I. Call to Order—6:00pm, March 29th, 2017
II. Officer Reports
a. Taylor Zabel, Chair
i. Going to go through and have each group talk about their funding needs and then decide how to fund each group
b. Dylan Jones, Vice Chair
i. Comes out to about $300 per group, so if you’re asking for more you likely won’t get it
1. Need some compromise here – want to fund your projects still but have a very limited budget
c. Allyssa Castilleja and Whit Collins, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer
i. Both at test – will be here later
d. Rex Templin, Finance Associate Senator
i. Recap of bills passed at the last full senate meeting
ii. Fee was sent back to finance committee
e. Aaron Quisenberry, Advisor
i. Sick
ii. Coca-Cola funding is not receiving any more requests at this point – can’t use that as a supplement for funding we cut today
iii. Ahmad: MEF?
1. Markus: MEF no longer taking more funding
III. Regular Agenda (conducted under committee as a whole by vote of committee, motions and votes noted occurred after the conclusion of committee as a whole but kept in regular format for order)
a. 2017-146: A BILL TO FUND SAE BAJA
i. Goal is to apply the skills we learn in engineering courses
ii. Participate in homecoming events, expo, outreach with elementary and middle school students
iii. Design and build a car, then test it and prepare it for competition
1. Going to competition in Pittsburgh, Kansas in May
iv. Connects students with careers
v. Need additional funding due to budget cuts in the department
vi. Clayton: What is money going to specifically?
1. Parts and materials, wheels and tires, bearings, stuff for body panels and regulatory safety equipment
2. Budget is attached with the bill
vii. Michael: Did you receive money last semester?
1. We did receive line-item but not through this process
viii. Brittney: Do you have any sponsorships?
1. A few from the competition, they really only do discounts though. That’s one of the things we’re trying to reach out to get in the future
ix. Chance: If you have already received line-item funding why are you coming for additional funding?
1. Didn’t end up receiving enough money through the department
x. Brittney: Could engineering allot endowment funding?
1. Haven’t heard back on any other funding
xi. Any other funding?
1. Applied for coca-cola but it is pending
xii. Chance: If we don’t give you full funding will that hurt your project substantially?
1. Yes right now we don’t have the money to buy the parts to get the project moving
xiii. Joe: Any restrictions on where you can purchase, etc.?
1. No, but very specific competition components, so we need to go through certain vendors.
xiv. Rex motions to amend down to $1000, seconded, amendment passes
xv. Brittney motions to call to question as amended, seconded, bill passes as amended
i. Sustainability and environmental focus here on campus
ii. Given current administrations resolutions for environmental friendliness I think it is important to fund them
iii. $100 general funding
iv. Sanjay: Would it be okay if we cut some? Given budget
1. Yeah, but as long as we do get some funding
v. Mady: What do you plan on using it for?
1. My understanding: funding will go to supplies and outreach for KU Earth Day and a bit of Lawrence parade. That’s all I have on me
vi. Chance: You know my opinions on getting rid of general funding, but if we take a more critical look we shouldn’t give any funding here. Didn’t give much of a reason to give them $100
vii. Chance motions to call to question on the bill, rescinds
viii. Joe motions to table indefinitely, seconded, bill is tabled
ix. Chance motions to take off the table, fails
x. Frank motions to untable, seconded, bill is untabled
xi. Seth motions to call to question, seconded, bill passes
i. Taylor recommends to be tabled due to not being registered with SILC
1. Dylan: They are being processed through SILC, going through the process so Danny (COS) said we can still fund them
ii. General funding, club focused on advocating for free market economics and fiscal responsibility for individuals
iii. Interested in education and bringing people in to talk about ideas
iv. Markus: Since this is the last cycle, do you have specific things you want to spend funding on?
1. Specific items, focusing on student debt. Etc.
v. Sanjay: having events is achievable for a new org?
1. Yes
vi. Rex: Three events planned for $100?
1. Yes, don’t require very much to put on events
vii. Rex: If we give half or a quarter, could you still do these?
1. Very willing to accept a cut
viii. Clayton motions to call to question, seconded, bill passes
i. $100 for general funding and $30 for further funding
ii. Using $35 for summer interest survey, won’t be participating in orientation because all ROTC programs were kicked out, so important that we have this funding to gauge interest and keep numbers going
iii. Rest of money will be going to our annual competition on April 8th
1. Ranger Buddy competition, 400 competitors from 38 states
a. $16,000 in expenses total, so this is for office supplies for the event
iv. First year as a registered group
v. Chance: Why did orientation kick you out?
1. Trying to condense the amount of information, kicking out a lot of student groups to keep it to KU offices mostly
vi. Dylan: Can you explain how it is open to all students?
1. This is for the student group, all students can join the student group. Army ROTC is eligible for anyone at KU to be enrolled in the classes or be in the program.
vii. Markus: Lots of student groups go through line-item, would you be interested in moving $30 out of general funding and into line-item?
1. Taylor: Everything you see pays for summer ‘19 not summer ‘18, would be too late to accommodate this for this summer
viii. Rex: How important is the recruitment banner?
1. Using this on campus for tabling, when we have competition, for about 600 people at our competition, so it is very important
ix. Frank: How would you prioritize requests?
1. Summer interest survey, general funding after that
x. Chance: Is the parent ROTC org able to give you any money?
1. Yes, $16,000 for this event being funded through other sources like this. $2,700 from Coke. Would like the general funding to finish around the edges
xi. Brittney: Is the banner reusable?
1. I would hope so, we could take it out of general funding but would like to use that funding for other things
xii. Frank McGuinness negative speech: In the interest of fairness I would like to amend this to $100 for just general funding, seconded by Dylan
1. Rex: Can we give them the last $2.05 from unallocated?
a. No, we’re gonna leave some extra funds for next year
2. Brittney motions to call to question on the amendment, seconded, amendment passes
xiii. Rex: does the amendment strike the banner?
1. Yes
xiv. Sanjay motions to call to question as amended, Brittney seconds, bill passes as amended
i. $100 general funding, to my knowledge we have never received any general funding
ii. We represent GTAs on campus, negotiate salary that they receive
iii. This will help us make a campaign advocating on behalf of two organizations that fund a lot of projects that graduate students in general and GTAs work for
iv. Dylan: If I’m not a GTA, what purpose does your group serve to me?
1. We advocate on behalf of people who teach most of the classes that every student here has to take to graduate from KU. It may seem that this doesn’t benefit every student but I would argue that we are the only state university that has unionized GTAs and having a strong program helps the freshman experience and overall college experience. I would argue this is very important for the student experience and would strongly encourage any undergraduate student to come to the meetings and fight for the cause.
v. Chance: What will you use this for?
1. Campaign to advocate: postcards and stamps, sending them out to people in support of the ADH. $340 for everything, so we would request the full $100.
vi. Taylor: Have you considered going through Panda Express for fundraising?
1. Don’t know what you’re talking about. GTAs will be against receiving funding from a corporation with values against what we advocate.
vii. Chance: But funding over moral values about food right?
1. Yes
viii. Erika: What is your stance against Panda Express?
1. More of a stomach moral standing (joke)
ix. Seth motions to call to question, seconded, bill passes
i. Taylor recommends tabling due to not being open to all students – have a selection process
ii. Chance motions to table before going into discussions
1. Rescinds the motion
iii. General funding for $100
iv. Planning an event with Spectrum that will be open to all students
1. Way to show the inclusivity of the gay community
v. Need this funding for lighting, stage management and music
vi. Markus: When was this event planned?
1. Talked to your exec board, spent about 45 minutes and they all approved of it
vii. Markus: Is this before last week, when you had to submit the bill?
1. Yes
viii. Markus: Can I amend this to make it a spectrum bill instead of a KK bill?
1. No
2. Markus: May just generate a new piece of legislation in committee as a whole
ix. Brittney: Looking to allocate expenses for these things, are those allowed in general funding?
1. Taylor: No, would require an honorarium
x. Taylor: Spectrum requested events for this event
1. This is a separate scholarship hall drag show
xi. Markus negative speech: I have been informed that the intent was to co-sponsor a Spectrum/KK Amini drag show
1. We are going to change all instances of “KK-Amini” to “Spectrum” and change the title to include Spectrum
2. Change general funding to advertising and equipment
3. Taylor: Could we just table this and then rewrite a Spectrum one in committee as a whole
xii. Motion to table, seconded, bill is tabled indefinitely
i. Campus organization is to increase Lawrence community’s awareness of autism spectrum disorders
ii. Raising awareness and money for research, working with Edwards campus on this research
iii. Requesting funding for an event later in April
iv. Speaker is first athlete to play division I basketball with autism
1. Played at Michigan State for Tom Izzo
a. Speaks about bullying, how he used his autism to grow about a tough situation and use it as motivation
v. We got money from OMA and Coca-Cola fund, requesting whatever you think you can allocate to us
vi. Frank: We don’t have a whole lot of money, have you approached KU athletics? Unsure if that would work
1. That’s a good question, I’m into sports management, for the last year I have been in contact with KU athletics. It’s like you have to get to the top of the pyramid, have to go through Big XII conference in Dallas to get events scheduled with this, so need to almost go a year in advance.
vii. Dylan: What is the bottom dollar you think you can come out of this with and still hold your event, if we had to cut you?
1. Specifically said $300, but if it’s around $250 I would be good with that. Need to pay for a night in a hotel, so that would cost about $140, also need to pay for his speaking engagements and advertising, etc.
viii. Sanjay: Clarification, in the bill you said it is April 5th, but said something different?
1. Rescheduled it to the 24th to get more attention
ix. Brittney: How much money did you receive from Coke?
1. Around $500
x. Dylan: Did you say you need $300, or could survive a $300 cut?
1. Could survive a cut of $300
xi. Markus: Yesterday I saw that this bill was going through and I did not believe it would get funding, so I reached out to them and offered to bring them to MEF committee to give them additional funding so they could be funded less in Finance. They received $800 in that MEF committee. Why are they requesting $700?
1. Philip got confused, they actually need $300. He had to leave because it will be some time before he’s heard in MA, so I will try to answer questions to the best of my ability.