July 10, 2002

The monthly meeting of the Greenwich Township Planning Board was held on the above date and was called to order by Doris Rayna, Planning Board Chairwoman, at 7:30 P.M. in the Municipal Building. The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, PL, 1975, adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act by:

  1. Mailing a notice of scheduled meetings of the Greenwich Township Planning Board to the Express-Times, Phillipsburg Free Press and the Star-Ledger.
  2. Posting a notice thereof on the Township bulletin board.
  3. Filing a copy thereof with the Township Clerk.

Board members present: Deborah Pasquarelli, James Adams, Steve Babula, Helio Carvalho, Dominick Esposito, Ken Hoser, Doris Rayna, Frank Marchetta, Tom Bolger, Brooke Waldt. Also present were William Edleston, Esq., Walter Lublanecki, Traffic Engineer and Donald Schlachter, P.E., P.P., Finelli Consulting Engineers, Inc.

PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD. No comments were heard regarding the items on the agenda.

Steve Babula made a motion, seconded by Helio Carvalho, to adopt the minutes of the June 12, 2002 meeting. Motion carried with an affirmative “aye” vote.


Warren County:

  1. Public hearing on July 24, 2002 at 7:30 P.M. to receive comments on the proposed revision to the “Warren County Development Review Regulations.” A copy of the revised regulations is on file.


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  1. Letter to Joseph J. Bell, Esquire, Warren County Counsel, dated June 21, 2002, from William Edleston, Esq., regarding County of Warren Minor Subdivision Application (Hamlen property).

Resolution – Kevin Treich. Resolution memorializing the grant of Minor Subdivision approval for three new lots (two new building lots) and remainder, Application No. 222-02, Block 21, Lot 1; Block 22, Lot 1; Block 26, Lot 10, was reviewed as to its form and accuracy. Upon review, Dominick Esposito made a motion, seconded by James Adams, to adopt the Resolution as prepared. The vote is as follows:

IN FAVOR: Pasquarelli, Babula, Marchetta, Adams, Hoser, Carvalho, Rayna,




Motion carried. Resolution passed.

Resolution – Verizon Wireless. Resolution memorializing the grant of Minor Site Plan approval for co-location of twelve (12) panel antennae array on existing monopole telecommunications tower, Application No. 223-02, Allentown SMSA, d/B/A Verizon Wireless, Block 15, Lot 2, was reviewed as to its form and accuracy.

Debbie Pasquarelli discussed, briefly, the following condition:

  1. “The applicant shall submit its’ protocol regarding spillage to the Secretary of this Board to be made part of the record of this application”.

Ms. Pasquarelli requested that this report be submitted to the Environmental Commission and Attorney Edleston stated that a Certificate of Occupancy would not be issued until all conditions are satisfied.

Steve Babula made a motion, seconded by Ken Hoser, to adopt the resolution as prepared. The vote is as follows:

IN FAVOR: Pasquarelli, Babula, Marchetta, Adams, Hoser, Carvalho, Rayna,




Motion carried. Resolution passed.

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Resolution – Warren County. A revised Resolution was prepared and reviewed by the Board. James Adams made a motion, seconded by Ken Hoser to table the adoption of the Resolution until a response is received from Joseph Bell, Esq., Warren County Counsel.

IN FAVOR: Pasquarelli, Adams, Babula, Carvalho, Esposito, Hoser,

Marchetta, Rayna, Bolger, Waldt.



Motion carried. Resolution tabled.

Application #225-02, Christian Assembly Ministries Amended Preliminary Site Plan, Route 57, Completeness Determination. The applicant is making application for Amended Preliminary and Final Site Plan approval to allow for the construction of a 3,142 sq. ft. building expansion and a 4,000 sq. ft. picnic pavilion. The applicant’s proposal for the expansion of the church is considered a permitted use within both the B-1 and R-7 zone districts. In a report, dated July 8, 2002, from Michael Finelli, Mr. Finelli stated that the proposed picnic pavilion should be considered as an accessory structure and treated accordingly. Considering the pavilion as a permitted accessory structure, a variance from Township Ordinance Section 16-5.1.a will be required from the maximum allowable height for an accessory structure.

The preliminary site plan application was reviewed for a completeness determination and based upon Mr. Finelli’s recommendation, in his report of July 8, 2002, Frank Marchetta made a motion, seconded by James Adams, to deem incomplete Application #225-02, Christrian Assembly Ministries Amended Preliminary Site Plan. The vote is as follows:

IN FAVOR: Pasquarelli, Adams, Babula, Carvalho, Esposito, Hoser,

Marchetta, Rayna, Bolger, Waldt.



Motion carried. Application #225-02, Christian Assembly Ministries preliminary site plan deemed incomplete.

Application #226-02, Greenwich Presbyterian Church, Greenwich Church Road, Preliminary Site Plan approval, completeness determination. The application before the Board is for a two-story 3,820 sq. ft. expansion of the existing Presbyterian Church, which currently comprises an area of 8,590 sq. ft. The expansion is needed to provide additional rooms, which will separate the Nursery School classrooms from the children’s Sunday school classrooms. The variance relief requested relates to a violation of the front-yard setback.

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Peter Olieman, Engineer for the applicant, reviewed Michael Finelli’s report, dated July 8, 2002, with the Board. Upon review of the report, Dominick Esposito made a motion, seconded by Steve Babula, that preliminary site plan checklist items 27, 32, 36, 39, 56 and 43 do not apply as they relate to this application. The vote is as follows:

IN FAVOR: Pasquarelli, Adams, Babula, Carvalho, Esposito, Hoser,

Marchetta, Rayna, Bolger, Waldt.



Motion carried.

The applicant has requested the following waivers from the preliminary site plan checklist:

Item 33: Estimated vehicles visiting the site.

Mr. Olieman stated that vehicles will only be there on Sunday and

occasional meeting nights.

Item 34: Capability of handling additional traffic volumes.

Mr. Olieman stated that there would not be additional traffic volumes.

Item 37: Plans and profiles of driveways and intersecting streets.

Mr. Olieman stated the applicant is not proposing to modify the

driveways or add any new driveways. Parking is on the south side of the


Item 40: Proposed site lighting.

Mr. Olieman stated that the applicant is not proposing any new lighting.

Item 53: Stormwater management and stormwater control.

Mr. Olieman stated that the applicant is not proposing any detention

basin on site. Calculations were submitted to Mr. Finelli.

Item 54: Environmental Impact Statement.

Mr. Olieman stated that it is a developed site. No wetlands will be

disturbed. Most of the disturbances will take place in the property that is

wooded. There will be no impact on the schools.

Based on Mr. Finelli’s recommendation, in his report of July 8, 2002, Deborah Pasquarelli made a motion, seconded by Helio Carvalho, to grant the following waivers

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from the preliminary site plan checklist: items 33, 34, 37, 40, 53 and 54. The vote is as follows:

IN FAVOR: Pasquarelli, Adams, Babula, Carvalho, Esposito, Hoser,

Marchetta, Rayna, Bolger, Waldt.



Motion carried. Requested waivers granted.

Deborah Pasquarelli made a motion, seconded by James Adams, to deem complete Application #226-02, Greenwich Presbyterian Church Preliminary Site Plan. The vote is as follows:

IN FAVOR: Pasquarelli, Adams, Babula, Carvalho, Esposito, Hoser,

Marchetta, Rayna, Bolger, Waldt.



Motion carried. Application #226-02 deemed complete.

James Adams made a motion, seconded by Dominick Esposito, to schedule a public hearing for Application #226-02, Greenwich Presbyterian Church Preliminary Site Plan, on September 11, 2002. The vote is as follows:

IN FAVOR: Pasquarelli, Adams, Babula, Carvalho, Esposito, Hoser,

Marchetta, Rayna, Bolger, Waldt.



Motion carried. Public hearing will be held on September 11, 2002.

Attorney Edleston requested an extension of time until September 12, 2002, for the Board to act on the application. Mr. Olieman stated that an extension would be granted and will request the applicant’s attorney to put that in writing and forward to the Board.

Circulation Plan – Public Hearing. Notice of this Master Plan public hearing was given, as required by the Municipal Land Use Law.

  1. Notice of the hearing given by publication in the official newspaper of the municipality.
  2. Notice by certified mail to the clerk of an adjoining municipality.
  3. Notice by certified mail to the County planning board.

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Frank Marchetta made a motion, seconded by James Adams, to open the public hearing.

The vote is as follows:

IN FAVOR: Pasquarelli, Adams, Babula, Carvalho, Esposito, Hoser,

Marchetta, Rayna, Bolger, Waldt.



Motion carried. Public hearing is open.

Walter Lublanecki, Traffic Engineer, made the presentation to the Board and to the public. A diagram was shown showing the roadways, proposed and existing, and proposed intersection improvements.

The goals and objectives of this Circulation Plan were generated and consolidated after numerous workshop meetings with the Planning Board where direct recommendations were received from the members. The Circulation Plan was subsequently developed utilizing these goals and objectives as the main parameters for the Plan. They are summarized as follows:

  1. Provide for an internal roadway system to serve the needs of the residents and businesses of the township by developing local circulation patterns within and between neighborhoods that will allow free movement with the township without attracting regional through-traffic flows.
  1. Provide a roadway system that discourages through traffic by providing more attractive collector roadways that carry traffic around existing traffic around existing neighborhoods to desired destinations such as shopping centers and State and County arterial roadways.
  1. Establish non-vehicular linkages and greenways between residential neighborhoods and schools, municipal and recreational facilities and shopping centers.
  1. Provide a bypass route around the center of Stewartsville.
  1. Develop a plan that is consistent with ongoing open space and farmland preservation efforts.
  1. Provide for alternative parking for the residents of South Main Street.

The Township has aggressively pursued the improvement to the intersection of County Route 519, Dumont Road and Stryker’s Road. The improvements will consist of the

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widening of Route 519 and the realignment of Stryker’s Road to form a right angle four-way intersection with Route 519 and Dumont Road. The reconstruction of Stryker’s Road to align with Dumont Road and the signalization of this intersection with Route 519 will provide for the safe and efficient movement of traffic in this area. This roadway is designated as the Stryker’s Road Realignment Project (Road A).

Road B is a connector that goes from county Route 519 to Dumont Road. NJDOT is planning a connector roadway from Route 22 that intersects County Route 519 and ties into Dumont road. The segment of the connector roadway between Route 519 and Dumont Road will serve as a by-pass for the narrow section of Dumont road just east of Route 519 in the vicinity of Adams Drive and Jackson Road. In conjunction with the construction of Road B, the southbound left turn from route 519 to Dumont road should be prohibited. In addition, the intersection of road B and Dumont Road should be designed to encourage westbound vehicles on Dumont road to travel on Road B to access Route 519 instead of continuing on Dumont road. The no left turn would be proposed to the County. As it is a County road, the township can only make recommendations. Mr. Lublanecki stated that the objective of the Circulation Plan is to get traffic away from residential areas.

Road C is an extension of Dumont road. It is a collector road that would service the Research and Office area. The Dumont Road collector would curve to the north and run along property lines ending in a cul-de-sac to the east of the terminus of Wyndham Farm Boulevard and the Greenwich School. There would be no connection to Wyndham Farm Boulevard or the school prohibiting any through traffic movement on the Dumont Nonresidential Collector Road.

Road D is a nonresidential collector road off of South Main Street and its intersection with Beatty’s Road also serving the ROM zoned area to the west of I-78. The existing intersection of south Main Street and Beatty’s Road would be reconstructed to form a new four-way, right angle intersection with the new nonresidential collector road. The curve on the right would be eliminated. The collector road would run in a general westerly direction along property lines ending in a cul-de-sac. This will discourage through traffic.

Road E is the Beatty’s Road extension. An extension is proposed for Beatty’s Road, curving to the west from Greenwich Church Road and then south, crossing Route 173. This will serve as a collector roadway for the ROM zoned area to the north and south of Route 173.

Road F is a new nonresidential collector road proposed off of Route 173 at its intersection with Asbury Road, serving the ROM Zoned area to the south of I-78 between Route 173 and South Main Street. This will create a new four-way signalized

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intersection. This proposed road would prevent traffic from going onto South Main Street and keep traffic out of the township.

Road G is the Stewartsville Bypass Road. This road is proposed in the southwest quadrant of the intersection of North/South Main Street and Greenwich Street. The bypass road would intersect South Main Street just north of the Stewartsville Elementary School. This by-pass road would serve the residents of Greenwich on both sides of Greenwich Street and reduce traffic in the center of Stewartsville. It is intended mainly for local traffic.

Road J is the School Access Greenway. The new roadway is proposed running on the west side of and parallel to the bike path/jogging trail. The roadway will be constructed to local standards and serve as an emergency access for the greenway. The only vehicular traffic, which would be expected to utilize this roadway, would be emergency service vehicles such as police, fire or rescue. It would connect the Greenwich Township School off of Wyndham Farm Boulevard to the Stewartsville School off of South Main Street. The road would be a 20-foot wide cartway.

Currently, the bikeway along the northerly side of Greenwich Street between Dumont road and Stewartsville is funded via an NJDOT Trust Fund Grant and will soon be constructed. This will link the two major residential areas, Wyndham Farm and Greenwich Chase to the center of town, where sidewalks exist.

An additional non-vehicular link is proposed along the right-of-way of Oberly Street. This will allow users of the Greenwich Street bikeway to access the school without the need to travel to the center of town and south along Main Street. The path will run directly from Greenwich Street to the rear of the school property near the ball fields.

The plan also proposes the extension of the sidewalk along the westerly side of South Main Street from its currently southerly terminus to the Stewartsville Elementary School.

To address the problem of parking along south Main Street, two proposals were presented. There is an existing vacant parcel of land with approximately 60 feet of frontage on South Main Street located approximately 600 feet south of Fulmer Street. The portion of the land between South Main Street and the brook is relatively flat and will provide adequate parking for 16 cars in full-sized spaces. The development costs for this location are minimized because there is no stream crossing or extensive grading required. This location, however, is between two existing residences and is likely to have some impact on those residents.

An alternative configuration is to provide only n entrance aisle across the lot between the two existing residences and place the parking area on the westerly side of the brook. The shape of the lot is such that a larger parking area can be provided on the westerly side of

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the brook with parking for between 25 and 35 cars. This alternative is, of course, more expensive since it entrails a stream crossing, an extended access aisle, and a larger parking lot.

The primary goal and objective is to discourage regional through traffic from utilizing residential neighborhood streets. The following roadways are hereby reclassified as non-through streets:

  1. Arbor Drive
  2. Canal Crossing
  3. Dori Place
  4. Elizabeth Avenue
  5. Iron Wolf road
  6. Maxwell Drive
  7. “ROW” off Valerie Place
  8. Thomas Carling Drive
  9. Woodruff Road
  10. Wyndham Farm boulevard (both ends)

The Chair recognized the public for their comments and concerns. The following residents were heard:

Raymond Gray, 352 Hamilton Drive. Mr. Gray commended the planning board for the time and effort that they put into the Circulation Plan. Mr. Gray presented a booklet to the Board entitled “Response to Circulation Plan 2002” and his concerns were expressed in the booklet. In summary, Mr. Gray expressed the following concerns: