of the teacher is considered a violation of the academic honesty policy at EPMS.

I have read and agree with the Social Studies Syllabus:


Student NameClass Period


Parent Printed NameParent Signature


Parent E-mail/Phone Number