31st January 2014

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to Yennora Public School and thank you for choosing our school.

Nearly everyone is here.

Our new Kindergarten Students are settling in well and they are starting to make some new friends already.


A letter is coming home to inform you of your child’s class and their teachers.


Your child will need some pens, pencils and homework books. A note is coming home today with the equipment needed. All students from Year 3 onwards should have a pencil case for school and home.


The Voluntary Contribution at Yennora Public School are-

$25 for one child


$35 for two children or more.

The school uses the money to purchase further supplies for your child eg exercise books, paper, paint etc.


Welcome back to Yennora Public School. All of the teachers, students and parents have found their way back to the school.

Some happy news – our Miss Rose is now Mrs Rose-McDermott and she had a lovely wedding in the holidays.

We have 8 classes momentarily.

Each class has an Australian Flower name -

Kindergarten Wattles – Mrs Voudouris

Kinder/ Year 1 Boronias – Miss Winter

Year 1 Grevilleas – Mrs Carroll

Year 1/ 2 Ghost Gums – Mr Nguyen

Year 2/3 Bottlebrushes – Mrs Ramma

Year 3/ 4 Ironbarks – Mr Pacey

Year 4/5 Banksias – Mrs Rao

Year 5/6 Waratahs – Mrs Calderan.

As well as class teachers, Yennora PS also has our most valuable support teachers –

Library – Mrs Strohmayer

RFF – Mr Allan

ESL – Mrs Bilandzic, Mrs Broome

Learning Support – Mrs Rose-McDermott and Mrs Perre.

Supporting our teachers and students in the classroom (SLSO) – Mrs Zappia, Mrs Anderson and Mrs Derbasi

CLO (Community Liaison Officer) – Mr Saw.

Let’s not forget our office staff with Mrs Ackaoui and Mrs Savory who do great things in the office.

We have planned another busy year. In a few weeks we will have our

• swimming lessons (10 days) for all students from Year 2 to Year 6

• drumming classes again for our students

• Year 6 will need to choose a high school for 2015

• meetings for the parents

• English classes for the parents and

• Easter Raffle later in the term.

Our motto as always is for everyone


Ms A Schuette




English classes are back – Wednesday morning 9:00am to 10:30am.


The next P&C meeting will be held in February 2014 in the staffroom. Hope to see you there.


If you need a new uniform please see the office staff. We like to avoid delays in ordering.

It is summer uniform although we have jackets for colder days.


Term 1


17th Maths groups start

27th Arabic –Family Planning Meeting


3rd Swimming school starts

4th P&C Meeting

6th Transition to High School Meeting


1st P&C Meeting


There are some school users who have permission to be in the school grounds (community gardeners) but if you notice anyone hanging around or inside the school property please contact:

School Security 1300 880 021

Some of our students set some goals for themselves for 2014 and their future.

From Abdul

My goals for the future will be to achieve and successfully pass every test the primary school throws at me and when I leave I’ll be carrying books of knowledge on my back easily. I will fly through knowledge which build a bridge over high school. When I set foot in university I’ll be carrying a chest of knowledge. I will dig my way under university and every bit of knowledge will be in the palm of my hand.

My final goal is almost endless. I would like to achieve over and over again. It’s to be a scientist and create every invention from my mind.

From Ceethu

Throughout the year my goals will be to improve my maths skills so I can calculate in my head quicker.

To improve my working time so I can finish my work quicker so I can be successful in my work.

To help my mum with the chores so she isn’t so tired.

To achieve the Premier’s Reading Challenge so I can get a prize.

From Emaly

Throughout the year my goals will be to get ready for my prefect/ captains’ speech.

Throughout the year my goal will be preparing to become a Year 6.

Throughout the year my goal will be to help the adorable Kindies with their fantastic work.

Throughout the year my goal will be to be a good friend and treat others how they want to be treated.

In the future my goal will be to prepare for high school and have a great year.


New Family Day Care

Do you need -

Before and After School Care


Nur Al Asady


Will drop off and pick up from Yennora PS including Homework Help

Limited numbers!!!