AIA Arizona 13th Annual
(revised/approved March 25, 2005)
This award recognizes the continuing collaboration among individuals in a firm who have produced distinguished architecture over a period of ten years, and have made significant contributions to the Institute, the profession and their community, and have transcended their local boundaries in making these contributions.
The Award: A Nambe’ platter and acertificate appropriate to the honor. The winner will be announced Saturday, October 3rdat the 2015 Celebrate Architecture awards presentation at Phoenix Art Museum.
Entry Fee: $100
Deadlines: Entry fee is due to the AIA Arizona office by 12:00 pm Friday, June 26,2015.Submission is due to the AIA Arizona office by 12:00 noonFriday, July 31, 2015. Ten images are due to the AIA Arizona office by 12:00 noon Friday, September 1, 2015for the gala.
Eligibility: Any firm who’s principal, or eligible principals are members of the AIA Arizona OR firms which have their main, or founding, office within the boundaries of the State of Arizona AND...Firms that can demonstrate a history of producing distinguished architecture over a period of ten (10) years. More than one firm can be nominated for this award;however, only one recipient may be selected within the state per year.
Submittal Requirements: Please provide one (1) PDF copy (max 5MB); giving the fullest possible information to the Jury as follows:
1. Nomination Sheet: Cover page.
2. Biographical Data Sheets:A brief biography of all firm principals and a history of the firm.(maximum 2 pages)
3. Statement of Contributions: Information should be filled out carefully; as this is the only information the jury will have to study. (maximum 2 pages)
4. Photograph Identification Sheets: All photos are to be numbered, identified and correspond to these sheets.
5. Photographs: Prints 8"x10" (maximum) black/white or colored. Drawings may be submitted for photos, but oversized or folded drawings are ineligible. No more than 20 drawings or photos may be submitted.
Past Winners:2014 – BWS Architects
2013 – Richärd + Bauer
2012 – DeBartolo Architects (submittal available for review)
2011 – Line & Space (submittal available for review)
2010 – Knoell Quidort Architects (submittal available for review)
2009 – Weddle Gilmore Architects (submittal available for review)
2008 – Ryden Architects (submittal available for review)
2007 – SmithGroup (submittal available for review)
2006 – Swaim Associates (submittal available for review)
2005 – Architekton (submittal available for review)
2004 – The Orcutt/Winslow Partnership (submittal available for review)
2003 – Jones Studio